path: root/package/mxml
diff options
authorWaldemar Brodkorb <>2011-05-12 12:36:21 +0200
committerWaldemar Brodkorb <>2011-05-12 12:36:21 +0200
commit8732b26738a41671d8d2223e4d629c20c7e622cc (patch)
tree06c8c984653e39d2039f5fc262cf97ec9140ed65 /package/mxml
parent6964a9c72877e278846d19174819b720b2815ae1 (diff)
add forked-daapd server and all deps
Diffstat (limited to 'package/mxml')
6 files changed, 1900 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/package/mxml/Makefile b/package/mxml/Makefile
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c64a58f73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/mxml/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# This file is part of the OpenADK project. OpenADK is copyrighted
+# material, please see the LICENCE file in the top-level directory.
+include ${TOPDIR}/
+PKG_NAME:= mxml
+PKG_MD5SUM:= 68977789ae64985dddbd1a1a1652642e
+PKG_DESCR:= lightweight XML library
+include ${TOPDIR}/mk/
+$(eval $(call PKG_template,LIBMXML,libmxml,${PKG_VERSION}-${PKG_RELEASE},${PKG_DEPENDS},${PKG_DESCR},${PKG_SECTION}))
+ ${CP} ${WRKINST}/usr/lib/* ${IDIR_LIBMXML}/usr/lib
+include ${TOPDIR}/mk/
diff --git a/package/mxml/patches/patch-Makefile_in b/package/mxml/patches/patch-Makefile_in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5ed9231f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/mxml/patches/patch-Makefile_in
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+--- mxml-2.6.orig/ 2008-12-06 05:20:38.000000000 +0100
++++ mxml-2.6/ 2011-05-10 13:06:25.000000000 +0200
+@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ PUBLIBOBJS = mxml-attr.o mxml-entity.o m
+ mxml-node.o mxml-search.o mxml-set.o
+ LIBOBJS = $(PUBLIBOBJS) mxml-private.o mxml-string.o
+ OBJS = mxmldoc.o testmxml.o $(LIBOBJS)
+-TARGETS = $(LIBMXML) mxmldoc testmxml mxml.xml doc/
+ #
+@@ -133,21 +133,21 @@ clang:
+ # Install everything...
+ #
+-install: $(TARGETS) install-$(LIBMXML) install-libmxml.a
++install: $(TARGETS) install-$(LIBMXML)
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(BUILDROOT)$(bindir)
+- $(INSTALL_BIN) mxmldoc $(BUILDROOT)$(bindir)
+- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(BUILDROOT)$(docdir)
+- for file in $(DOCFILES); do \
+- $(INSTALL_MAN) $$file $(BUILDROOT)$(docdir); \
+- done
++ #$(INSTALL_BIN) mxmldoc $(BUILDROOT)$(bindir)
++ #$(INSTALL_DIR) $(BUILDROOT)$(docdir)
++ #for file in $(DOCFILES); do \
++ # $(INSTALL_MAN) $$file $(BUILDROOT)$(docdir); \
++ #done
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(BUILDROOT)$(includedir)
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) mxml.h $(BUILDROOT)$(includedir)
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(BUILDROOT)$(libdir)/pkgconfig
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) mxml.pc $(BUILDROOT)$(libdir)/pkgconfig
+- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(BUILDROOT)$(mandir)/man1
+- $(INSTALL_MAN) doc/ $(BUILDROOT)$(mandir)/man1/mxmldoc.1
+- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(BUILDROOT)$(mandir)/man3
+- $(INSTALL_MAN) doc/ $(BUILDROOT)$(mandir)/man3/mxml.3
++ #$(INSTALL_DIR) $(BUILDROOT)$(mandir)/man1
++ #$(INSTALL_MAN) doc/ $(BUILDROOT)$(mandir)/man1/mxmldoc.1
++ #$(INSTALL_DIR) $(BUILDROOT)$(mandir)/man3
++ #$(INSTALL_MAN) doc/ $(BUILDROOT)$(mandir)/man3/mxml.3
+ install-libmxml.a:
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(BUILDROOT)$(libdir)
+@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ mxmldoc: $(LIBMXML) mxmldoc.o
+ $(CC) -L. $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ mxmldoc.o -lmxml $(LIBS)
+ mxmldoc-static: libmxml.a mxmldoc.o
+- $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ mxmldoc.o libmxml.a $(LIBS)
++ $(CC_FOR_BUILD) $(LDFLAGS_FOR_BUILD) -o $@ mxmldoc.o libmxml.a $(LIBS)
+ mxmldoc.o: mxml.h
+@@ -304,28 +304,7 @@ mxmldoc.o: mxml.h
+ #
+ testmxml: libmxml.a testmxml.o
+- $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ testmxml.o libmxml.a $(LIBS)
+- @echo Testing library...
