/* * Copyright (C) 2000 Manuel Novoa III * Copyright (C) 2002 Erik Andersen * * This is a crude wrapper to use uClibc with gcc. * It was originally written to work around ./configure for ext2fs-utils. * It certainly can be improved, but it works for me in the normal cases. * * April 7, 2001 * * A bug was fixed in building the gcc command line when dynamic linking. * The functions dlopen, etc. now work. At this time, you must make sure * the correct libdl.so is included however. It is safest to, for example, * add /lib/libdl.so.1 if using ld-linux.so.1 rather than adding -ldl to the * command line. * * Note: This is only a problem if devel and target archs are the same. To * avoid the problem, you can use a customized dynamic linker. * * * April 18, 2001 * * The wrapper now works with either installed and uninstalled uClibc versions. * If you want to use the uninstalled header files and libs, either include * the string "build" in the invocation name such as * 'ln -s <ARCH>-uclibc-gcc <ARCH>-uclibc-gcc-build' * or include it in the environment variable setting of UCLIBC_GCC. * Note: This automatically enables the "rpath" behavior described below. * * The wrapper will now pass the location of the uClibc shared libs used to * the linker with the "-rpath" option if the invocation name includes the * string "rpath" or if the environment variable UCLIBC_GCC include it (as * with "build" above). This is primarily intended to be used on devel * platforms of the same arch as the target. A good place to use this feature * would be in the uClibc/test directory. * * The wrapper now displays the command line passed to gcc when '-v' is used. * * May 31, 2001 * * "rpath" and "build" behavior are now decoupled. You can of course get * the old "build" behavior by setting UCLIBC_GCC="rpath-build". Order * isn't important here, as only the substrings are searched for. * * Added environment variable check for UCLIBC_GCC_DLOPT to let user specify * an alternative dynamic linker at runtime without using command line args. * Since this wouldn't commonly be used, I made it easy on myself. You have * to match the option you would have passed to the gcc wrapper. As an * example, * * export UCLIBC_GCC_DLOPT="-Wl,--dynamic-linker,/lib/ld-alt-linker.so.3" * * This is really only useful if target arch == devel arch and DEVEL_PREFIX * isn't empty. It involves a recompile, but you can at least test apps * on your devel system if combined with the "rpath" behavor if by using * LD_LIBRARY_PATH, etc. * * Also added check for "-Wl,--dynamic-linker" on the command line. The * use default dynamic linker or the envirnment-specified dynamic linker * is disabled in that case. * * Added options --uclibc-use-build-dir and --uclibc-use-rpath so that those * behaviors can be invoked from the command line. * */ /* * * TODO: * Check/modify gcc-specific environment variables? */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <libgen.h> #include "gcc-uClibc.h" static char *our_usr_lib_path = "-L"UCLIBC_DEVEL_PREFIX"/lib"; static char static_linking[] = "-static"; static char nostdinc[] = "-nostdinc"; static char nostdinc_plus[] = "-nostdinc++"; static char nostartfiles[] = "-nostartfiles"; static char nodefaultlibs[] = "-nodefaultlibs"; static char nostdlib[] = "-nostdlib"; extern void *xmalloc(size_t size) { void *ptr = malloc(size); if (!ptr) { fprintf(stderr, "memory exhausted"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return ptr; } void xstrcat(char **string, ...) { const char *c; va_list p; /* Don't bother to calculate how big exerything * will be, just be careful to not overflow... */ va_start(p, string); *string = xmalloc(BUFSIZ); **string = '\0'; while(1) { if (!