path: root/package
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'package')
7 files changed, 390 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/package/dansguardian/files/dansguardian.postinst b/package/dansguardian/files/dansguardian.postinst
index 80272f705..95f5fb639 100644
--- a/package/dansguardian/files/dansguardian.postinst
+++ b/package/dansguardian/files/dansguardian.postinst
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-add_user proxy $(get_next_uid) $gid /etc/dansguardian
-add_group proxy $gid
+add_user dansguardian $(get_next_uid) $gid /etc/dansguardian
+add_group dansguardian $gid
add_rcconf dansguardian dansguardian NO
diff --git a/package/iptables/files/firewall.conf b/package/iptables/files/firewall.conf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bc9a39c41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/iptables/files/firewall.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+echo "configure /etc/firewall.conf first."
+exit 1
+### Interfaces
+### Default ruleset
+### Create chains
+iptables -N input_rule
+iptables -N forwarding_rule
+iptables -t nat -N prerouting_rule
+iptables -t nat -N postrouting_rule
+### Default policy
+iptables -P INPUT DROP
+iptables -P FORWARD DROP
+### INPUT
+### (connections with the router as destination)
+# base case
+iptables -A INPUT -m state --state INVALID -j DROP
+iptables -A INPUT -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
+iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN SYN --tcp-option \! 2 -j DROP
+# custom rules
+iptables -A INPUT -j input_rule
+# allow access from anything but WAN
+iptables -A INPUT ${WAN:+\! -i $WAN} -j ACCEPT
+# allow icmp messages
+iptables -A INPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT
+# reject
+iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -j REJECT --reject-with tcp-reset
+iptables -A INPUT -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
+### (connections with the router as source)
+# base case
+iptables -A OUTPUT -m state --state INVALID -j DROP
+iptables -A OUTPUT -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
+### (connections routed through the router)
+# base case
+iptables -A FORWARD -m state --state INVALID -j DROP
+iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -o $WAN --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN -j TCPMSS --clamp-mss-to-pmtu
+iptables -A FORWARD -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
+# custom rules
+iptables -A FORWARD -j forwarding_rule
+iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -j prerouting_rule
+iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j postrouting_rule
+# allow LAN
+iptables -A FORWARD -i $LAN -o $WAN -j ACCEPT
+echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_dynaddr
+iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o $WAN -j MASQUERADE
+### Default ruleset end
+### Connections to the router
+# ssh
+#iptables -A input_rule -i $WAN -p tcp -s <a.b.c.d> --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
+# IPSec
+#iptables -A input_rule -i $WAN -p esp -s <a.b.c.d> -j ACCEPT
+#iptables -A input_rule -i $WAN -p udp -s <a.b.c.d> --dport 500 -j ACCEPT
+# OpenVPN
+#iptables -A input_rule -i $WAN -p udp -s <a.b.c.d> --dport 1194 -j ACCEPT
+#iptables -A input_rule -i $WAN -p gre -j ACCEPT
+#iptables -A input_rule -i $WAN -p tcp --dport 1723 -j ACCEPT
+### VPN traffic
+# IPSec
+#iptables -A forwarding_rule -o ipsec+ -j ACCEPT
+#iptables -A forwarding_rule -i ipsec+ -j ACCEPT
+# OpenVPN
+#iptables -A forwarding_rule -o tun+ -j ACCEPT
+#iptables -A forwarding_rule -i tun+ -j ACCEPT
+### Port forwardings to LAN
+#iptables -t nat -A prerouting_rule -i $WAN -p tcp --dport 3389 -j DNAT --to
+#iptables -A forwarding_rule -i $WAN -p tcp --dport 3389 -d -j ACCEPT
+# Transparent Bridging Proxy
+#ebtables -t broute -A BROUTING -p IPv4 --ip-protocol 6 \
+# --ip-destination-port 80 -j redirect --redirect-target ACCEPT
+#iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i br0 -p tcp --dport 80 \
+# -j REDIRECT --to-port 8080
diff --git a/package/iptables/files/firewall.init b/package/iptables/files/firewall.init
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b3ea698d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/iptables/files/firewall.init
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#PKG iptables
+#INIT 45
+. /etc/rc.conf
+case $1 in
+autostop) ;;
+ test x"${firewall:-NO}" = x"NO" && exit 0
+ exec sh $0 start
+ ;;
+ . /etc/firewall.conf
+ ;;
+ ### Clear tables
+ iptables -F
+ iptables -X
+ iptables -t nat -F
+ iptables -t nat -X
+ iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT
+ iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT
+ iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
+ iptables -t nat -P PREROUTING ACCEPT
+ iptables -t nat -P POSTROUTING ACCEPT
+ ;;
+ sh $0 stop
+ sh $0 start
+ ;;
+ echo "Usage: $0 {start | stop | restart}"
+ ;;
+exit $?