+- ./testmxml test.xml >temp1.xml 2>temp1s.xml
+- ./testmxml temp1.xml >temp2.xml 2>temp2s.xml
+- @if cmp temp1.xml temp2.xml; then \
+- echo Stdio file test passed!; \
+- $(RM) temp2.xml temp2s.xml; \
+- else \
+- echo Stdio file test failed!; \
+- fi
+- @if cmp temp1.xml temp1s.xml; then \
+- echo String test passed!; \
+- $(RM) temp1.xml temp1s.xml; \
+- else \
+- echo String test failed!; \
+- fi
+- @if cmp test.xml test.xmlfd; then \
+- echo File descriptor test passed!; \
+- $(RM) test.xmlfd; \
+- else \
+- echo File descriptor test failed!; \
+- fi
++ $(CC_FOR_BUILD) $(LDFLAGS_FOR_BUILD) -o $@ testmxml.o libmxml.a $(LIBS)
+ testmxml.o: mxml.h
+@@ -336,19 +315,7 @@ testmxml.o: mxml.h
+ mxml.xml: mxmldoc-static mxml.h $(PUBLIBOBJS:.o=.c)
+ $(RM) mxml.xml
+- ./mxmldoc-static --header doc/reference.heading mxml.xml mxml.h $(PUBLIBOBJS:.o=.c) >doc/reference.html
+- if test "x`uname`" = xDarwin; then \
+- ./mxmldoc-static --docset org.minixml.docset \
+- --docversion @VERSION@ --feedname \
+- --feedurl \
+- --header doc/docset.header --intro doc/docset.intro \
+- --css doc/docset.css --title "Mini-XML API Reference" \
+- mxml.xml || exit 1; \
+- /Developer/usr/bin/docsetutil package --output org.minixml.xar \
+- --atom org.minixml.atom \
+- --download-url \
+- org.minixml.docset || exit 1; \
+- fi
++ #./mxmldoc-static --header doc/reference.heading mxml.xml mxml.h $(PUBLIBOBJS:.o=.c) >doc/reference.html
+ valgrind: mxmldoc-static
+ $(RM) valgrind.xml
diff --git a/package/mxml/patches/patch-Makefile_in.orig b/package/mxml/patches/patch-Makefile_in.orig
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..efe63f91a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/mxml/patches/patch-Makefile_in.orig
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+--- mxml-2.6.orig/ 2008-12-06 05:20:38.000000000 +0100
++++ mxml-2.6/ 2011-05-10 13:05:50.000000000 +0200
+@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ PUBLIBOBJS = mxml-attr.o mxml-entity.o m
+ mxml-node.o mxml-search.o mxml-set.o
+ LIBOBJS = $(PUBLIBOBJS) mxml-private.o mxml-string.o
+ OBJS = mxmldoc.o testmxml.o $(LIBOBJS)
+-TARGETS = $(LIBMXML) mxmldoc testmxml mxml.xml doc/
+ #
+@@ -133,13 +133,13 @@ clang:
+ # Install everything...
+ #
+-install: $(TARGETS) install-$(LIBMXML) install-libmxml.a
++install: $(TARGETS) install-$(LIBMXML)
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(BUILDROOT)$(bindir)
+- $(INSTALL_BIN) mxmldoc $(BUILDROOT)$(bindir)
+- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(BUILDROOT)$(docdir)
+- for file in $(DOCFILES); do \
+- $(INSTALL_MAN) $$file $(BUILDROOT)$(docdir); \
+- done
++ #$(INSTALL_BIN) mxmldoc $(BUILDROOT)$(bindir)
++ #$(INSTALL_DIR) $(BUILDROOT)$(docdir)
++ #for file in $(DOCFILES); do \
++ # $(INSTALL_MAN) $$file $(BUILDROOT)$(docdir); \
++ #done
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(BUILDROOT)$(includedir)
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) mxml.h $(BUILDROOT)$(includedir)
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(BUILDROOT)$(libdir)/pkgconfig
+@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ mxmldoc: $(LIBMXML) mxmldoc.o
+ $(CC) -L. $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ mxmldoc.o -lmxml $(LIBS)
+ mxmldoc-static: libmxml.a mxmldoc.o
+- $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ mxmldoc.o libmxml.a $(LIBS)
++ $(CC_FOR_BUILD) $(LDFLAGS_FOR_BUILD) -o $@ mxmldoc.o libmxml.a $(LIBS)
+ mxmldoc.o: mxml.h
+@@ -304,28 +304,7 @@ mxmldoc.o: mxml.h
+ #
+ testmxml: libmxml.a testmxml.o
+- $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ testmxml.o libmxml.a $(LIBS)
+- @echo Testing library...
