** 2001 September 15
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
**    May you do good and not evil.
**    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
**    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** This header file defines the interface that the SQLite library
** presents to client programs.  If a C-function, structure, datatype,
** or constant definition does not appear in this file, then it is
** not a published API of SQLite, is subject to change without
** notice, and should not be referenced by programs that use SQLite.
** Some of the definitions that are in this file are marked as
** "experimental".  Experimental interfaces are normally new
** features recently added to SQLite.  We do not anticipate changes
** to experimental interfaces but reserve the right to make minor changes
** if experience from use "in the wild" suggest such changes are prudent.
** The official C-language API documentation for SQLite is derived
** from comments in this file.  This file is the authoritative source
** on how SQLite interfaces are suppose to operate.
** The name of this file under configuration management is "sqlite.h.in".
** The makefile makes some minor changes to this file (such as inserting
** the version number) and changes its name to "sqlite3.h" as
** part of the build process.
#ifndef _SQLITE3_H_
#define _SQLITE3_H_
#include <stdarg.h>     /* Needed for the definition of va_list */

** Make sure we can call this stuff from C++.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

** Add the ability to override 'extern'
# define SQLITE_EXTERN extern

#ifndef SQLITE_API
# define SQLITE_API

** These no-op macros are used in front of interfaces to mark those
** interfaces as either deprecated or experimental.  New applications
** should not use deprecated interfaces - they are support for backwards
** compatibility only.  Application writers should be aware that
** experimental interfaces are subject to change in point releases.
** These macros used to resolve to various kinds of compiler magic that
** would generate warning messages when they were used.  But that
** compiler magic ended up generating such a flurry of bug reports
** that we have taken it all out and gone back to using simple
** noop macros.

** Ensure these symbols were not defined by some previous header file.

** CAPI3REF: Compile-Time Library Version Numbers {H10010} <S60100>
** the sqlite3.h file specify the version of SQLite with which
** that header file is associated.
** The "version" of SQLite is a string of the form "W.X.Y" or "W.X.Y.Z".
** The W value is major version number and is always 3 in SQLite3.
** The W value only changes when backwards compatibility is
** broken and we intend to never break backwards compatibility.
** The X value is the minor version number and only changes when
** there are major feature enhancements that are forwards compatible
** but not backwards compatible.
** The Y value is the release number and is incremented with
** each release but resets back to 0 whenever X is incremented.
** The Z value only appears on branch releases.
** The SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER is an integer that is computed as
** follows:
** <blockquote><pre>
** SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER = W*1000000 + X*1000 + Y
** </pre></blockquote>
** Since version 3.6.18, SQLite source code has been stored in the
** <a href="http://www.fossil-scm.org/">fossil configuration management
** system</a>.  The SQLITE_SOURCE_ID
** macro is a string which identifies a particular check-in of SQLite
** within its configuration management system.  The string contains the
** date and time of the check-in (UTC) and an SHA1 hash of the entire
** source tree.
** See also: [sqlite3_libversion()],
** [sqlite3_libversion_number()], [sqlite3_sourceid()],
** [sqlite_version()] and [sqlite_source_id()].
** Requirements: [H10011] [H10014]
#define SQLITE_VERSION        "3.6.20"
#define SQLITE_SOURCE_ID      "2009-11-04 13:30:02 eb7a544fe49d1626bacecfe53ddc03fe082e3243"

** CAPI3REF: Run-Time Library Version Numbers {H10020} <S60100>
** KEYWORDS: sqlite3_version
** These interfaces provide the same information as the [SQLITE_VERSION],
** [SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER], and [SQLITE_SOURCE_ID] #defines in the header,
** but are associated with the library instead of the header file.  Cautious
** programmers might include assert() statements in their application to
** verify that values returned by these interfaces match the macros in
** the header, and thus insure that the application is
** compiled with matching library and header files.
** <blockquote><pre>
** assert( sqlite3_libversion_number()==SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER );
** assert( strcmp(sqlite3_sourceid(),SQLITE_SOURCE_ID)==0 );
** assert( strcmp(sqlite3_libversion,SQLITE_VERSION)==0 );
** </pre></blockquote>
** The sqlite3_libversion() function returns the same information as is
** in the sqlite3_version[] string constant.  The function is provided
** for use in DLLs since DLL users usually do not have direct access to string
** constants within the DLL.  Similarly, the sqlite3_sourceid() function
** returns the same information as is in the [SQLITE_SOURCE_ID] #define of
** the header file.
** See also: [sqlite_version()] and [sqlite_source_id()].
** Requirements: [H10021] [H10022] [H10023]
SQLITE_API SQLITE_EXTERN const char sqlite3_version[];
SQLITE_API const char *sqlite3_libversion(void);
SQLITE_API const char *sqlite3_sourceid(void);
SQLITE_API int sqlite3_libversion_number(void);

