/* * pkgmaker - create package meta-data for OpenADK buildsystem * * Copyright (C) 2010,2011 Waldemar Brodkorb <wbx@openadk.org> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <ctype.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include "sortfile.h" #include "strmap.h" #define MAXLINE 4096 #define MAXVALUE 168 #define MAXVAR 64 #define MAXPATH 320 #define HASHSZ 32 static int nobinpkgs; #define fatal_error(...) { \ fprintf(stderr, "Fatal error. "); \ fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__); \ fprintf(stderr, "\n"); \ exit(1); \ } static int parse_var_hash(char *buf, const char *varname, StrMap *strmap) { char *key, *value, *string; string = strstr(buf, varname); if (string != NULL) { string[strlen(string)-1] = '\0'; key = strtok(string, ":="); value = strtok(NULL, "=\t"); if (value != NULL) strmap_put(strmap, key, value); return(0); } return(1); } static int parse_var(char *buf, const char *varname, char *pvalue, char **result) { char *pkg_var; char *key, *value, *string; char pkg_str[MAXVAR]; if ((pkg_var = malloc(MAXLINE)) != NULL) memset(pkg_var, 0, MAXLINE); else { perror("Can not allocate memory"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (snprintf(pkg_str, MAXVAR, "%s:=", varname) < 0) perror("can not create path variable."); string = strstr(buf, pkg_str); if (string != NULL) { string[strlen(string)-1] = '\0'; key = strtok(string, ":="); value = strtok(NULL, "=\t"); if (value != NULL) { strncat(pkg_var, value, strlen(value)); *result = strdup(pkg_var); } else { nobinpkgs = 1; *result = NULL; } free(pkg_var); return(0); } else { if (snprintf(pkg_str, MAXVAR, "%s+=", varname) < 0) perror("can not create path variable."); string = strstr(buf, pkg_str); if (string != NULL) { string[strlen(string)-1] = '\0'; key = strtok(string, "+="); value = strtok(NULL, "=\t"); if (pvalue != NULL) strncat(pkg_var, pvalue, strlen(pvalue)); strncat(pkg_var, " ", 1); if (value != NULL) strncat(pkg_var, value, strlen(value)); *result = strdup(pkg_var); free(pkg_var); return(0); } } free(pkg_var); return(1); } static int parse_var_with_pkg(char *buf, const char *varname, char *pvalue, char **result, char **pkgname, int varlen) { char *pkg_var, *check; char *key, *value, *string; if ((pkg_var = malloc(MAXLINE)) != NULL) memset(pkg_var, 0, MAXLINE); else { perror("Can not allocate memory"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } check = strstr(buf, ":="); if (check != NULL) { string = strstr(buf, varname); if (string != NULL) { string[strlen(string)-1] = '\0'; key = strtok(string, ":="); *pkgname = strdup(key+varlen); value = strtok(NULL, "=\t"); if (value != NULL) { strncat(pkg_var, value, strlen(value)); *result = strdup(pkg_var); } free(pkg_var); return(0); } } else { string = strstr(buf, varname); if (string != NULL) { string[strlen(string)-1] = '\0'; key = strtok(string, "+="); value = strtok(NULL, "=\t"); if (pvalue != NULL) strncat(pkg_var, pvalue, strlen(pvalue)); strncat(pkg_var, " ", 1); if (value != NULL) strncat(pkg_var, value, strlen(value)); *result = strdup(pkg_var); free(pkg_var); return(0); } } free(pkg_var); return(1); } /* static void iter_debug(const