Accessing the uClibc CVS Repository

u C l i b c
Anonymous CVS
We allow anonymous (read-only) CVS access to everyone. The first command you need to run for anonymous CVS access is:
cvs login

CVS will prompt you for a password. Enter the word 'anonymous' and press Enter. This step only needs to be done once, the first time you attempt to access CVS.

Once the login is complete, you can then check the list of available CVS modules by running the following command (all on one line):

cvs -z3 co -c 

If you wish, you can then check out a local copy of any of the available modules. The following is an example of how to grab a copy of the uClibc source code:

    cvs -z3 co -P uClibc
This will create a directory called uClibc in the current directory which contains the latest and greatest source code for uClibc.

I usually create a ~/.cvsrc file with the following things in it, and I recommend you should use the same:

    update -dP
    rdiff -u
    diff -ubBwpN
    checkout -P

Once you've checked out a copy of the source tree, you can update your source tree at any time so it is in sync with the latest and greatest by running the command:

cvs update
Because you've only been granted anonymous access to the tree, you won't be able to commit any changes. Changes can be submitted for inclusion by posting them to the appropriate mailing list.

Mail all comments, insults, suggestions and bribes to Erik Andersen
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