** CAPI3REF: Test To See If The Library Is Threadsafe {H10100} <S60100>
** SQLite can be compiled with or without mutexes.  When
** the [SQLITE_THREADSAFE] C preprocessor macro is 1 or 2, mutexes
** are enabled and SQLite is threadsafe.  When the
** [SQLITE_THREADSAFE] macro is 0, 
** the mutexes are omitted.  Without the mutexes, it is not safe
** to use SQLite concurrently from more than one thread.
** Enabling mutexes incurs a measurable performance penalty.
** So if speed is of utmost importance, it makes sense to disable
** the mutexes.  But for maximum safety, mutexes should be enabled.
** The default behavior is for mutexes to be enabled.
** This interface can be used by an application to make sure that the
** version of SQLite that it is linking against was compiled with
** the desired setting of the [SQLITE_THREADSAFE] macro.
** This interface only reports on the compile-time mutex setting
** of the [SQLITE_THREADSAFE] flag.  If SQLite is compiled with
** SQLITE_THREADSAFE=1 then mutexes are enabled by default but
** can be fully or partially disabled using a call to [sqlite3_config()]
** or [SQLITE_CONFIG_MUTEX].  The return value of this function shows
** only the default compile-time setting, not any run-time changes
** to that setting.
** See the [threading mode] documentation for additional information.
** Requirements: [H10101] [H10102]
SQLITE_API int sqlite3_threadsafe(void);

** CAPI3REF: Database Connection Handle {H12000} <S40200>
** KEYWORDS: {database connection} {database connections}
** Each open SQLite database is represented by a pointer to an instance of
** the opaque structure named "sqlite3".  It is useful to think of an sqlite3
** pointer as an object.  The [sqlite3_open()], [sqlite3_open16()], and
** [sqlite3_open_v2()] interfaces are its constructors, and [sqlite3_close()]
** is its destructor.  There are many other interfaces (such as
** [sqlite3_prepare_v2()], [sqlite3_create_function()], and
** [sqlite3_busy_timeout()] to name but three) that are methods on an
** sqlite3 object.
typedef struct sqlite3 sqlite3;

** CAPI3REF: 64-Bit Integer Types {H10200} <S10110>
** KEYWORDS: sqlite_int64 sqlite_uint64
** Because there is no cross-platform way to specify 64-bit integer types
** SQLite includes typedefs for 64-bit signed and unsigned integers.
** The sqlite3_int64 and sqlite3_uint64 are the preferred type definitions.
** The sqlite_int64 and sqlite_uint64 types are supported for backwards
** compatibility only.
** Requirements: [H10201] [H10202]
  typedef SQLITE_INT64_TYPE sqlite_int64;
  typedef unsigned SQLITE_INT64_TYPE sqlite_uint64;
#elif defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__)
  typedef __int64 sqlite_int64;
  typedef unsigned __int64 sqlite_uint64;
  typedef long long int sqlite_int64;
  typedef unsigned long long int sqlite_uint64;
typedef sqlite_int64 sqlite3_int64;
typedef sqlite_uint64 sqlite3_uint64;

** If compiling for a processor that lacks floating point support,
** substitute integer for floating-point.
# define double sqlite3_int64

** CAPI3REF: Closing A Database Connection {H12010} <S30100><S40200>
** This routine is the destructor for the [sqlite3] object.
** Applications must [sqlite3_finalize | finalize] all [prepared statements]
** and [sqlite3_blob_close | close] all [BLOB handles] associated with
** the [sqlite3] object prior to attempting to close the object.
** If [sqlite3_close()] is invoked while a transaction is open,
** the transaction is automatically rolled back.
** The C parameter to [sqlite3_close(C)] must be either a NULL
** pointer or an [sqlite3] object pointer obtained
** from [sqlite3_open()], [sqlite3_open16()], or
** [sqlite3_open_v2()], and not previously closed.
** Requirements:
** [H12011] [H12012] [H12013] [H12014] [H12015] [H12019]
SQLITE_API int sqlite3_close(sqlite3 *);

