# This file is part of the OpenADK project. OpenADK is copyrighted # material, please see the LICENCE file in the top-level directory. include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk PKG_NAME:= tptest PKG_VERSION:= 3.1.7 PKG_RELEASE:= 1 PKG_MD5SUM:= 46f941bdab738a2a11ecc2a5f757ec77 PKG_DESCR:= Internet bandwidth tester PKG_SECTION:= utils PKG_DEPENDS:= PKG_URL:= http://tptest.sourceforge.net/ PKG_SITES:= ${MASTER_SITE_SOURCEFORGE:=tptest/} # if downloaded package is not ending with .tar.gz use following #DISTFILES:= ${PKG_NAME}-${PKG_VERSION}.tar.bz2 include $(TOPDIR)/mk/package.mk $(eval $(call PKG_template,TPTEST,$(PKG_NAME),$(PKG_VERSION)-${PKG_RELEASE},${PKG_DEPENDS},${PKG_DESCR},${PKG_SECTION})) # use following to add ./configure options #CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-foo # overwrite any configure variables #CONFIGURE_ENV+= ac_cv_func_setpgrp_void=yes #BUILD_STYLE:= auto #INSTALL_STYLE:= auto do-build: (cd ${WRKSRC}/apps/unix/server && ${MAKE} && ${MAKE} install DESTDIR="${WRKINST}") (cd ${WRKSRC}/apps/unix/client && ${MAKE} && ${MAKE} install DESTDIR="${WRKINST}") # please install all files and directories to the package dir do-install: $(INSTALL_DIR) $(IDIR_TPTEST)/usr/bin $(INSTALL_BIN) $(WRKINST)/usr/bin/tptest{client,server} $(IDIR_TPTEST)/usr/bin/ include ${TOPDIR}/mk/pkg-bottom.mk