(c = va_arg(p, const char *))) break; strcat(*string, c); } va_end(p); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int use_build_dir = 0, linking = 1, use_static_linking = 0; int use_stdinc = 1, use_nostdinc_plus = 0, use_start = 1, use_stdlib = 1, use_pic = 0; int source_count = 0, use_rpath = 0, verbose = 0; int ctor_dtor = 1, cplusplus = 0; int i, j, k, l, m, n; char ** gcc_argv; char ** gcc_argument; char ** libraries; char ** libpath; char *dlstr; char *incstr; char *devprefix; char *builddir; char *libstr; char *build_dlstr; char *ep; char *rpath_link[2]; char *rpath[2]; char *uClibc_inc[2]; char *our_lib_path[2]; char *crt0_path[2]; const char *application_name; char *crti_path[2]; char *crtn_path[2]; char *GPLUSPLUS_BIN = NULL; int len; application_name = basename(argv[0]); if (application_name[0] == '-') application_name++; /* We must use strstr since g++ might be named like a * cross compiler (i.e. arm-linux-g++). We must also * search carefully, in case we are searching something * like /opt/c++/gcc-3.1/bin/arm-linux-g++ or some similar * perversion... */ len = strlen(application_name); if ((strcmp(application_name+len-3, "g++")==0) || (strcmp(application_name+len-3, "c++")==0)) { char *gcc_bin = GCC_BIN; len = strlen(gcc_bin); if (strcmp(gcc_bin+len-3, "gcc")==0) { GPLUSPLUS_BIN = strdup(gcc_bin); GPLUSPLUS_BIN[len-1]='+'; GPLUSPLUS_BIN[len-2]='+'; } cplusplus = 1; use_nostdinc_plus = 1; } devprefix = getenv("UCLIBC_DEVEL_PREFIX"); if (!devprefix) { devprefix = UCLIBC_DEVEL_PREFIX; } builddir = getenv("UCLIBC_BUILD_DIR"); if (!builddir) { builddir = UCLIBC_BUILD_DIR; } incstr = getenv("UCLIBC_GCC_INC"); libstr = getenv("UCLIBC_GCC_LIB"); xstrcat(&(rpath_link[0]), "-Wl,-rpath-link,", devprefix, "/lib", NULL); xstrcat(&(rpath_link[1]), "-Wl,-rpath-link,", builddir, "/lib", NULL); xstrcat(&(rpath[0]), "-Wl,-rpath,", devprefix, "/lib", NULL); xstrcat(&(rpath[1]), "-Wl,-rpath,", builddir, "/lib", NULL); xstrcat(&(uClibc_inc[0]), devprefix, "/include/", NULL); xstrcat(&(uClibc_inc[1]), builddir, "/include/", NULL); xstrcat(&(crt0_path[0]), devprefix, "/lib/crt0.o", NULL); xstrcat(&(crt0_path[1]), builddir, "/lib/crt0.o", NULL); xstrcat(&(crti_path[0]), devprefix, "/lib/crti.o", NULL); xstrcat(&(crti_path[1]), builddir, "/lib/crti.o", NULL); xstrcat(&(crtn_path[0]), devprefix, "/lib/crtn.o", NULL); xstrcat(&(crtn_path[1]), builddir, "/lib/crtn.o", NULL); xstrcat(&(our_lib_path[0]), "-L", devprefix, "/lib", NULL); xstrcat(&(our_lib_path[1]), "-L", builddir, "/lib", NULL); build_dlstr = "-Wl,--dynamic-linker," BUILD_DYNAMIC_LINKER; dlstr = getenv("UCLIBC_GCC_DLOPT"); if (!dlstr) { dlstr = "-Wl,--dynamic-linker," DYNAMIC_LINKER; } ep = getenv("UCLIBC_GCC"); if (!ep) { ep = ""; } if (strstr(ep,"build") != 0) { use_build_dir = 1; } if (strstr(ep,"rpath") != 0) { use_rpath = 1; } m = 0; libraries = __builtin_alloca(sizeof(char*) * (argc)); libraries[m] = '\0'; n = 0; libpath = __builtin_alloca(sizeof(char*) * (argc)); libpath[n] = '\0'; for ( i = 1 ; i < argc ; i++ ) { if (argv[i][0] == '-') { /* option */ switch (argv[i][1]) { case 'c': /* compile or assemble */ case 'S': /* generate assembler code */ case 'E': /* preprocess only */ case 'M': /* generate dependencies */ linking = 0; break; case 'L': /* library */ libpath[n++] = argv[i]; libpath[n] = '\0'; if (argv[i][2] == 0) { argv[i] = '\0'; libpath[n++] = argv[++i]; libpath[n] = '\0'; } argv[i] = '\0'; break; case 'l': /* library */ libraries[m++] = argv[i]; libraries[m] = '\0'; argv[i] = '\0'; break; case 'v': /* verbose */ if (argv[i][2] == 0) verbose = 1; printf("Invoked as %s\n", argv[0]); break; case 'n': if (strcmp(nostdinc,argv[i]) == 0) { use_stdinc = 0; } else if (strcmp(nostartfiles,argv[i]) == 0) { use_start = 0; } else if (strcmp(nodefaultlibs,argv[i]) == 0) { use_stdlib = 0; argv[i] = '\0'; } else if (strcmp(nostdlib,argv[i]) == 0) { use_start = 0; use_stdlib = 0; } else if (strcmp(nostdinc_plus,argv[i]) == 