** The type for a callback function.
** This is legacy and deprecated.  It is included for historical
** compatibility and is not documented.
typedef int (*sqlite3_callback)(void*,int,char**, char**);

** CAPI3REF: One-Step Query Execution Interface {H12100} <S10000>
** The sqlite3_exec() interface is a convenient way of running one or more
** SQL statements without having to write a lot of C code.  The UTF-8 encoded
** SQL statements are passed in as the second parameter to sqlite3_exec().
** The statements are evaluated one by one until either an error or
** an interrupt is encountered, or until they are all done.  The 3rd parameter
** is an optional callback that is invoked once for each row of any query
** results produced by the SQL statements.  The 5th parameter tells where
** to write any error messages.
** The error message passed back through the 5th parameter is held
** in memory obtained from [sqlite3_malloc()].  To avoid a memory leak,
** the calling application should call [sqlite3_free()] on any error
** message returned through the 5th parameter when it has finished using
** the error message.
** If the SQL statement in the 2nd parameter is NULL or an empty string
** or a string containing only whitespace and comments, then no SQL
** statements are evaluated and the database is not changed.
** The sqlite3_exec() interface is implemented in terms of
** [sqlite3_prepare_v2()], [sqlite3_step()], and [sqlite3_finalize()].
** The sqlite3_exec() routine does nothing to the database that cannot be done
** by [sqlite3_prepare_v2()], [sqlite3_step()], and [sqlite3_finalize()].
** The first parameter to [sqlite3_exec()] must be an valid and open
** [database connection].
** The database connection must not be closed while
** [sqlite3_exec()] is running.
** The calling function should use [sqlite3_free()] to free
** the memory that *errmsg is left pointing at once the error
** message is no longer needed.
** The SQL statement text in the 2nd parameter to [sqlite3_exec()]
** must remain unchanged while [sqlite3_exec()] is running.
** Requirements:
** [H12101] [H12102] [H12104] [H12105] [H12107] [H12110] [H12113] [H12116]
** [H12119] [H12122] [H12125] [H12131] [H12134] [H12137] [H12138]
SQLITE_API int sqlite3_exec(
  sqlite3*,                                  /* An open database */
  const char *sql,                           /* SQL to be evaluated */
  int (*callback)(void*,int,char**,char**),  /* Callback function */
  void *,                                    /* 1st argument to callback */
  char **errmsg                              /* Error msg written here */

** CAPI3REF: Result Codes {H10210} <S10700>
** KEYWORDS: SQLITE_OK {error code} {error codes}
** KEYWORDS: {result code} {result codes}
** Many SQLite functions return an integer result code from the set shown
** here in order to indicates success or failure.
** New error codes may be added in future versions of SQLite.
** See also: [SQLITE_IOERR_READ | extended result codes]
#define SQLITE_OK           0   /* Successful result */
/* beginning-of-error-codes */
#define SQLITE_ERROR        1   /* SQL error or missing database */
#define SQLITE_INTERNAL     2   /* Internal logic error in SQLite */
#define SQLITE_PERM         3   /* Access permission denied */
#define SQLITE_ABORT        4   /* Callback routine requested an abort */
#define SQLITE_BUSY         5   /* The database file is locked */
#define SQLITE_LOCKED       6   /* A table in the database is locked */
#define SQLITE_NOMEM        7   /* A malloc() failed */
#define SQLITE_READONLY     8   /* Attempt to write a readonly database */
#define SQLITE_INTERRUPT    9   /* Operation terminated by sqlite3_interrupt()*/
#define SQLITE_IOERR       10   /* Some kind of disk I/O error occurred */
#define SQLITE_CORRUPT     11   /* The database disk image is malformed */
#define SQLITE_NOTFOUND    12   /* NOT USED. Table or record not found */
#define SQLITE_FULL        13   /* Insertion failed because database is full */
#define SQLITE_CANTOPEN    14   /* Unable to open the database file */
#define SQLITE_PROTOCOL    15   /* NOT USED. Database lock protocol error */
#define SQLITE_EMPTY       16   /* Database is empty */
#define SQLITE_SCHEMA      17   /* The database schema changed */
#define SQLITE_TOOBIG      18   /* String or BLOB exceeds size limit */
#define SQLITE_CONSTRAINT  19   /* Abort due to constraint violation */
#define SQLITE_MISMATCH    20   /* Data type mismatch */
#define SQLITE_MISUSE      21   /* Library used incorrectly */
#define SQLITE_NOLFS       22   /* Uses OS features not supported on host */
#define SQLITE_AUTH        23   /* Authorization denied */
#define SQLITE_FORMAT      24   /* Auxiliary database format error */
#define SQLITE_RANGE       25   /* 2nd parameter to sqlite3_bind out of range */
#define SQLITE_NOTADB      26   /* File opened that is not a database file */
#define SQLITE_ROW         100  /* sqlite3_step() has another row ready */
#define SQLITE_DONE        101  /* sqlite3_step() has finished executing */
/* end-of-error-codes */