char *key, const char *value, const void *obj) { fprintf(stderr, "HASHMAP key: %s value: %s\n", key, value); } */ static int hash_str(char *string) { int i; int hash; hash = 0; for (i=0; i<(int)strlen(string); i++) { hash += string[i]; } return(hash); } static void iter(const char *key, const char *value, const void *obj) { FILE *config, *section; int hash; char *valuestr, *pkg, *subpkg; char buf[MAXPATH]; char infile[MAXPATH]; char outfile[MAXPATH]; valuestr = strdup(value); config = fopen("package/Config.in.auto", "a"); if (config == NULL) fatal_error("Can not open file package/Config.in.auto"); hash = hash_str(valuestr); snprintf(infile, MAXPATH, "package/pkglist.d/sectionlst.%d", hash); snprintf(outfile, MAXPATH, "package/pkglist.d/sectionlst.%d.sorted", hash); if (access(infile, F_OK) == 0) { valuestr[strlen(valuestr)-1] = '\0'; fprintf(config, "menu \"%s\"\n", valuestr); sortfile(infile, outfile); /* avoid duplicate section entries */ unlink(infile); section = fopen(outfile, "r"); while (fgets(buf, MAXPATH, section) != NULL) { buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0'; if (buf[strlen(buf)-1] == '@') { buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0'; fprintf(config, "source \"package/%s/Config.in.manual\"\n", buf); } else { subpkg = strtok(buf, "|"); subpkg[strlen(subpkg)-1] = '\0'; pkg = strtok(NULL, "|"); fprintf(config, "source \"package/pkgconfigs.d/%s/Config.in.%s\"\n", pkg, subpkg); } } fprintf(config, "endmenu\n\n"); fclose(section); } fclose(config); } static char *tolowerstr(char *string) { int i; char *str; /* transform to lowercase variable name */ str = strdup(string); for (i=0; i<(int)strlen(str); i++) { if (str[i] == '_') str[i] = '-'; str[i] = tolower(str[i]); } return(str); } static char *toupperstr(char *string) { int i; char *str; /* transform to uppercase variable name */ str = strdup(string); for (i=0; i<(int)strlen(str); i++) { if (str[i] == '+') str[i] = 'X'; if (str[i] == '-') str[i] = '_'; /* remove negation here, useful for package host depends */ if (str[i] == '!') str[i] = '_'; str[i] = toupper(str[i]); } return(str); } int main() { DIR *pkgdir, *pkglistdir; struct dirent *pkgdirp; FILE *pkg, *cfg, *menuglobal, *section; char hvalue[MAXVALUE]; char buf[MAXPATH]; char tbuf[MAXPATH]; char path[MAXPATH]; char spath[MAXPATH]; char dir[MAXPATH]; char variable[2*MAXVAR]; char *key, *value, *token, *cftoken, *sp, *hkey, *val, *pkg_fd; char *pkg_name, *pkg_depends, *pkg_section, *pkg_descr, *pkg_url; char *pkg_cxx, *pkg_subpkgs, *pkg_cfline, *pkg_dflt, *pkg_multi; char *pkg_need_cxx, *pkg_need_java, *pkgname; char *pkg_host_depends, *pkg_system_depends, *pkg_arch_depends, *pkg_flavours, *pkg_flavours_string, *pkg_choices, *pseudo_name; char *packages, *pkg_name_u, *pkgs; char *saveptr, *p_ptr, *s_ptr; int result; StrMap *pkgmap, *sectionmap; pkg_name = NULL; pkg_descr = NULL; pkg_section = NULL; pkg_url = NULL; pkg_depends = NULL; pkg_flavours = NULL; pkg_flavours_string = NULL; pkg_choices = NULL; pkg_subpkgs = NULL; pkg_arch_depends = NULL; pkg_system_depends = NULL; pkg_host_depends = NULL; pkg_cxx = NULL; pkg_dflt = NULL; pkg_cfline = NULL; pkg_multi = NULL; pkg_need_cxx = NULL; pkg_need_java = NULL; pkgname = NULL; p_ptr = NULL; s_ptr = NULL; unlink("package/Config.in.auto"); /* open global sectionfile */ menuglobal = fopen("package/Config.in.auto.global", "w"); if (menuglobal == NULL) fatal_error("global section file not writable."); /* read section list and create a hash table */ section = fopen("package/section.lst", "r"); if (section == NULL) fatal_error("section listfile is missing"); sectionmap = strmap_new(HASHSZ); while (fgets(tbuf, MAXPATH, section) != NULL) { key = strtok(tbuf, "\t"); value = strtok(NULL, "\t"); strmap_put(sectionmap, key, value); } fclose(section); if (mkdir("package/pkgconfigs.d", S_IRWXU) > 0) fatal_error("creation of package/pkgconfigs.d failed."); if (mkdir("package/pkglist.d", S_IRWXU) > 0) fatal_error("creation of package/pkglist.d failed."); /* read Makefile's for all packages */ pkgdir = opendir("package"); while ((pkgdirp = readdir(pkgdir)) != NULL) { /* skip dotfiles */ if (strncmp(pkgdirp->d_name, ".", 1) > 0) { if (snprintf(path, MAXPATH, "package/%s/Makefile", pkgdirp->d_name) < 0) fatal_error("can not create path variable."); pkg = fopen(path, "r"); if (pkg == NULL) continue; /* skip manually maintained packages */ if (snprintf(path, MAXPATH, "package/%s/Config.in.manual", pkgdirp->d_name) < 0) fatal_error("can not create path variable."); if (!access(path, F_OK)) { while (fgets(buf, MAXPATH, pkg) != NULL) { if ((parse_var(buf, "PKG_SECTION", NULL, &pkg_section)) == 0) continue; } memset(hvalue, 0 , MAXVALUE); result = strmap_get(sectionmap, pkg_section, hvalue, sizeof(hvalue)); if (result == 1) { if (snprintf(spath, MAXPATH, "package/pkglist.d/sectionlst.%d", hash_str(hvalue)) < 0) fatal_error("can not create path variable."); section = fopen(spath, "a"); if (section != NULL) { fprintf(section, "%s@\n", pkgdirp->d_name); fclose(section); } } else fatal_error("Can not find section description for package %s.", pkgdirp->d_name); fclose(pkg); continue; } nobinpkgs = 0; /* create output directories */ if (snprintf(dir, MAXPATH, "package/pkgconfigs.d/%s", pkgdirp->d_name) < 0) fatal_error("can not create dir variable."); if (mkdir(dir, S_IRWXU) > 0) fatal_error("can not create directory."); /* allocate memory */ hkey = malloc(MAXVAR); memset(hkey, 0, MAXVAR); memset(variable, 0, 2*MAXVAR); pkgmap = strmap_new(HASHSZ); /* parse package Makefile */ while (fgets(buf, MAXPATH, pkg) != NULL) { /* just read variables prefixed with PKG */ if (strncmp(buf, "PKG", 3) == 0) { if ((parse_var(buf, "PKG_NAME", NULL, &pkg_name)) == 0) continue; if (pkg_name != NULL) pkg_name_u = toupperstr(pkg_name); else pkg_name_u = toupperstr(pkgdirp->d_name); snprintf(variable, MAXVAR, "PKG_CFLINE_%s", pkg_name_u); if ((parse_var(buf, variable, pkg_cfline, &pkg_cfline)) == 0) continue; snprintf(variable, MAXVAR, "PKG_DFLT_%s", pkg_name_u); if ((parse_var(buf, variable, NULL, &pkg_dflt)) == 0) continue; if ((parse_var(buf, "PKG_HOST_DEPENDS", NULL, &pkg_host_depends)) == 0) continue; if ((parse_var(buf, "PKG_ARCH_DEPENDS", NULL, &pkg_arch_depends)) == 0) continue; if ((parse_var(buf, "PKG_SYSTEM_DEPENDS", NULL, &pkg_system_depends)) == 