diff options
authorWaldemar Brodkorb <>2012-07-30 22:28:16 +0200
committerWaldemar Brodkorb <>2012-07-30 22:28:16 +0200
commit5f0f7131ad0789c66067d0166de12fb6dfcfc394 (patch)
parentd82e6c02d195f43338d44593aef03ca0eec4c02e (diff)
testversion for genext2fs image generation (vbox,qemu)
1 files changed, 385 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..809e10672
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Copyright © 2010, 2011
+# Waldemar Brodkorb <>
+# Thorsten Glaser <>
+# Provided that these terms and disclaimer and all copyright notices
+# are retained or reproduced in an accompanying document, permission
+# is granted to deal in this work without restriction, including un‐
+# limited rights to use, publicly perform, distribute, sell, modify,
+# merge, give away, or sublicence.
+# This work is provided “AS IS” and WITHOUT WARRANTY of any kind, to
+# the utmost extent permitted by applicable law, neither express nor
+# implied; without malicious intent or gross negligence. In no event
+# may a licensor, author or contributor be held liable for indirect,
+# direct, other damage, loss, or other issues arising in any way out
+# of dealing in the work, even if advised of the possibility of such
+# damage or existence of a defect, except proven that it results out
+# of said person’s immediate fault when using the work as intended.
+# Alternatively, this work may be distributed under the terms of the
+# General Public License, any version, as published by the Free Soft-
+# ware Foundation.
+# Prepare a USB stick or CF/SD/MMC card or hard disc for installation
+# of OpenADK:
+# • install a Master Boot Record containing a MirBSD PBR loading GRUB
+# • write GRUB2 core.img just past the MBR
+# • create a root partition with ext2fs and extract the OpenADK image
+# just built there
+# • create a cfgfs partition
+case :$PATH: in
+(*:$TOPDIR/bin/tools:*) ;;
+(*) export PATH=$PATH:$TOPDIR/bin/tools ;;
+test -n "$KSH_VERSION" || if ! which mksh >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ make package=mksh fetch || exit 1
+ df=$(cd package/mksh; TOPDIR="$TOPDIR" gmake show=DISTFILES)
+ mkdir -p build_mksh
+ gzip -dc dl/"$df" | (cd build_mksh; cpio -mid)
+ cd build_mksh/mksh
+ bash -r -c lto || exit 1
+ cp mksh "$TOPDIR"/bin/tools/
+ cd "$TOPDIR"
+ rm -rf build_mksh
+test -n "$KSH_VERSION" || exec mksh -x "$me" "$@"
+if test -z "$KSH_VERSION"; then
+ echo >&2 Fatal error: could not run myself with mksh!
+ exit 255
+### run with mksh from here onwards ###
+if (( USER_ID )); then
+ print -u2 Installation is only possible as root!
+ exit 1
+TOPDIR=$(realpath .)
+ostype=$(uname -s)
+function usage {
+cat >&2 <<EOF
+Syntax: $me [-c cfgfssize] [-p panictime] [±q] [-s serialspeed]
+ [±t] -n /dev/sdb image
+Defaults: -c 1 -p 10 -s 115200; -t = enable serial console
+ exit $1
+while getopts "c:hp:qs:nt" ch; do
+ case $ch {
+ (c) if (( (cfgfs = OPTARG) < 0 || cfgfs > 5 )); then
+ print -u2 "$me: -c $OPTARG out of bounds"
+ exit 1
+ fi ;;
+ (h) usage 0 ;;
+ (p) if (( (panicreboot = OPTARG) < 0 || panicreboot > 300 )); then
+ print -u2 "$me: -p $OPTARG out of bounds"
+ exit 1
+ fi ;;
+ (q) quiet=1 ;;
+ (+q) quiet=0 ;;
+ (s) if [[ $OPTARG != @(96|192|384|576|1152)00 ]]; then
+ print -u2 "$me: serial speed $OPTARG invalid"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ speed=$OPTARG ;;
+ (n) noformat=1 ;;
+ (t) serial=1 ;;
+ (+t) serial=0 ;;
+ (*) usage 1 ;;
+ }
+shift $((OPTIND - 1))
+(( $# == 2 )) || usage 1
+case $ostype {
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ print -u2 Sorry, not ported to the OS "'$ostype'" yet.
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+for tool in $tools; do
+ print -n Checking if $tool is installed...
+ if whence -p $tool >/dev/null; then
+ print " okay"
+ else
+ print " failed"
+ f=1
+ fi
+(( f )) && exit 1
+if [[ ! -f $src ]]; then
+ print -u2 "'$src' is not a file, exiting"
+ exit 1
+(( quiet )) || print "Installing $src on $tgt."
