/* * regexp.h -- old-style regexp compile and step (emulated with POSIX regex) * Copyright (C) 1993 Rick Sladkey <jrs@world.std.com> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Library Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Library Public License for more details. */ /* * Think really hard before you intentionally include this file. * You should really be using the POSIX regex interface instead. * This emulation file is intended solely for compiling old code. * * A program that uses this file must define six macros: INIT, * GETC, PEEKC, UNGETC, RETURN, and ERROR. This interface is * so arcane that VMS hackers point at it in ridicule. */ #ifndef _REGEXP_H #define _REGEXP_H #include <sys/types.h> /* regex.h needs size_t */ #include <regex.h> /* POSIX.2 regexp routines */ #include <stdlib.h> /* for malloc, realloc and free */ /* * These three advertised external variables record state information * for compile and step. They are so gross, I'm choking as I write this. */ char *loc1; /* the beginning of a match */ char *loc2; /* the end of a match */ int circf; /* current pattern begins with '^' */ /* * These are the other variables mentioned in the regexp.h manpage. * Since we don't emulate them (whatever they do), we want errors if * they are referenced. Therefore they are commented out here. */ #if 0 char *locs; int sed; int nbra; #endif /* * We need to stuff a regex_t into an arbitrary buffer so align it. * GCC make this easy. For the others we have to guess. */ #ifdef __GNUC__ #define __REGEX_T_ALIGN (__alignof__(regex_t)) #else /* !__GNUC__ */ #define __REGEX_T_ALIGN 8 #endif /* !__GNUC__ */ #define __regex_t_align(p) \ ((regex_t *) ((((unsigned long) p) + __REGEX_T_ALIGN - 1) \ / __REGEX_T_ALIGN * __REGEX_T_ALIGN)) /* * We just slurp the whole pattern into a string and then compile * it `normally'. With this implementation we never use the PEEKC * macro. Please feel free to die laughing when we translate * error symbols into hard-coded numbers. */ char * compile(char *instring, char *expbuf, char *endbuf, int eof) { int __c; int __len; char *__buf; int __buflen; int __error; regex_t *__preg; INIT; __buflen = 128; __buf = malloc(__buflen); if (!__buf) { ERROR(50); return 0; } __len = 0; circf = 0; for (;;) { __c = GETC(); if (__c == eof) break; if (__c == '\0' || __c == '\n') { UNGETC(__c); break; } if (__len + 2 > __buflen) { __buflen *= 2; __buf = realloc(__buf, __buflen); if (!__buf) { ERROR(50); return 0; } } if (__len == 0 && !circf && __c == '^') circf = 1; else __buf[__len++] = __c; } if (__len == 0 && !circf) { free(__buf); ERROR(41); return 0; } __buf[__len] = '\0'; if (endbuf <= expbuf + sizeof(regex_t)) { free(__buf); ERROR(50); return 0; } __preg = __regex_t_align(expbuf); __preg->buffer = (char *) (__preg + 1); __preg->allocated = endbuf - (char *) __preg->buffer; __error = regcomp(__preg, __buf, REG_NEWLINE); free(__buf); switch (__error) { case 0: break; case REG_BADRPT: __error = 36; /* poor fit */ break; case REG_BADBR: __error = 16; break; case REG_EBRACE: __error = 44; /* poor fit */ break; case REG_EBRACK: __error = 49; break; case REG_ERANGE: __error = 36; /* poor fit */ break; case REG_ECTYPE: __error = 36; /* poor fit */ break; case REG_EPAREN: __error = 42; break; case REG_ESUBREG: __error = 36; /* poor fit */ break; case REG_EEND: __error = 36; /* poor fit */ break; case REG_EESCAPE: __error = 36; break; case REG_BADPAT: __error = 36; /* poor fit */ break; case REG_ESIZE: __error = 50; break; case REG_ESPACE: __error = 50; break; default: __error = 36; /* as good as any */ break; } if (__error) { ERROR(__error); return 0; } #ifdef _RX_H RETURN((__preg->buffer + __preg->rx.allocated - __preg->rx.reserved)); #else RETURN((__preg->buffer + __preg->used)); #endif } /* * Note how we carefully emulate the gross `circf' hack. Otherwise, * this just looks like an ordinary matching call that records the * starting and ending match positions. */ int step(char *string, char *expbuf) { int __result; regmatch_t __pmatch[1]; __result = regexec(__regex_t_align(expbuf), string, 1, __pmatch, 0); if (circf && __pmatch[0].rm_so != 0) __result = REG_NOMATCH; if (__result == 0) { loc1 = string + __pmatch[0].rm_so; loc2 = string + __pmatch[0].rm_eo; } return __result == 0; } /* * For advance we are only supposed to match at the beginning of the * string. You have to read the man page really carefully to find this * one. We'll match them kludge-for-kludge. */ int advance(char *string, char *expbuf) { int __old_circf; int __result; __old_circf = circf; circf = 1; __result = step(string, expbuf); circf = __old_circf; return __result; } #endif /* _REGEXP_H */