0) { if (cplusplus==1) { use_nostdinc_plus = 0; } } break; case 's': if (strstr(argv[i],static_linking) != NULL) { use_static_linking = 1; } break; case 'W': /* -static could be passed directly to ld */ if (strncmp("-Wl,",argv[i],4) == 0) { if (strstr(argv[i],static_linking) != 0) { use_static_linking = 1; } if (strstr(argv[i],"--dynamic-linker") != 0) { dlstr = 0; } } break; case 'f': /* Check if we are doing PIC */ if (strcmp("-fPIC",argv[i]) == 0) { use_pic = 1; } else if (strcmp("-fpic",argv[i]) == 0) { use_pic = 1; } break; case '-': if (strstr(argv[i]+1,static_linking) != NULL) { use_static_linking = 1; argv[i]='\0'; } else if (strcmp("--uclibc-use-build-dir",argv[i]) == 0) { use_build_dir = 1; argv[i]='\0'; } else if (strcmp("--uclibc-use-rpath",argv[i]) == 0) { use_rpath = 1; argv[i]='\0'; } else if (strcmp("--uclibc-no-ctors",argv[i]) == 0) { ctor_dtor = 0; argv[i]='\0'; } break; } } else { /* assume it is an existing source file */ ++source_count; } } gcc_argv = __builtin_alloca(sizeof(char*) * (argc + 64)); gcc_argument = __builtin_alloca(sizeof(char*) * (argc + 20)); i = 0; k = 0; if (cplusplus && GPLUSPLUS_BIN) gcc_argv[i++] = GPLUSPLUS_BIN; else gcc_argv[i++] = GCC_BIN; for ( j = 1 ; j < argc ; j++ ) { if (argv[j]=='\0') { continue; } else { gcc_argument[k++] = argv[j]; gcc_argument[k] = '\0'; } } if (linking && source_count) { #if defined HAVE_ELF && ! defined HAS_MMU gcc_argv[i++] = "-Wl,-elf2flt"; #endif gcc_argv[i++] = nostdlib; if (use_static_linking) { gcc_argv[i++] = static_linking; } if (!use_static_linking) { if (dlstr && use_build_dir) { gcc_argv[i++] = build_dlstr; } else if (dlstr) { gcc_argv[i++] = dlstr; } if (use_rpath) { gcc_argv[i++] = rpath[use_build_dir]; } } for ( l = 0 ; l < n ; l++ ) { if (libpath[l]) gcc_argv[i++] = libpath[l]; } gcc_argv[i++] = rpath_link[use_build_dir]; /* just to be safe */ if( libstr ) gcc_argv[i++] = libstr; gcc_argv[i++] = our_lib_path[use_build_dir]; if (!use_build_dir) { gcc_argv[i++] = our_usr_lib_path; } } if (use_stdinc && source_count) { gcc_argv[i++] = nostdinc; if (cplusplus) { char *cppinc; if (use_nostdinc_plus) { gcc_argv[i++] = nostdinc_plus; } xstrcat(&cppinc, uClibc_inc[use_build_dir], "g++/", NULL); gcc_argv[i++] = "-isystem"; gcc_argv[i++] = cppinc; xstrcat(&cppinc, uClibc_inc[use_build_dir], "g++-v3/", NULL); gcc_argv[i++] = "-isystem"; gcc_argv[i++] = cppinc; } gcc_argv[i++] = "-isystem"; gcc_argv[i++] = uClibc_inc[use_build_dir]; gcc_argv[i++] = "-iwithprefix"; gcc_argv[i++] = "include"; if( incstr ) gcc_argv[i++] = incstr; } if (linking && source_count) { if (use_start) { if (ctor_dtor) { gcc_argv[i++] = crti_path[use_build_dir]; if (use_pic) { gcc_argv[i++] = GCC_LIB_DIR "crtbeginS.o" ; } else { gcc_argv[i++] = GCC_LIB_DIR "crtbegin.o" ; } } gcc_argv[i++] = crt0_path[use_build_dir]; } for ( l = 0 ; l < k ; l++ ) { if (gcc_argument[l]) gcc_argv[i++] = gcc_argument[l]; } if (use_stdlib) { //gcc_argv[i++] = "-Wl,--start-group"; gcc_argv[i++] = "-lgcc"; } for ( l = 0 ; l < m ; l++ ) { if (libraries[l]) gcc_argv[i++] = libraries[l]; } if (use_stdlib) { if (cplusplus) { gcc_argv[ i++ ] = "-lstdc++"; gcc_argv[ i++ ] = "-lm"; } gcc_argv[i++] = "-lc"; gcc_argv[i++] = "-lgcc"; //gcc_argv[i++] = "-Wl,--end-group"; } if (ctor_dtor) { if (use_pic) { gcc_argv[i++] = GCC_LIB_DIR "crtendS.o" ; } else { gcc_argv[i++] = GCC_LIB_DIR "crtend.o" ; } gcc_argv[i++] = crtn_path[use_build_dir]; } } else { for ( l = 0 ; l < k ; l++ ) { if (gcc_argument[l]) gcc_argv[i++] = gcc_argument[l]; } } gcc_argv[i++] = NULL; if (verbose) { for ( j = 0 ; gcc_argv[j] ; j++ ) { printf("arg[%2i] = %s\n", j, gcc_argv[j]); } fflush(stdout); } //no need to free memory from xstrcat because we never return... if (cplusplus && GPLUSPLUS_BIN) return execvp(GPLUSPLUS_BIN, gcc_argv); else return execvp(GCC_BIN, gcc_argv); }