+case $ostype {
+ basedev=${tgt%c}
+ tgt=${basedev}c
+ part=${basedev}i
+ match=\'${basedev}\''[a-p]'
+ function mount_ext2fs {
+ mount -t ext2fs "$1" "$2"
+ }
+ ;;
+ basedev=$tgt
+ part=${basedev}s1
+ match=\'${basedev}\''?(s+([0-9]))'
+ function mount_ext2fs {
+ fuse-ext2 "$1" "$2" -o rw+
+ sleep 3
+ }
+ ;;
+ basedev=$tgt
+ part=${basedev}1
+ match=\'${basedev}\''+([0-9])'
+ function mount_ext2fs {
+ mount -t ext2 "$1" "$2"
+ }
+ ;;
+mount |&
+while read -p dev rest; do
+ eval [[ \$dev = $match ]] || continue
+ print -u2 "Block device $tgt is in use, please umount first."
+ exit 1
+if (( !quiet )); then
+ print "WARNING: This will overwrite $basedev - type Yes to continue!"
+ read x
+ [[ $x = Yes ]] || exit 0
+if stat -qs .>/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ statcmd='stat -f %z' # BSD stat (or so we assume)
+ statcmd='stat -c %s' # GNU stat
+dksz=$(($($statcmd "$tgt")*2))
+(( cyls = dksz / heads / secs ))
+if (( cyls < (cfgfs + 2) )); then
+ print -u2 "Size of $tgt is $dksz, this looks fishy?"
+ exit 1
+if ! T=$(mktemp -d /tmp/openadk.XXXXXXXXXX); then
+ print -u2 Error creating temporary directory.
+ exit 1
+tar -xOzf "$src" usr/share/grub-bin/core.img >"$T/core.img"
+integer coreimgsz=$($statcmd "$T/core.img")
+if (( coreimgsz < 1024 )); then
+ print -u2 core.img is probably too small: $coreimgsz
+ rm -rf "$T"
+ exit 1
+if (( coreimgsz > 65024 )); then
+ print -u2 core.img is larger than 64K-512: $coreimgsz
+ rm -rf "$T"
+ exit 1
+(( coreendsec = (coreimgsz + 511) / 512 ))
+if [[ $basedev = /dev/svnd+([0-9]) ]]; then
+ # BSD svnd0 mode: protect sector #1
+ corestartsec=2
+ (( ++coreendsec ))
+ corepatchofs=$((0x614))
+ corestartsec=1
+ corepatchofs=$((0x414))
+# partition offset: at least coreendsec+1 but aligned on a multiple of secs
+(( partofs = ((coreendsec / secs) + 1) * secs ))
+(( quiet )) || print Preparing MBR and GRUB2...
+dd if=/dev/zero of="$T/firsttrack" count=$partofs 2>/dev/null
+echo $corestartsec $coreendsec | mksh "$TOPDIR/scripts/bootgrub.mksh" \
+ -A -g $((cyls-cfgfs)):$heads:$secs -M 1:0x83 -O $partofs | \
+ dd of="$T/firsttrack" conv=notrunc 2>/dev/null
+dd if="$T/core.img" of="$T/firsttrack" conv=notrunc seek=$corestartsec \
+ 2>/dev/null
+# set partition where it can find /boot/grub
+print -n '\0\0\0\0' | \
+ dd of="$T/firsttrack" conv=notrunc bs=1 seek=$corepatchofs 2>/dev/null
+# create cfgfs partition (mostly taken from bootgrub.mksh)
+set -A thecode
+typeset -Uui8 thecode
+set -A g_code $cyls $heads $secs
+(( psz = g_code[0] * g_code[1] * g_code[2] ))
+(( pofs = (cyls - cfgfs) * g_code[1] * g_code[2] ))
+set -A o_code # g_code equivalent for partition offset
+(( o_code[2] = pofs % g_code[2] + 1 ))
+(( o_code[1] = pofs / g_code[2] ))
+(( o_code[0] = o_code[1] / g_code[1] + 1 ))
+(( o_code[1] = o_code[1] % g_code[1] + 1 ))
+# boot flag; C/H/S offset
+(( thecode[mbrpno++] = o_code[1] - 1 ))
+(( cylno = o_code[0] > 1024 ? 1023 : o_code[0] - 1 ))
+(( thecode[mbrpno++] = o_code[2] | ((cylno & 0x0300) >> 2) ))
+(( thecode[mbrpno++] = cylno & 0x00FF ))
+# partition type; C/H/S end
+(( thecode[mbrpno++] = 0x88 ))
+(( thecode[mbrpno++] = g_code[1] - 1 ))
+(( cylno = g_code[0] > 1024 ? 1023 : g_code[0] - 1 ))
+(( thecode[mbrpno++] = g_code[2] | ((cylno & 0x0300) >> 2) ))
+(( thecode[mbrpno++] = cylno & 0x00FF ))
+# partition offset, size (LBA)
+(( thecode[mbrpno++] = pofs & 0xFF ))
+(( thecode[mbrpno++] = (pofs >> 8) & 0xFF ))
+(( thecode[mbrpno++] = (pofs >> 16) & 0xFF ))
+(( thecode[mbrpno++] = (pofs >> 24) & 0xFF ))
+(( pssz = psz - pofs ))
+(( thecode[mbrpno++] = pssz & 0xFF ))
+(( thecode[mbrpno++] = (pssz >> 8) & 0xFF ))
+(( thecode[mbrpno++] = (pssz >> 16) & 0xFF ))
+(( thecode[mbrpno++] = (pssz >> 24) & 0xFF ))
+# write partition table entry
+while (( curptr < 16 )); do
+ ostr=$ostr\\0${thecode[curptr++]#8#}
+print -n "$ostr" | \
+ dd of="$T/firsttrack" conv=notrunc bs=1 seek=$((0x1CE)) 2>/dev/null
+(( quiet )) || print Writing MBR and GRUB2 to target device...