+- ./testmxml test.xml >temp1.xml 2>temp1s.xml
+- ./testmxml temp1.xml >temp2.xml 2>temp2s.xml
+- @if cmp temp1.xml temp2.xml; then \
+- echo Stdio file test passed!; \
+- $(RM) temp2.xml temp2s.xml; \
+- else \
+- echo Stdio file test failed!; \
+- fi
+- @if cmp temp1.xml temp1s.xml; then \
+- echo String test passed!; \
+- $(RM) temp1.xml temp1s.xml; \
+- else \
+- echo String test failed!; \
+- fi
+- @if cmp test.xml test.xmlfd; then \
+- echo File descriptor test passed!; \
+- $(RM) test.xmlfd; \
+- else \
+- echo File descriptor test failed!; \
+- fi
++ $(CC_FOR_BUILD) $(LDFLAGS_FOR_BUILD) -o $@ testmxml.o libmxml.a $(LIBS)
+ testmxml.o: mxml.h
+@@ -336,19 +315,7 @@ testmxml.o: mxml.h
+ mxml.xml: mxmldoc-static mxml.h $(PUBLIBOBJS:.o=.c)
+ $(RM) mxml.xml
+- ./mxmldoc-static --header doc/reference.heading mxml.xml mxml.h $(PUBLIBOBJS:.o=.c) >doc/reference.html
+- if test "x`uname`" = xDarwin; then \
+- ./mxmldoc-static --docset org.minixml.docset \
+- --docversion @VERSION@ --feedname \
+- --feedurl \
+- --header doc/docset.header --intro doc/docset.intro \
+- --css doc/docset.css --title "Mini-XML API Reference" \
+- mxml.xml || exit 1; \
+- /Developer/usr/bin/docsetutil package --output org.minixml.xar \
+- --atom org.minixml.atom \
+- --download-url \
+- org.minixml.docset || exit 1; \
+- fi
++ #./mxmldoc-static --header doc/reference.heading mxml.xml mxml.h $(PUBLIBOBJS:.o=.c) >doc/reference.html
+ valgrind: mxmldoc-static
+ $(RM) valgrind.xml
diff --git a/package/mxml/patches/patch-configure b/package/mxml/patches/patch-configure
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5c8b5da9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/mxml/patches/patch-configure
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+--- mxml-2.6.orig/configure 2009-04-18 19:05:52.000000000 +0200
++++ mxml-2.6/configure 2011-05-10 12:55:05.000000000 +0200
+@@ -1778,8 +1778,8 @@ else
+ fi
+-uversion=`uname -r | sed -e '1,$s/[^0-9]//g'`
+ if test x$uname = xIRIX64; then
+ uname="IRIX"
+ fi
+@@ -3479,15 +3479,7 @@ fi
+-case "$uname" in
+- Darwin* | *BSD*)
+- ARFLAGS="-rcv"
+- ;;
+- *)
+- ARFLAGS="crvs"
+- ;;
diff --git a/package/mxml/patches/patch-doc_reference_html b/package/mxml/patches/patch-doc_reference_html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0fa8d3521
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/mxml/patches/patch-doc_reference_html
@@ -0,0 +1,1638 @@
+--- mxml-2.6.orig/doc/reference.html 2009-03-19 06:38:52.000000000 +0100
++++ mxml-2.6/doc/reference.html 2011-05-10 12:57:21.000000000 +0200
+@@ -1,1635 +0,0 @@
+-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
+-<meta name="creator" content="Mini-XML v2.6">
+-<style type="text/css"><!--
+-body, p, h1, h2, h3, h4 {
+- font-family: lucida grande, geneva, helvetica, arial, sans-serif;
+-div.body h1 {
+- font-size: 250%;
+- font-weight: bold;
+- margin: 0;
+-div.body h2 {
+- font-size: 250%;
+- margin-top: 1.5em;
+-div.body h3 {
+- font-size: 150%;
+- margin-bottom: 0.5em;
+- margin-top: 1.5em;
+-div.body h4 {
+- font-size: 110%;
+- margin-bottom: 0.5em;
+- margin-top: 1.5em;
+-div.body h5 {
+- font-size: 100%;
+- margin-bottom: 0.5em;
+- margin-top: 1.5em;
+-div.contents {
+- background: #e8e8e8;
+- border: solid thin black;
+- padding: 10px;
+-div.contents h1 {
+- font-size: 110%;
+-div.contents h2 {
+- font-size: 100%;
+-div.contents ul.contents {
+- font-size: 80%;
+-.class {
+- border-bottom: solid 2px gray;
+-.constants {
+-.description {
+- margin-top: 0.5em;
+-.discussion {
+-.enumeration {
+- border-bottom: solid 2px gray;
+-.function {
+- border-bottom: solid 2px gray;
+- margin-bottom: 0;
+-.members {
+-.method {
+-.parameters {
+-.returnvalue {
+-.struct {
+- border-bottom: solid 2px gray;
+-.typedef {
+- border-bottom: solid 2px gray;
+-.union {
+- border-bottom: solid 2px gray;
+-.variable {
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+- font-family: monaco, courier, monospace;
+- font-size: 90%;
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+- text-decoration: none;
+-} {
+- background: black;
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+- font-size: 80%;
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+- font-weight: bold;
+- white-space: nowrap;
+-h3, h4 {
+- float: right;
+- font-size: 100%;
+-ul.code, ul.contents, ul.subcontents {
+- list-style-type: none;
+- margin: 0;
+- padding-left: 0;
+-ul.code li {
+- margin: 0;
+-ul.contents > li {
+- margin-top: 1em;
+-ul.contents li ul.code, ul.contents li ul.subcontents {