diff --git a/package/tinyproxy/Makefile b/package/tinyproxy/Makefile
index b359bbb75..5bf6a8af8 100644
--- a/package/tinyproxy/Makefile
+++ b/package/tinyproxy/Makefile
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ include ${TOPDIR}/
PKG_NAME:= tinyproxy
PKG_MD5SUM:= 2b2862ba33d2939e4572688d442ba415
PKG_DESCR:= Tinyproxy is a lightweight HTTP and HTTPS proxy.
@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ post-install:
${IDIR_TINYPROXY}/etc/tinyproxy \
+ ${INSTALL_DATA} ./files/tinyproxy.conf ${IDIR_TINYPROXY}/etc/tinyproxy
${INSTALL_BIN} ${WRKINST}/usr/sbin/tinyproxy ${IDIR_TINYPROXY}/usr/sbin/
${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKINST}/usr/share/tinyproxy/{debug,default,stats}.html ${IDIR_TINYPROXY}/usr/share/tinyproxy/
${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKINST}/usr/share/tinyproxy/HTML_VARIABLES ${IDIR_TINYPROXY}/usr/share/tinyproxy/
- ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKINST}/etc/tinyproxy/tinyproxy.conf ${IDIR_TINYPROXY}/etc/tinyproxy/
include ${TOPDIR}/mk/
diff --git a/package/tinyproxy/files/tinyproxy.conf b/package/tinyproxy/files/tinyproxy.conf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6460a2c88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/tinyproxy/files/tinyproxy.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+## tinyproxy.conf -- tinyproxy daemon configuration file
+# Name of the user the tinyproxy daemon should switch to after the port
+# has been bound.
+User tinyproxy
+Group tinyproxy
+# Port to listen on.
+Port 8888
+# If you have multiple interfaces this allows you to bind to only one. If
+# this is commented out, tinyproxy will bind to all interfaces present.
+# The Bind directive allows you to bind the outgoing connections to a
+# particular IP address.
+# Timeout: The number of seconds of inactivity a connection is allowed to
+# have before it closed by tinyproxy.
+Timeout 600
+# ErrorFile: Defines the HTML file to send when a given HTTP error
+# occurs. You will probably need to customize the location to your
+# particular install. The usual locations to check are:
+# /usr/local/share/tinyproxy
+# /usr/share/tinyproxy
+# /etc/tinyproxy
+# ErrorFile 404 "/usr/share/tinyproxy/404.html"
+# ErrorFile 400 "/usr/share/tinyproxy/400.html"
+# ErrorFile 503 "/usr/share/tinyproxy/503.html"
+# ErrorFile 403 "/usr/share/tinyproxy/403.html"
+# ErrorFile 408 "/usr/share/tinyproxy/408.html"
+# DefaultErrorFile: The HTML file that gets sent if there is no
+# HTML file defined with an ErrorFile keyword for the HTTP error
+# that has occured.
+DefaultErrorFile "/usr/share/tinyproxy/default.html"
+# StatFile: The HTML file that gets sent when a request is made
+# for the stathost. If this file doesn't exist a basic page is
+# hardcoded in tinyproxy.
+StatFile "/usr/share/tinyproxy/stats.html"
+# Where to log the information. Either LogFile or Syslog should be set,
+# but not both.
+Logfile "/var/log/tinyproxy.log"
+# Syslog On
+# Set the logging level. Allowed settings are:
+# Critical (least verbose)
+# Error
+# Warning
+# Notice
+# Connect (to log connections without Info's noise)
+# Info (most verbose)
+# The LogLevel logs from the set level and above. For example, if the LogLevel
+# was set to Warning, than all log messages from Warning to Critical would be
+# output, but Notice and below would be suppressed.
+LogLevel Critical
+# PidFile: Write the PID of the main tinyproxy thread to this file so it
+# can be used for signalling purposes.
+PidFile "/var/run/"
+# Include the X-Tinyproxy header, which has the client's IP address when
+# connecting to the sites listed.