+dd if="$T/firsttrack" of="$tgt"
+if [[ $basedev = /dev/svnd+([0-9]) ]]; then
+ (( quiet )) || print "Creating BSD disklabel on target device..."
+ # c: whole device (must be so)
+ # i: ext2fs (matching first partition)
+ # j: cfgfs (matching second partition)
+ # p: MBR and GRUB2 area (by tradition)
+ cat >"$T/bsdlabel" <<-EOF
+ type: vnd
+ disk: vnd device
+ label: OpenADK
+ flags:
+ bytes/sector: 512
+ sectors/track: $secs
+ tracks/cylinder: $heads
+ sectors/cylinder: $((heads * secs))
+ cylinders: $cyls
+ total sectors: $((cyls * heads * secs))
+ rpm: 3600
+ interleave: 1
+ trackskew: 0
+ cylinderskew: 0
+ headswitch: 0
+ track-to-track seek: 0
+ drivedata: 0
+ 16 partitions:
+ c: $((cyls * heads * secs)) 0 unused
+ i: $(((cyls - cfgfs) * heads * secs - partofs)) $partofs ext2fs
+ j: $((cfgfs * heads * secs)) $(((cyls - cfgfs) * heads * secs)) unknown
+ p: $partofs 0 unknown
+ disklabel -R ${basedev#/dev/} "$T/bsdlabel"
+#(( quiet )) || print "Creating ext2fs on ${part}..."
+#(( quiet )) && q=-q
+#(( noformat )) || mke2fs $q "$part"
+#partuuid=$(tune2fs -l "$part" | sed -n '/^Filesystem UUID:[ ]*/s///p')
+#(( noformat )) || tune2fs -c 0 -i 0 "$part"
+(( quiet )) || print Extracting installation archive...
+#mount_ext2fs "$part" "$T"
+gzip -dc "$src" | (cd "$T"; tar -xvpf -)
+cd "$T"
+[[ -c /dev/arandom ]] && rnddev=/dev/arandom
+dd if=$rnddev bs=16 count=1 >>etc/.rnd 2>/dev/null
+(( quiet )) || print Fixing up permissions...
+chown 0:0 tmp
+chmod 1777 tmp
+chmod 4755 bin/busybox
+[[ -f usr/bin/Xorg ]] && chmod 4755 usr/bin/Xorg
+[[ -f usr/bin/sudo ]] && chmod 4755 usr/bin/sudo
+(( quiet )) || print Configuring GRUB2 bootloader...
+mkdir -p boot/grub
+ print set default=0
+ print set timeout=1
+ if (( serial )); then
+ print serial --unit=0 --speed=$speed
+ print terminal_output serial
+ print terminal_input serial
+ consargs="console=ttyS0,$speed console=tty0"
+ else
+ print terminal_output console
+ print terminal_input console
+ consargs="console=tty0"
+ fi
+ print
+ print 'menuentry "GNU/Linux (OpenADK)" {'
+ linuxargs="root=UUID=$partuuid $consargs"
+ (( panicreboot )) && linuxargs="$linuxargs panic=$panicreboot"
+ print "\tlinux /boot/kernel $linuxargs"
+ print '}'
+) >boot/grub/grub.cfg
+set -A grubfiles
+for a in usr/lib/grub/*-pc/{*.mod,efiemu??.o,command.lst,moddep.lst,fs.lst,handler.lst,parttool.lst}; do
+ [[ -e $a ]] && grubfiles[ngrubfiles++]=$a
+cp "${grubfiles[@]}" boot/grub/
+(( quiet )) || print Finishing up...
+cd "$TOPDIR"
+#umount "$T"
+dd if=qemu.img of=mbr bs=16384 count=1
+genext2fs -q -b 409600 -d $T ${tgt}.new
+cat mbr ${tgt}.new > $tgt
+rm -rf "$T" mbr ${tgt}.new
+exit 0