+- padding-left: 2em;
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+- margin-top: 0;
+-div.body dt {
+- font-style: italic;
+- margin-top: 0;
+-div.body dd {
+- margin-bottom: 0.5em;
+-h1.title {
+-h2.title {
+- border-bottom: solid 2px black;
+-h3.title {
+- border-bottom: solid 2px black;
+-<div class='body'>
+-<h1 align='right'><a name='REFERENCE'><img src="C.gif" align="right"
+-hspace="10" width="100" height="100" alt="C"></a>Library
+-<h2 class="title">Contents</h2>
+-<ul class="contents">
+-<li><a href="#FUNCTIONS">Functions</a><ul class="code">
+-<li><a href="#mxmlAdd" title="Add a node to a tree.">mxmlAdd</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlDelete" title="Delete a node and all of its children.">mxmlDelete</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlElementDeleteAttr" title="Delete an attribute.">mxmlElementDeleteAttr</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlElementGetAttr" title="Get an attribute.">mxmlElementGetAttr</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlElementSetAttr" title="Set an attribute.">mxmlElementSetAttr</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlElementSetAttrf" title="Set an attribute with a formatted value.">mxmlElementSetAttrf</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlEntityAddCallback" title="Add a callback to convert entities to Unicode.">mxmlEntityAddCallback</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlEntityGetName" title="Get the name that corresponds to the character value.">mxmlEntityGetName</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlEntityGetValue" title="Get the character corresponding to a named entity.">mxmlEntityGetValue</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlEntityRemoveCallback" title="Remove a callback.">mxmlEntityRemoveCallback</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlFindElement" title="Find the named element.">mxmlFindElement</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlIndexDelete" title="Delete an index.">mxmlIndexDelete</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlIndexEnum" title="Return the next node in the index.">mxmlIndexEnum</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlIndexFind" title="Find the next matching node.">mxmlIndexFind</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlIndexNew" title="Create a new index.">mxmlIndexNew</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlIndexReset" title="Reset the enumeration/find pointer in the index and
+-return the first node in the index.">mxmlIndexReset</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlLoadFd" title="Load a file descriptor into an XML node tree.">mxmlLoadFd</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlLoadFile" title="Load a file into an XML node tree.">mxmlLoadFile</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlLoadString" title="Load a string into an XML node tree.">mxmlLoadString</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlNewCDATA" title="Create a new CDATA node.">mxmlNewCDATA</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlNewCustom" title="Create a new custom data node.">mxmlNewCustom</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlNewElement" title="Create a new element node.">mxmlNewElement</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlNewInteger" title="Create a new integer node.">mxmlNewInteger</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlNewOpaque" title="Create a new opaque string.">mxmlNewOpaque</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlNewReal" title="Create a new real number node.">mxmlNewReal</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlNewText" title="Create a new text fragment node.">mxmlNewText</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlNewTextf" title="Create a new formatted text fragment node.">mxmlNewTextf</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlNewXML" title="Create a new XML document tree.">mxmlNewXML</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlRelease" title="Release a node.">mxmlRelease</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlRemove" title="Remove a node from its parent.">mxmlRemove</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlRetain" title="Retain a node.">mxmlRetain</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlSAXLoadFd" title="Load a file descriptor into an XML node tree
+-using a SAX callback.">mxmlSAXLoadFd</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlSAXLoadFile" title="Load a file into an XML node tree