** CAPI3REF: Extended Result Codes {H10220} <S10700>
** KEYWORDS: {extended error code} {extended error codes}
** KEYWORDS: {extended result code} {extended result codes}
** In its default configuration, SQLite API routines return one of 26 integer
** [SQLITE_OK | result codes].  However, experience has shown that many of
** these result codes are too coarse-grained.  They do not provide as
** much information about problems as programmers might like.  In an effort to
** address this, newer versions of SQLite (version 3.3.8 and later) include
** support for additional result codes that provide more detailed information
** about errors. The extended result codes are enabled or disabled
** on a per database connection basis using the
** [sqlite3_extended_result_codes()] API.
** Some of the available extended result codes are listed here.
** One may expect the number of extended result codes will be expand
** over time.  Software that uses extended result codes should expect
** to see new result codes in future releases of SQLite.
** The SQLITE_OK result code will never be extended.  It will always
** be exactly zero.
#define SQLITE_IOERR_READ              (SQLITE_IOERR | (1<<8))
#define SQLITE_IOERR_SHORT_READ        (SQLITE_IOERR | (2<<8))
#define SQLITE_IOERR_WRITE             (SQLITE_IOERR | (3<<8))
#define SQLITE_IOERR_FSYNC             (SQLITE_IOERR | (4<<8))
#define SQLITE_IOERR_DIR_FSYNC         (SQLITE_IOERR | (5<<8))
#define SQLITE_IOERR_TRUNCATE          (SQLITE_IOERR | (6<<8))
#define SQLITE_IOERR_FSTAT             (SQLITE_IOERR | (7<<8))
#define SQLITE_IOERR_UNLOCK            (SQLITE_IOERR | (8<<8))
#define SQLITE_IOERR_RDLOCK            (SQLITE_IOERR | (9<<8))
#define SQLITE_IOERR_DELETE            (SQLITE_IOERR | (10<<8))
#define SQLITE_IOERR_BLOCKED           (SQLITE_IOERR | (11<<8))
#define SQLITE_IOERR_NOMEM             (SQLITE_IOERR | (12<<8))
#define SQLITE_IOERR_ACCESS            (SQLITE_IOERR | (13<<8))
#define SQLITE_IOERR_LOCK              (SQLITE_IOERR | (15<<8))
#define SQLITE_IOERR_CLOSE             (SQLITE_IOERR | (16<<8))
#define SQLITE_IOERR_DIR_CLOSE         (SQLITE_IOERR | (17<<8))

** CAPI3REF: Flags For File Open Operations {H10230} <H11120> <H12700>
** These bit values are intended for use in the
** 3rd parameter to the [sqlite3_open_v2()] interface and
** in the 4th parameter to the xOpen method of the
** [sqlite3_vfs] object.
#define SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY         0x00000001  /* Ok for sqlite3_open_v2() */
#define SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE        0x00000002  /* Ok for sqlite3_open_v2() */
#define SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE           0x00000004  /* Ok for sqlite3_open_v2() */
#define SQLITE_OPEN_DELETEONCLOSE    0x00000008  /* VFS only */
#define SQLITE_OPEN_EXCLUSIVE        0x00000010  /* VFS only */
#define SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_DB          0x00000100  /* VFS only */
#define SQLITE_OPEN_TEMP_DB          0x00000200  /* VFS only */
#define SQLITE_OPEN_TRANSIENT_DB     0x00000400  /* VFS only */
#define SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_JOURNAL     0x00000800  /* VFS only */
#define SQLITE_OPEN_TEMP_JOURNAL     0x00001000  /* VFS only */
#define SQLITE_OPEN_SUBJOURNAL       0x00002000  /* VFS only */
#define SQLITE_OPEN_MASTER_JOURNAL   0x00004000  /* VFS only */
#define SQLITE_OPEN_NOMUTEX          0x00008000  /* Ok for sqlite3_open_v2() */
#define SQLITE_OPEN_FULLMUTEX        0x00010000  /* Ok for sqlite3_open_v2() */
#define SQLITE_OPEN_SHAREDCACHE      0x00020000  /* Ok for sqlite3_open_v2() */
#define SQLITE_OPEN_PRIVATECACHE     0x00040000  /* Ok for sqlite3_open_v2() */