0) continue; if ((parse_var(buf, "PKG_DESCR", NULL, &pkg_descr)) == 0) continue; if ((parse_var(buf, "PKG_SECTION", NULL, &pkg_section)) == 0) continue; if ((parse_var(buf, "PKG_URL", NULL, &pkg_url)) == 0) continue; if ((parse_var(buf, "PKG_CXX", NULL, &pkg_cxx)) == 0) continue; if ((parse_var(buf, "PKG_NEED_CXX", NULL, &pkg_need_cxx)) == 0) continue; if ((parse_var(buf, "PKG_NEED_JAVA", NULL, &pkg_need_java)) == 0) continue; if ((parse_var(buf, "PKG_MULTI", NULL, &pkg_multi)) == 0) continue; if ((parse_var(buf, "PKG_DEPENDS", pkg_depends, &pkg_depends)) == 0) continue; if ((parse_var_with_pkg(buf, "PKG_FLAVOURS_STRING_", pkg_flavours_string, &pkg_flavours_string, &pkgname, 20)) == 0) continue; if ((parse_var_with_pkg(buf, "PKG_FLAVOURS_", pkg_flavours, &pkg_flavours, &pkgname, 13)) == 0) continue; if ((parse_var_hash(buf, "PKGFD_", pkgmap)) == 0) continue; if ((parse_var_hash(buf, "PKGFX_", pkgmap)) == 0) continue; if ((parse_var_hash(buf, "PKGFS_", pkgmap)) == 0) continue; if ((parse_var_hash(buf, "PKGFC_", pkgmap)) == 0) continue; if ((parse_var_with_pkg(buf, "PKG_CHOICES_", pkg_choices, &pkg_choices, &pkgname, 12)) == 0) continue; if ((parse_var_hash(buf, "PKGCD_", pkgmap)) == 0) continue; if ((parse_var_hash(buf, "PKGCS_", pkgmap)) == 0) continue; if ((parse_var(buf, "PKG_SUBPKGS", pkg_subpkgs, &pkg_subpkgs)) == 0) continue; if ((parse_var_hash(buf, "PKGSD_", pkgmap)) == 0) continue; if ((parse_var_hash(buf, "PKGSS_", pkgmap)) == 0) continue; if ((parse_var_hash(buf, "PKGSC_", pkgmap)) == 0) continue; } } /* end of package Makefile parsing */ if (fclose(pkg) != 0) perror("Failed to close file stream for Makefile"); #if 0 if (pkg_name != NULL) fprintf(stderr, "Package name is %s\n", pkg_name); if (pkg_section != NULL) fprintf(stderr, "Package section is %s\n", pkg_section); if (pkg_descr != NULL) fprintf(stderr, "Package description is %s\n", pkg_descr); if (pkg_depends != NULL) fprintf(stderr, "Package dependencies are %s\n", pkg_depends); if (pkg_subpkgs != NULL) fprintf(stderr, "Package subpackages are %s\n", pkg_subpkgs); if (pkg_flavours != NULL && pkgname != NULL) fprintf(stderr, "Package flavours for %s are %s\n", pkgname, pkg_flavours); if (pkg_flavours_string != NULL && pkgname != NULL) fprintf(stderr, "Package string flavours for %s are %s\n", pkgname, pkg_flavours_string); if (pkg_choices != NULL && pkgname != NULL) fprintf(stderr, "Package choices for %s are %s\n", pkgname, pkg_choices); if (pkg_url != NULL) fprintf(stderr, "Package homepage is %s\n", pkg_url); if (pkg_cfline != NULL) fprintf(stderr, "Package cfline is %s\n", pkg_cfline); if (pkg_multi != NULL) fprintf(stderr, "Package multi is %s\n", pkg_multi); strmap_enum(pkgmap, iter_debug, NULL); #endif /* generate master source Config.in file */ if (snprintf(path, MAXPATH, "package/pkgconfigs.d/%s/Config.in", pkgdirp->d_name) < 0) fatal_error("path variable creation failed."); fprintf(menuglobal, "source \"%s\"\n", path); /* recreating file is faster than truncating with w+ */ unlink(path); cfg = fopen(path, "w"); if (cfg == NULL) continue; pkgs = NULL; if (pkg_subpkgs != NULL) pkgs = strdup(pkg_subpkgs); fprintf(cfg, "config