+-using a SAX callback.">mxmlSAXLoadFile</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlSAXLoadString" title="Load a string into an XML node tree
+-using a SAX callback.">mxmlSAXLoadString</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlSaveAllocString" title="Save an XML node tree to an allocated string.">mxmlSaveAllocString</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlSaveFd" title="Save an XML tree to a file descriptor.">mxmlSaveFd</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlSaveFile" title="Save an XML tree to a file.">mxmlSaveFile</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlSaveString" title="Save an XML node tree to a string.">mxmlSaveString</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlSetCDATA" title="Set the element name of a CDATA node.">mxmlSetCDATA</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlSetCustom" title="Set the data and destructor of a custom data node.">mxmlSetCustom</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlSetCustomHandlers" title="Set the handling functions for custom data.">mxmlSetCustomHandlers</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlSetElement" title="Set the name of an element node.">mxmlSetElement</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlSetErrorCallback" title="Set the error message callback.">mxmlSetErrorCallback</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlSetInteger" title="Set the value of an integer node.">mxmlSetInteger</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlSetOpaque" title="Set the value of an opaque node.">mxmlSetOpaque</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlSetReal" title="Set the value of a real number node.">mxmlSetReal</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlSetText" title="Set the value of a text node.">mxmlSetText</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlSetTextf" title="Set the value of a text node to a formatted string.">mxmlSetTextf</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlSetWrapMargin" title="Set the the wrap margin when saving XML data.">mxmlSetWrapMargin</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlWalkNext" title="Walk to the next logical node in the tree.">mxmlWalkNext</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#mxmlWalkPrev" title="Walk to the previous logical node in the tree.">mxmlWalkPrev</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#TYPES">Data Types</a><ul class="code">
+- <li><a href="#mxml_attr_t" title="An XML element attribute value.">mxml_attr_t</a></li>
+- <li><a href="#mxml_custom_destroy_cb_t" title="Custom data destructor">mxml_custom_destroy_cb_t</a></li>
+- <li><a href="#mxml_custom_load_cb_t" title="Custom data load callback function">mxml_custom_load_cb_t</a></li>
+- <li><a href="#mxml_custom_save_cb_t" title="Custom data save callback function">mxml_custom_save_cb_t</a></li>
+- <li><a href="#mxml_custom_t" title="An XML custom value. ">mxml_custom_t</a></li>
+- <li><a href="#mxml_element_t" title="An XML element value.">mxml_element_t</a></li>
+- <li><a href="#mxml_entity_cb_t" title="Entity callback function">mxml_entity_cb_t</a></li>
+- <li><a href="#mxml_error_cb_t" title="Error callback function">mxml_error_cb_t</a></li>
+- <li><a href="#mxml_index_t" title="An XML node index.">mxml_index_t</a></li>
+- <li><a href="#mxml_load_cb_t" title="Load callback function">mxml_load_cb_t</a></li>
+- <li><a href="#mxml_node_t" title="An XML node.">mxml_node_t</a></li>
+- <li><a href="#mxml_save_cb_t" title="Save callback function">mxml_save_cb_t</a></li>
+- <li><a href="#mxml_sax_cb_t" title="SAX callback function">mxml_sax_cb_t</a></li>
+- <li><a href="#mxml_sax_event_t" title="SAX event type.">mxml_sax_event_t</a></li>
+- <li><a href="#mxml_text_t" title="An XML text value.">mxml_text_t</a></li>
+- <li><a href="#mxml_type_t" title="The XML node type.">mxml_type_t</a></li>
+- <li><a href="#mxml_value_t" title="An XML node value.">mxml_value_t</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#STRUCTURES">Structures</a><ul class="code">
+- <li><a href="#mxml_attr_s" title="An XML element attribute value.">mxml_attr_s</a></li>
+- <li><a href="#mxml_custom_s" title="An XML custom value. ">mxml_custom_s</a></li>
+- <li><a href="#mxml_element_s" title="An XML element value.">mxml_element_s</a></li>
+- <li><a href="#mxml_index_s" title="An XML node index.">mxml_index_s</a></li>
+- <li><a href="#mxml_node_s" title="An XML node.">mxml_node_s</a></li>