** CAPI3REF: Device Characteristics {H10240} <H11120>
** The xDeviceCapabilities method of the [sqlite3_io_methods]
** object returns an integer which is a vector of the these
** bit values expressing I/O characteristics of the mass storage
** device that holds the file that the [sqlite3_io_methods]
** refers to.
** The SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC property means that all writes of
** any size are atomic.  The SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMICnnn values
** mean that writes of blocks that are nnn bytes in size and
** are aligned to an address which is an integer multiple of
** nnn are atomic.  The SQLITE_IOCAP_SAFE_APPEND value means
** that when data is appended to a file, the data is appended
** first then the size of the file is extended, never the other
** way around.  The SQLITE_IOCAP_SEQUENTIAL property means that
** information is written to disk in the same order as calls
** to xWrite().
#define SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC          0x00000001
#define SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC512       0x00000002
#define SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC1K        0x00000004
#define SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC2K        0x00000008
#define SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC4K        0x00000010
#define SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC8K        0x00000020
#define SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC16K       0x00000040
#define SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC32K       0x00000080
#define SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC64K       0x00000100
#define SQLITE_IOCAP_SAFE_APPEND     0x00000200
#define SQLITE_IOCAP_SEQUENTIAL      0x00000400

** CAPI3REF: File Locking Levels {H10250} <H11120> <H11310>
** SQLite uses one of these integer values as the second
** argument to calls it makes to the xLock() and xUnlock() methods
** of an [sqlite3_io_methods] object.
#define SQLITE_LOCK_NONE          0
#define SQLITE_LOCK_SHARED        1
#define SQLITE_LOCK_PENDING       3

** CAPI3REF: Synchronization Type Flags {H10260} <H11120>
** When SQLite invokes the xSync() method of an
** [sqlite3_io_methods] object it uses a combination of
** these integer values as the second argument.
** When the SQLITE_SYNC_DATAONLY flag is used, it means that the
** sync operation only needs to flush data to mass storage.  Inode
** information need not be flushed. If the lower four bits of the flag
** equal SQLITE_SYNC_NORMAL, that means to use normal fsync() semantics.
** If the lower four bits equal SQLITE_SYNC_FULL, that means
** to use Mac OS X style fullsync instead of fsync().
#define SQLITE_SYNC_NORMAL        0x00002
#define SQLITE_SYNC_FULL          0x00003
#define SQLITE_SYNC_DATAONLY      0x00010

** CAPI3REF: OS Interface Open File Handle {H11110} <S20110>
** An [sqlite3_file] object represents an open file in the 
** [sqlite3_vfs | OS interface layer].  Individual OS interface
** implementations will
** want to subclass this object by appending additional fields
** for their own use.  The pMethods entry is a pointer to an
** [sqlite3_io_methods] object that defines methods for performing
** I/O operations on the open file.
typedef struct sqlite3_file sqlite3_file;
struct sqlite3_file {
  const struct sqlite3_io_methods *pMethods;  /* Methods for an open file */

