Accessing the uClibc CVS Repository

u C l i b c
CVS Read/Write Access
If you want to be able to commit things to CVS, first contribute some stuff to show you are serious. Then, very nicely ask Erik Andersen if he will set you up with an account. To access CVS, you will want to add the following to set up your environment:
$ export CVS_RSH=/usr/bin/ssh
$ export CVSROOT=''

It goes without saying you must change username to your own username...

To obtain commit access, you will need to demonstrate you are serious by submitting a few good patches first. Then, you will need to select a user-name to use when committing stuff, and finally, you will need to send me the username you have selected, an ssh key, and the email address where you prefer email to be sent (I will forward any email sent to you, but not store it).

Note that if you would prefer to keep your communications with me private, you can encrypt your email using my public key.

Mail all comments, insults, suggestions and bribes to Erik Andersen
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