+- <li><a href="#mxml_text_s" title="An XML text value.">mxml_text_s</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#UNIONS">Unions</a><ul class="code">
+- <li><a href="#mxml_value_u" title="An XML node value.">mxml_value_u</a></li>
+-<li><a href="#ENUMERATIONS">Constants</a><ul class="code">
+- <li><a href="#mxml_sax_event_e" title="SAX event type.">mxml_sax_event_e</a></li>
+- <li><a href="#mxml_type_e" title="The XML node type.">mxml_type_e</a></li>
+-<h2 class="title"><a name="FUNCTIONS">Functions</a></h2>
+-<h3 class="function"><a name="mxmlAdd">mxmlAdd</a></h3>
+-<p class="description">Add a node to a tree.</p>
+-<p class="code">
+-void mxmlAdd (<br>
+-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#mxml_node_t">mxml_node_t</a> *parent,<br>
+-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;int where,<br>
+-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#mxml_node_t">mxml_node_t</a> *child,<br>
+-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#mxml_node_t">mxml_node_t</a> *node<br>
+-<h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
+-<dd class="description">Parent node</dd>
+-<dd class="description">Where to add, MXML_ADD_BEFORE or MXML_ADD_AFTER</dd>
+-<dd class="description">Child node for where or MXML_ADD_TO_PARENT</dd>
+-<dd class="description">Node to add</dd>
+-<h4 class="discussion">Discussion</h4>
+-<p class="discussion">Adds the specified node to the parent. If the child argument is not
+-NULL, puts the new node before or after the specified child depending
+-on the value of the where argument. If the child argument is NULL,
+-puts the new node at the beginning of the child list (MXML_ADD_BEFORE)
+-or at the end of the child list (MXML_ADD_AFTER). The constant
+-MXML_ADD_TO_PARENT can be used to specify a NULL child pointer.</p>
+-<h3 class="function"><a name="mxmlDelete">mxmlDelete</a></h3>
+-<p class="description">Delete a node and all of its children.</p>
+-<p class="code">
+-void mxmlDelete (<br>
+-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#mxml_node_t">mxml_node_t</a> *node<br>
+-<h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
+-<dd class="description">Node to delete</dd>
+-<h4 class="discussion">Discussion</h4>
+-<p class="discussion">If the specified node has a parent, this function first removes the
+-node from its parent using the mxmlRemove() function.</p>
+-<h3 class="function"><span class="info">&nbsp;Mini-XML 2.4&nbsp;</span><a name="mxmlElementDeleteAttr">mxmlElementDeleteAttr</a></h3>
+-<p class="description">Delete an attribute.</p>
+-<p class="code">
+-void mxmlElementDeleteAttr (<br>
+-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#mxml_node_t">mxml_node_t</a> *node,<br>
+-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;const char *name<br>
+-<h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
+-<dd class="description">Element</dd>
+-<dd class="description">Attribute name</dd>
+-<h3 class="function"><a name="mxmlElementGetAttr">mxmlElementGetAttr</a></h3>
+-<p class="description">Get an attribute.</p>
+-<p class="code">
+-const char *mxmlElementGetAttr (<br>
+-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#mxml_node_t">mxml_node_t</a> *node,<br>
+-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;const char *name<br>
+-<h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
+-<dd class="description">Element node</dd>
+-<dd class="description">Name of attribute</dd>
+-<h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
+-<p class="description">Attribute value or NULL</p>
+-<h4 class="discussion">Discussion</h4>
+-<p class="discussion">This function returns NULL if the node is not an element or the
+-named attribute does not exist.</p>
+-<h3 class="function"><a name="mxmlElementSetAttr">mxmlElementSetAttr</a></h3>
+-<p class="description">Set an attribute.</p>
+-<p class="code">
+-void mxmlElementSetAttr (<br>
+-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#mxml_node_t">mxml_node_t</a> *node,<br>
+-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;const char *name,<br>
+-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;const char *value<br>
+-<h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
+-<dd class="description">Element node</dd>
+-<dd class="description">Name of attribute</dd>
+-<dd class="description">Attribute value</dd>
+-<h4 class="discussion">Discussion</h4>
+-<p class="discussion">If the named attribute already exists, the value of the attribute
+-is replaced by the new string value. The string value is copied