+# Turns on upstream proxy support.
+# The upstream rules allow you to selectively route upstream connections
+# based on the host/domain of the site being accessed.
+# For example:
+# # connection to test domain goes through testproxy
+# upstream testproxy:8008 ".test.domain.invalid"
+# upstream testproxy:8008 ""
+# upstream testproxy:8008 ""
+# # no upstream proxy for internal websites and unqualified hosts
+# no upstream ""
+# no upstream ""
+# no upstream ""
+# no upstream ""
+# no upstream "."
+# # connection to these boxes go through their DMZ firewalls
+# upstream cust1_firewall:8008 "testbed_for_cust1"
+# upstream cust2_firewall:8008 "testbed_for_cust2"
+# # default upstream is internet firewall
+# upstream
+# The LAST matching rule wins the route decision. As you can see, you
+# can use a host, or a domain:
+# name matches host exactly
+# .name matches any host in domain "name"
+# . matches any host with no domain (in 'empty' domain)
+# IP/bits matches network/mask
+# IP/mask matches network/mask
+#Upstream some.remote.proxy:port
+# This is the absolute highest number of threads which will be created. In
+# other words, only MaxClients number of clients can be connected at the
+# same time.
+MaxClients 100
+# These settings set the upper and lower limit for the number of
+# spare servers which should be available. If the number of spare servers
+# falls below MinSpareServers then new ones will be created. If the number
+# of servers exceeds MaxSpareServers then the extras will be killed off.
+MinSpareServers 5
+MaxSpareServers 20
+# Number of servers to start initially.
+StartServers 10
+# MaxRequestsPerChild is the number of connections a thread will handle
+# before it is killed. In practise this should be set to 0, which disables
+# thread reaping. If you do notice problems with memory leakage, then set
+# this to something like 10000
+MaxRequestsPerChild 0
+# The following is the authorization controls. If there are any access
+# control keywords then the default action is to DENY. Otherwise, the
+# default action is ALLOW.
+# Also the order of the controls are important. The incoming connections
+# are tested against the controls based on order.
+# The "Via" header is required by the HTTP RFC, but using the real host name
+# is a security concern. If the following directive is enabled, the string
+# supplied will be used as the host name in the Via header; otherwise, the
+# server's host name will be used.
+ViaProxyName "tinyproxy"
+# The location of the filter file.
+#Filter "/etc/tinyproxy/filter"
+# Filter based on URLs rather than domains.
+#FilterURLs On
+# Use POSIX Extended regular expressions rather than basic.
+#FilterExtended On
+# Use case sensitive regular expressions.
+#FilterCaseSensitive On
+# Change the default policy of the filtering system. If this directive is
+# commented out, or is set to "No" then the default policy is to allow
+# everything which is not specifically denied by the filter file.
+# However, by setting this directive to "Yes" the default policy becomes to
+# deny everything which is _not_ specifically allowed by the filter file.
+#FilterDefaultDeny Yes
+# If an Anonymous keyword is present, then anonymous proxying is enabled.
+# The headers listed are allowed through, while all others are denied. If
+# no Anonymous keyword is present, then all header are allowed through.
+# You must include quotes around the headers.
+#Anonymous "Host"
+#Anonymous "Authorization"
+# This is a list of ports allowed by tinyproxy when the CONNECT method
+# is used. To disable the CONNECT method altogether, set the value to 0.
+# If no ConnectPort line is found, all ports are allowed (which is not
+# very secure.)
+# The following two ports are used by SSL.
+ConnectPort 443
+ConnectPort 563
diff --git a/package/tinyproxy/files/tinyproxy.init b/package/tinyproxy/files/tinyproxy.init
index 26bd7c0df..cdf86e049 100644
--- a/package/tinyproxy/files/tinyproxy.init
+++ b/package/tinyproxy/files/tinyproxy.init
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ start)
pkill tinyproxy
+ rm /var/run/
sh $0 stop
diff --git a/package/tinyproxy/files/tinyproxy.postinst b/package/tinyproxy/files/tinyproxy.postinst
index 4965f625d..903927e49 100644
--- a/package/tinyproxy/files/tinyproxy.postinst
+++ b/package/tinyproxy/files/tinyproxy.postinst
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+add_user tinyproxy $(get_next_uid) $gid /etc/tinyproxy
+add_group tinyproxy $gid
add_rcconf tinyproxy tinyproxy NO