path: root/libc/sysdeps/linux
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Diffstat (limited to 'libc/sysdeps/linux')
2 files changed, 96 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/libc/sysdeps/linux/arm/crti.S b/libc/sysdeps/linux/arm/crti.S
index 0cacb1f10..4835b8331 100644
--- a/libc/sysdeps/linux/arm/crti.S
+++ b/libc/sysdeps/linux/arm/crti.S
@@ -1,26 +1,86 @@
.file "initfini.c"
.section .init
- .align 2
.global _init
.type _init, %function
+#if defined __thumb__
+ .align 1
+ .thumb
+ .thumb_func
- @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0
- @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0
- str lr, [sp, #-4]!
- .align 2
- .section .fini
+ push {r4-r7, lr}
.align 2
+ .arm
+ @ gcc 3.3.2 didn't create a stack frame, gcc 3.4.4 does -
+ @ presumably 3.4.4 can put stuff into .init which requires
+ @ the arguments to be saved. This code is copied from 3.4.4
+ mov ip, sp
+ stmdb sp!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, sl, fp, ip, lr, pc}
+ sub fp, ip, #4
+ .section .fini
.global _fini
.type _fini, %function
+#if defined __thumb__
+ .align 1
+ .thumb
+ .thumb_func
- @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0
- @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0
- str lr, [sp, #-4]!
- .align 2
+ push {r4-r7, lr}
+ .align 2
+ .arm
+ mov ip, sp
+ stmdb sp!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, sl, fp, ip, lr, pc}
+ sub fp, ip, #4
+#if (defined __thumb__ || defined __THUMB_INTERWORK__) && (defined __ARM_ARCH_4T__ || defined __ARM_ARCH_5T__ || defined __ARM_ARCH_5TE__)
+ @ To support thumb code it is currently necessary to have the _call_via_rX
+ @ functions exposed to the linker for any program or shared library. PLT
+ @ references are inadequate - the PLT zaps ip and therefore breaks _call_via_ip
+ @ (and the compiler does generate this). It is simpler to put all the
+ @ required code in here - it only amounts to 60 bytes overhead.
+ @NOTE: it would be better to have the compiler generate this stuff as
+ @ required...
+ .section ".text"
+ .align 0
+ .force_thumb
+.macro call_via register
+ .global _call_via_\register
+ .type _call_via_\register, %function
+ .weak _call_via_\register
+ .hidden _call_via_\register
+ .thumb_func
+ bx \register
+ nop
+ .size _call_via_\register, . - _call_via_\register
+ @ and calls for the 15 general purpose registers (2 bytes each).
+ call_via r0
+ call_via r1
+ call_via r2
+ call_via r3
+ call_via r4
+ call_via r5
+ call_via r6
+ call_via r7
+ call_via r8
+ call_via r9
+ call_via sl
+ call_via fp
+ call_via ip
+ call_via sp
+ call_via lr
.ident "GCC: (GNU) 3.3.2 20031005 (Debian prerelease)"
diff --git a/libc/sysdeps/linux/arm/crtn.S b/libc/sysdeps/linux/arm/crtn.S
index 851898de0..7a1ca1ab1 100644
--- a/libc/sysdeps/linux/arm/crtn.S
+++ b/libc/sysdeps/linux/arm/crtn.S
@@ -1,17 +1,34 @@
.file "initfini.c"
.section .init
- .align 2
.global _init
.type _init, %function
- ldr pc, [sp], #4
+#if defined __thumb__
+ .align 1
+ .thumb
+ @ this will not work on ARMv4T, but lots of stuff
+ @ in here won't work there anyway...
+ pop {r4-r7, pc}
+ .align 2
+ .arm
+ ldmdb fp, {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, sl, fp, sp, pc}
.size _init, .-_init
.section .fini
- .align 2
.global _fini
.type _fini, %function
- ldr pc, [sp], #4
+#if defined __thumb__
+ .align 1
+ .thumb
+ pop {r4-r7, pc}
+ .align 2
+ .arm
+ ldmdb fp, {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, sl, fp, sp, pc}
.size _fini, .-_fini
+ @ In fact this is modified to 3.4.4
.ident "GCC: (GNU) 3.3.2 20031005 (Debian prerelease)"