+-into the element node. This function does nothing if the node is
+-not an element.</p>
+-<h3 class="function"><span class="info">&nbsp;Mini-XML 2.3&nbsp;</span><a name="mxmlElementSetAttrf">mxmlElementSetAttrf</a></h3>
+-<p class="description">Set an attribute with a formatted value.</p>
+-<p class="code">
+-void mxmlElementSetAttrf (<br>
+-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#mxml_node_t">mxml_node_t</a> *node,<br>
+-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;const char *name,<br>
+-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;const char *format,<br>
+-<h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
+-<dd class="description">Element node</dd>
+-<dd class="description">Name of attribute</dd>
+-<dd class="description">Printf-style attribute value</dd>
+-<dd class="description">Additional arguments as needed</dd>
+-<h4 class="discussion">Discussion</h4>
+-<p class="discussion">If the named attribute already exists, the value of the attribute
+-is replaced by the new formatted string. The formatted string value is
+-copied into the element node. This function does nothing if the node
+-is not an element.
+-<h3 class="function"><a name="mxmlEntityAddCallback">mxmlEntityAddCallback</a></h3>
+-<p class="description">Add a callback to convert entities to Unicode.</p>
+-<p class="code">
+-int mxmlEntityAddCallback (<br>
+-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#mxml_entity_cb_t">mxml_entity_cb_t</a> cb<br>
+-<h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
+-<dd class="description">Callback function to add</dd>
+-<h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
+-<p class="description">0 on success, -1 on failure</p>
+-<h3 class="function"><a name="mxmlEntityGetName">mxmlEntityGetName</a></h3>
+-<p class="description">Get the name that corresponds to the character value.</p>
+-<p class="code">
+-const char *mxmlEntityGetName (<br>
+-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;int val<br>
+-<h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
+-<dd class="description">Character value</dd>
+-<h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
+-<p class="description">Entity name or NULL</p>
+-<h4 class="discussion">Discussion</h4>
+-<p class="discussion">If val does not need to be represented by a named entity, NULL is returned.</p>
+-<h3 class="function"><a name="mxmlEntityGetValue">mxmlEntityGetValue</a></h3>
+-<p class="description">Get the character corresponding to a named entity.</p>
+-<p class="code">
+-int mxmlEntityGetValue (<br>
+-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;const char *name<br>
+-<h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
+-<dd class="description">Entity name</dd>
+-<h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
+-<p class="description">Character value or -1 on error</p>
+-<h4 class="discussion">Discussion</h4>
+-<p class="discussion">The entity name can also be a numeric constant. -1 is returned if the
+-name is not known.</p>
+-<h3 class="function"><a name="mxmlEntityRemoveCallback">mxmlEntityRemoveCallback</a></h3>
+-<p class="description">Remove a callback.</p>
+-<p class="code">
+-void mxmlEntityRemoveCallback (<br>
+-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#mxml_entity_cb_t">mxml_entity_cb_t</a> cb<br>
+-<h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
+-<dd class="description">Callback function to remove</dd>
+-<h3 class="function"><a name="mxmlFindElement">mxmlFindElement</a></h3>
+-<p class="description">Find the named element.</p>
+-<p class="code">
+-<a href="#mxml_node_t">mxml_node_t</a> *mxmlFindElement (<br>
+-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#mxml_node_t">mxml_node_t</a> *node,<br>
+-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#mxml_node_t">mxml_node_t</a> *top,<br>
+-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;const char *name,<br>
+-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;const char *attr,<br>
+-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;const char *value,<br>
+-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;int descend<br>
+-<h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
+-<dd class="description">Current node</dd>
+-<dd class="description">Top node</dd>
+-<dd class="description">Element name or NULL for any</dd>
+-<dd class="description">Attribute name, or NULL for none</dd>
+-<dd class="description">Attribute value, or NULL for any</dd>