ADK_COMPILE_%s\n", toupperstr(pkgdirp->d_name)); fprintf(cfg, "\ttristate\n"); if (nobinpkgs == 0) { fprintf(cfg, "\tdepends on "); if (pkgs != NULL) { if (pkg_multi != NULL) if (strncmp(pkg_multi, "1", 1) == 0) fprintf(cfg, "ADK_HAVE_DOT_CONFIG || "); token = strtok(pkgs, " "); fprintf(cfg, "ADK_PACKAGE_%s", token); token = strtok(NULL, " "); while (token != NULL) { fprintf(cfg, " || ADK_PACKAGE_%s", token); token = strtok(NULL, " "); } fprintf(cfg, "\n"); } else { fprintf(cfg, "ADK_PACKAGE_%s\n", toupperstr(pkgdirp->d_name)); } } fprintf(cfg, "\tdefault n\n"); fclose(cfg); free(pkgs); /* skip packages without binary package output */ if (nobinpkgs == 1) continue; /* generate binary package specific Config.in files */ if (pkg_subpkgs != NULL) packages = tolowerstr(pkg_subpkgs); else packages = strdup(pkgdirp->d_name); token = strtok_r(packages, " ", &p_ptr); while (token != NULL) { strncat(hkey, "PKGSC_", 6); strncat(hkey, toupperstr(token), strlen(token)); memset(hvalue, 0 , MAXVALUE); result = strmap_get(pkgmap, hkey, hvalue, sizeof(hvalue)); memset(hkey, 0 , MAXVAR); if (result == 1) pkg_section = strdup(hvalue); strncat(hkey, "PKGSD_", 6); strncat(hkey, toupperstr(token), strlen(token)); memset(hvalue, 0 , MAXVALUE); result = strmap_get(pkgmap, hkey, hvalue, sizeof(hvalue)); memset(hkey, 0 , MAXVAR); if (result == 1) pkg_descr = strdup(hvalue); pseudo_name = malloc(MAXLINE); memset(pseudo_name, 0, MAXLINE); strncat(pseudo_name, token, strlen(token)); while (strlen(pseudo_name) < 20) strncat(pseudo_name, ".", 1); if (snprintf(path, MAXPATH, "package/pkgconfigs.d/%s/Config.in.%s", pkgdirp->d_name, token) < 0) fatal_error("failed to create path variable."); /* create temporary section files */ memset(hvalue, 0 , MAXVALUE); result = strmap_get(sectionmap, pkg_section, hvalue, sizeof(hvalue)); if (result == 1) { if (snprintf(spath, MAXPATH, "package/pkglist.d/sectionlst.%d", hash_str(hvalue)) < 0) fatal_error("failed to create path variable."); section = fopen(spath, "a"); if (section != NULL) { fprintf(section, "%s |%s\n", token, pkgdirp->d_name); fclose(section); } } else fatal_error("Can not find section description for package %s.", pkgdirp->d_name); unlink(path); cfg = fopen(path, "w"); if (cfg == NULL) perror("Can not open Config.in file"); if (pkg_need_cxx != NULL) { fprintf(cfg, "comment \"%s... %s (disabled, c++ missing)\"\n", token, pkg_descr); fprintf(cfg, "depends on !ADK_TOOLCHAIN_GCC_CXX\n\n"); } fprintf(cfg, "config ADK_PACKAGE_%s\n", toupperstr(token)); fprintf(cfg, "\tprompt \"%s. %s\"\n", pseudo_name, pkg_descr); fprintf(cfg, "\ttristate\n"); if (pkg_multi != NULL) if (strncmp(pkg_multi, "1", 1) == 0) if (strncmp(toupperstr(token), toupperstr(pkgdirp->d_name), strlen(token)) != 0) fprintf(cfg, "\tdepends on ADK_PACKAGE_%s\n", toupperstr(pkgdirp->d_name)); free(pseudo_name); /* print custom cf line */ if (pkg_cfline != NULL) { cftoken = strtok_r(pkg_cfline, "@", &saveptr); while (cftoken != NULL) { fprintf(cfg, "\t%s\n", cftoken); cftoken = strtok_r(NULL, "@", &saveptr); } free(pkg_cfline); pkg_cfline = NULL; } /* add sub package dependencies */ strncat(hkey, "PKGSS_", 