+-<dd class="description">Descend into tree - MXML_DESCEND, MXML_NO_DESCEND, or MXML_DESCEND_FIRST</dd>
+-<h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
+-<p class="description">Element node or NULL</p>
+-<h4 class="discussion">Discussion</h4>
+-<p class="discussion">The search is constrained by the name, attribute name, and value; any
+-NULL names or values are treated as wildcards, so different kinds of
+-searches can be implemented by looking for all elements of a given name
+-or all elements with a specific attribute. The descend argument determines
+-whether the search descends into child nodes; normally you will use
+-MXML_DESCEND_FIRST for the initial search and MXML_NO_DESCEND to find
+-additional direct descendents of the node. The top node argument
+-constrains the search to a particular node's children.</p>
+-<h3 class="function"><a name="mxmlIndexDelete">mxmlIndexDelete</a></h3>
+-<p class="description">Delete an index.</p>
+-<p class="code">
+-void mxmlIndexDelete (<br>
+-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#mxml_index_t">mxml_index_t</a> *ind<br>
+-<h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
+-<dd class="description">Index to delete</dd>
+-<h3 class="function"><a name="mxmlIndexEnum">mxmlIndexEnum</a></h3>
+-<p class="description">Return the next node in the index.</p>
+-<p class="code">
+-<a href="#mxml_node_t">mxml_node_t</a> *mxmlIndexEnum (<br>
+-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#mxml_index_t">mxml_index_t</a> *ind<br>
+-<h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
+-<dd class="description">Index to enumerate</dd>
+-<h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
+-<p class="description">Next node or NULL if there is none</p>
+-<h4 class="discussion">Discussion</h4>
+-<p class="discussion">Nodes are returned in the sorted order of the index.</p>
+-<h3 class="function"><a name="mxmlIndexFind">mxmlIndexFind</a></h3>
+-<p class="description">Find the next matching node.</p>
+-<p class="code">
+-<a href="#mxml_node_t">mxml_node_t</a> *mxmlIndexFind (<br>
+-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#mxml_index_t">mxml_index_t</a> *ind,<br>
+-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;const char *element,<br>
+-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;const char *value<br>
+-<h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
+-<dd class="description">Index to search</dd>
+-<dd class="description">Element name to find, if any</dd>
+-<dd class="description">Attribute value, if any</dd>
+-<h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
+-<p class="description">Node or NULL if none found</p>
+-<h4 class="discussion">Discussion</h4>
+-<p class="discussion">You should call mxmlIndexReset() prior to using this function for
+-the first time with a particular set of &quot;element&quot; and &quot;value&quot;
+-strings. Passing NULL for both &quot;element&quot; and &quot;value&quot; is equivalent
+-to calling mxmlIndexEnum().</p>
+-<h3 class="function"><a name="mxmlIndexNew">mxmlIndexNew</a></h3>
+-<p class="description">Create a new index.</p>
+-<p class="code">
+-<a href="#mxml_index_t">mxml_index_t</a> *mxmlIndexNew (<br>
+-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#mxml_node_t">mxml_node_t</a> *node,<br>
+-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;const char *element,<br>
+-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;const char *attr<br>
+-<h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
+-<dd class="description">XML node tree</dd>
+-<dd class="description">Element to index or NULL for all</dd>
+-<dd class="description">Attribute to index or NULL for none</dd>
+-<h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
+-<p class="description">New index</p>
+-<h4 class="discussion">Discussion</h4>
+-<p class="discussion">The index will contain all nodes that contain the named element and/or
+-attribute. If both &quot;element&quot; and &quot;attr&quot; are NULL, then the index will
+-contain a sorted list of the elements in the node tree. Nodes are
+-sorted by element name and optionally by attribute value if the &quot;attr&quot;
+-argument is not NULL.</p>
+-<h3 class="function"><a name="mxmlIndexReset">mxmlIndexReset</a></h3>
+-<p class="description">Reset the enumeration/find pointer in the index and
+-return the first node in the index.</p>
+-<p class="code">
+-<a href="#mxml_node_t">mxml_node_t</a> *mxmlIndexReset (<br>
+-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#mxml_index_t">mxml_index_t</a> *ind<br>