6); strncat(hkey, toupperstr(token), strlen(token)); memset(hvalue, 0, MAXVALUE); result = strmap_get(pkgmap, hkey, hvalue, sizeof(hvalue)); if (result == 1) { val = strtok_r(hvalue, " ", &saveptr); while (val != NULL) { if (strncmp(val, "kmod", 4) == 0) fprintf(cfg, "\tselect ADK_KPACKAGE_%s\n", toupperstr(val)); else fprintf(cfg, "\tselect ADK_PACKAGE_%s\n", toupperstr(val)); val = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &saveptr); } } memset(hkey, 0, MAXVAR); /* create package target system dependency information */ if (pkg_system_depends != NULL) { token = strtok(pkg_system_depends, " "); fprintf(cfg, "\tdepends on "); sp = ""; while (token != NULL) { if(strncmp(token, "!", 1) == 0) { fprintf(cfg, "%s!ADK_TARGET_SYSTEM%s", sp, toupperstr(token)); sp = " && "; } else { fprintf(cfg, "%sADK_TARGET_SYSTEM_%s", sp, toupperstr(token)); sp = " || "; } token = strtok(NULL, " "); } fprintf(cfg, "\n"); } /* create package host dependency information */ if (pkg_host_depends != NULL) { token = strtok(pkg_host_depends, " "); fprintf(cfg, "\tdepends on "); sp = ""; while (token != NULL) { if(strncmp(token, "!", 1) == 0) { fprintf(cfg, "%s!ADK_HOST%s", sp, toupperstr(token)); sp = " && "; } else { fprintf(cfg, "%sADK_HOST_%s", sp, toupperstr(token)); sp = " || "; } token = strtok(NULL, " "); } fprintf(cfg, "\n"); } /* create package target architecture dependency information */ if (pkg_arch_depends != NULL) { token = strtok(pkg_arch_depends, " "); fprintf(cfg, "\tdepends on "); sp = ""; while (token != NULL) { if(strncmp(token, "!", 1) == 0) { fprintf(cfg, "%s!ADK_LINUX%s", sp, toupperstr(token)); sp = " && "; } else { fprintf(cfg, "%sADK_LINUX_%s", sp, toupperstr(token)); sp = " || "; } token = strtok(NULL, " "); } fprintf(cfg, "\n"); } /* create package dependency information */ if (pkg_depends != NULL) { token = strtok(pkg_depends, " "); while (token != NULL) { if (strncmp(token, "kmod", 4) == 0) fprintf(cfg, "\tselect ADK_KPACKAGE_%s\n", toupperstr(token)); else fprintf(cfg, "\tselect ADK_PACKAGE_%s\n", toupperstr(token)); token = strtok(NULL, " "); } free(pkg_depends); pkg_depends = NULL; } if (pkg_need_cxx != NULL) { fprintf(cfg, "\tdepends on ADK_TOOLCHAIN_GCC_CXX\n"); } if (pkg_need_java != NULL) { fprintf(cfg, "\tdepends on ADK_TOOLCHAIN_GCC_JAVA\n"); pkg_need_java = NULL; } fprintf(cfg, "\tselect ADK_COMPILE_%s\n", toupperstr(pkgdirp->d_name)); if (pkg_dflt != NULL) { fprintf(cfg, "\tdefault %s\n", pkg_dflt); pkg_dflt = NULL; } else { fprintf(cfg, "\tdefault n\n"); } fprintf(cfg, "\thelp\n"); fprintf(cfg, "\t %s\n\n", pkg_descr); if (pkg_url != NULL) fprintf(cfg, "\t WWW: %s\n", pkg_url); /* handle special C++ packages */ if (pkg_cxx != NULL) { fprintf(cfg, "\nchoice\n"); fprintf(cfg, "prompt \"C++ library to use\"\n"); fprintf(cfg, "depends on ADK_COMPILE_%s\n\n", toupperstr(pkgdirp->d_name)); fprintf(cfg, "default ADK_COMPILE_%s_WITH_STDCXX if ADK_TARGET_LIB_GLIBC || ADK_TARGET_LIB_EGLIBC\n", pkg_cxx); fprintf(cfg, "default ADK_COMPILE_%s_WITH_UCLIBCXX if ADK_TARGET_LIB_UCLIBC\n\n", pkg_cxx); fprintf(cfg, "config ADK_COMPILE_%s_WITH_STDCXX\n", pkg_cxx); fprintf(cfg, "\tbool \"GNU C++ library\"\n"); fprintf(cfg, "\tselect ADK_PACKAGE_LIBSTDCXX\n\n"); fprintf(cfg, "config ADK_COMPILE_%s_WITH_UCLIBCXX\n", pkg_cxx); fprintf(cfg, "\tbool \"uClibc++ library\"\n"); fprintf(cfg, "\tselect ADK_PACKAGE_UCLIBCXX\n\n"); fprintf(cfg, "endchoice\n"); free(pkg_cxx); pkg_cxx = NULL; } /* package flavours */ if (pkg_flavours != NULL) { token = strtok(pkg_flavours, " "); while (token != NULL) { fprintf(cfg, "\nconfig ADK_PACKAGE_%s_%s\n", pkgname, toupperstr(token)); // process default value strncat(hkey, "PKGFX_", 6); strncat(hkey, token, strlen(token)); memset(hvalue, 0 , MAXVALUE); strmap_get(pkgmap, hkey, hvalue, sizeof(hvalue)); memset(hkey, 0 , MAXVAR); pkg_fd = strdup(hvalue); if (strlen(pkg_fd) > 0) fprintf(cfg, "\tdefault %s\n", pkg_fd); else fprintf(cfg, "\tdefault n\n"); // process flavour cfline strncat(hkey, "PKGFC_", 6); strncat(hkey, token, strlen(token)); memset(hvalue, 0 , MAXVALUE); strmap_get(pkgmap, hkey, hvalue, sizeof(hvalue)); memset(hkey, 0 , MAXVAR); pkg_fd = strdup(hvalue); if (strlen(pkg_fd) > 0) fprintf(cfg, "\t%s\n", pkg_fd); fprintf(cfg, "\tboolean "); strncat(hkey, "PKGFD_", 6); strncat(hkey, token, strlen(token)); memset(hvalue, 0 , MAXVALUE); strmap_get(pkgmap, hkey, hvalue, sizeof(hvalue)); memset(hkey, 0 , MAXVAR); pkg_fd = strdup(hvalue); fprintf(cfg, "\"%s\"\n", pkg_fd); fprintf(cfg, "\tdepends on ADK_PACKAGE_%s\n", pkgname); strncat(hkey, "PKGFS_", 6); strncat(hkey, token, strlen(token)); result = strmap_get(pkgmap, hkey, hvalue, sizeof(hvalue)); if (result == 1) { val = strtok_r(hvalue, " ", &saveptr); while (val != NULL) { if (strncmp(val, "kmod", 4) == 0) fprintf(cfg, "\tselect ADK_KPACKAGE_%s\n", toupperstr(val)); else fprintf(cfg, "\tselect ADK_PACKAGE_%s\n", toupperstr(val)); val = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &saveptr); } } memset(hkey, 0, MAXVAR); fprintf(cfg, "\thelp\n"); fprintf(cfg, "\t %s\n", pkg_fd); token = strtok(NULL, " "); } free(pkg_flavours); pkg_flavours = NULL; } /* package flavours string */ if (pkg_flavours_string != NULL) { token = strtok(pkg_flavours_string, " "); while (token != NULL) { fprintf(cfg, "\nconfig ADK_PACKAGE_%s_%s\n", pkgname, toupperstr(token)); // process default value strncat(hkey, "PKGFX_", 6); strncat(hkey, token, strlen(token)); memset(hvalue, 0 , MAXVALUE); strmap_get(pkgmap, hkey, hvalue, sizeof(hvalue)); memset(hkey, 0 , MAXVAR); pkg_fd = strdup(hvalue); if (strlen(pkg_fd) > 0) fprintf(cfg, "\tdefault \"%s\"\n", pkg_fd); // process flavour cfline strncat(hkey, "PKGFC_", 6); strncat(hkey, token, strlen(token)); memset(hvalue, 0 , MAXVALUE); strmap_get(pkgmap, hkey, hvalue, sizeof(hvalue)); memset(hkey, 0 , MAXVAR); pkg_fd = strdup(hvalue); if (strlen(pkg_fd) > 0) fprintf(cfg, "\t%s\n", pkg_fd); fprintf(cfg, "\tstring "); strncat(hkey, "PKGFD_", 6); strncat(hkey, token, strlen(token)); memset(hvalue, 0 , MAXVALUE); strmap_get(pkgmap, hkey, hvalue, sizeof(hvalue)); memset(hkey, 0 , MAXVAR); pkg_fd = strdup(hvalue); fprintf(cfg, "\"%s\"\n", pkg_fd); fprintf(cfg, "\tdepends on ADK_PACKAGE_%s\n", pkgname); strncat(hkey, "PKGFS_", 6); strncat(hkey, token, strlen(token)); result = strmap_get(pkgmap, hkey, hvalue, sizeof(hvalue)); if (result == 1) { val = strtok_r(hvalue, " ", &saveptr); while (val != NULL) { if (strncmp(val, "kmod", 4) == 0) fprintf(cfg, "\tselect ADK_KPACKAGE_%s\n", toupperstr(val)); else fprintf(cfg, "\tselect ADK_PACKAGE_%s\n", toupperstr(val)); val = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &saveptr); } } memset(hkey, 0, MAXVAR); fprintf(cfg, "\thelp\n"); fprintf(cfg, "\t %s\n", pkg_fd); token = strtok(NULL, " "); } free(pkg_flavours_string); pkg_flavours_string = NULL; } /* package choices */ if (pkg_choices != NULL) { fprintf(cfg, "\nchoice\n"); fprintf(cfg, "prompt \"Package flavour choice\"\n"); fprintf(cfg, "depends on ADK_PACKAGE_%s\n\n", pkgname); token = strtok(pkg_choices, " "); while (token != NULL) { fprintf(cfg, "config ADK_PACKAGE_%s_%s\n", pkgname, toupperstr(token)); fprintf(cfg, "\tbool "); strncat(hkey, "PKGCD_", 6); strncat(hkey, token, strlen(token)); memset(hvalue, 0 , MAXVALUE); strmap_get(pkgmap, hkey, hvalue, sizeof(hvalue)); memset(hkey, 0 , MAXVAR); fprintf(cfg, "\"%s\"\n", hvalue); strncat(hkey, "PKGCS_", 6); strncat(hkey, token, strlen(token)); memset(hvalue, 0, MAXVALUE); result = strmap_get(pkgmap, hkey, hvalue, sizeof(hvalue)); if (result == 1) { val = strtok_r(hvalue, " ", &saveptr); while (val != NULL) { if (strncmp(val, "kmod", 4) == 0) fprintf(cfg, "\tselect ADK_KPACKAGE_%s\n", toupperstr(val)); else fprintf(cfg, "\tselect ADK_PACKAGE_%s\n", toupperstr(val)); val = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &saveptr); } } memset(hkey, 0, MAXVAR); token = strtok(NULL, " "); } fprintf(cfg, "\nendchoice\n"); free(pkg_choices); pkg_choices = NULL; } /* close file descriptor, parse next package */ fclose(cfg); token = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &p_ptr); } /* end of package output generation */ free(packages); packages = NULL; pkg_need_cxx = NULL; pkg_need_java = NULL; /* reset flags, free memory */ free(pkg_name); free(pkg_descr); free(pkg_section); free(pkg_url); free(pkg_depends); free(pkg_flavours); free(pkg_flavours_string); free(pkg_choices); free(pkg_subpkgs); free(pkg_arch_depends); free(pkg_system_depends); free(pkg_host_depends); free(pkg_cxx); free(pkg_dflt); free(pkg_cfline); free(pkg_multi); pkg_name = NULL; pkg_descr = NULL; pkg_section = NULL; pkg_url = NULL; pkg_depends = NULL; pkg_flavours = NULL; pkg_flavours_string = NULL; pkg_choices = NULL; pkg_subpkgs = NULL; pkg_arch_depends = NULL; pkg_system_depends = NULL; pkg_host_depends = NULL; pkg_cxx = NULL; pkg_dflt = NULL; pkg_cfline = NULL; pkg_multi = NULL; strmap_delete(pkgmap); nobinpkgs = 0; free(hkey); } } /* create Config.in.auto */ strmap_enum(sectionmap, iter, NULL); strmap_delete(sectionmap); fclose(menuglobal); closedir(pkgdir); /* remove temporary section files */ pkglistdir = opendir("package/pkglist.d"); while ((pkgdirp = readdir(pkglistdir)) != NULL) { if (strncmp(pkgdirp->d_name, "sectionlst.", 11) == 0) { if (snprintf(path, MAXPATH, "package/pkglist.d/%s", pkgdirp->d_name) < 0) fatal_error("creating path variable failed."); if (unlink(path) < 0) fatal_error("removing file failed."); } } closedir(pkglistdir); return(0); }