** CAPI3REF: OS Interface File Virtual Methods Object {H11120} <S20110>
** Every file opened by the [sqlite3_vfs] xOpen method populates an
** [sqlite3_file] object (or, more commonly, a subclass of the
** [sqlite3_file] object) with a pointer to an instance of this object.
** This object defines the methods used to perform various operations
** against the open file represented by the [sqlite3_file] object.
** If the xOpen method sets the sqlite3_file.pMethods element 
** to a non-NULL pointer, then the sqlite3_io_methods.xClose method
** may be invoked even if the xOpen reported that it failed.  The
** only way to prevent a call to xClose following a failed xOpen
** is for the xOpen to set the sqlite3_file.pMethods element to NULL.
** The flags argument to xSync may be one of [SQLITE_SYNC_NORMAL] or
** [SQLITE_SYNC_FULL].  The first choice is the normal fsync().
** The second choice is a Mac OS X style fullsync.  The [SQLITE_SYNC_DATAONLY]
** flag may be ORed in to indicate that only the data of the file
** and not its inode needs to be synced.
** The integer values to xLock() and xUnlock() are one of
** <ul>
** </ul>
** xLock() increases the lock. xUnlock() decreases the lock.
** The xCheckReservedLock() method checks whether any database connection,
** either in this process or in some other process, is holding a RESERVED,
** PENDING, or EXCLUSIVE lock on the file.  It returns true
** if such a lock exists and false otherwise.
** The xFileControl() method is a generic interface that allows custom
** VFS implementations to directly control an open file using the
** [sqlite3_file_control()] interface.  The second "op" argument is an
** integer opcode.  The third argument is a generic pointer intended to
** point to a structure that may contain arguments or space in which to
** write return values.  Potential uses for xFileControl() might be
** functions to enable blocking locks with timeouts, to change the
** locking strategy (for example to use dot-file locks), to inquire
** about the status of a lock, or to break stale locks.  The SQLite
** core reserves all opcodes less than 100 for its own use.
** A [SQLITE_FCNTL_LOCKSTATE | list of opcodes] less than 100 is available.
** Applications that define a custom xFileControl method should use opcodes
** greater than 100 to avoid conflicts.
** The xSectorSize() method returns the sector size of the
** device that underlies the file.  The sector size is the
** minimum write that can be performed without disturbing
** other bytes in the file.  The xDeviceCharacteristics()
** method returns a bit vector describing behaviors of the
** underlying device:
** <ul>
** </ul>
** The SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC property means that all writes of
** any size are atomic.  The SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMICnnn values
** mean that writes of blocks that are nnn bytes in size and
** are aligned to an address which is an integer multiple of
** nnn are atomic.  The SQLITE_IOCAP_SAFE_APPEND value means
** that when data is appended to a file, the data is appended
** first then the size of the file is extended, never the other
** way around.  The SQLITE_IOCAP_SEQUENTIAL property means that
** information is written to disk in the same order as calls
** to xWrite().
** If xRead() returns SQLITE_IOERR_SHORT_READ it must also fill
** in the unread portions of the buffer with zeros.  A VFS that
** fails to zero-fill short reads might seem to work.  However,
** failure to zero-fill short reads will eventually lead to
** database corruption.
typedef struct sqlite3_io_methods sqlite3_io_methods;
struct sqlite3_io_methods {
  int iVersion;
  int (*xClose)(sqlite3_file*);
  int (*xRead)(sqlite3_file*, void*, int iAmt, sqlite3_int64 iOfst);
  int (*xWrite)(sqlite3_file*, const void*, int iAmt, sqlite3_int64 iOfst);
  int (*xTruncate)(sqlite3_file*, sqlite3_int64 size);
  int (*xSync)(sqlite3_file*, int flags);
  int (*xFileSize)(sqlite3_file*, sqlite3_int64 *pSize);
  int (*xLock)(sqlite3_file*, int);
  int (*xUnlock)(sqlite3_file*, int);
  int (*xCheckReservedLock)(sqlite3_file*, int *pResOut);
  int (*xFileControl)(sqlite3_file*, int op, void *pArg);
  int (*xSectorSize)(sqlite3_file*);
  int (*xDeviceCharacteristics)(sqlite3_file*);
  /* Additional methods may be added in future releases */

** CAPI3REF: Standard File Control Opcodes {H11310} <S30800>
** These integer constants are opcodes for the xFileControl method
** of the [sqlite3_io_methods] object and for the [sqlite3_file_control()]
** interface.
** The [SQLITE_FCNTL_LOCKSTATE] opcode is used for debugging.  This
** opcode causes the xFileControl method to write the current state of
** the lock (one of [SQLITE_LOCK_NONE], [SQLITE_LOCK_SHARED],
** into an integer that the pArg argument points to. This capability
** is used during testing and only needs to be supported when SQLITE_TEST
** is defined.
#define SQLITE_LAST_ERRNO             4

** CAPI3REF: Mutex Handle {H17110} <S20130>
** The mutex module within SQLite defines [sqlite3_mutex] to be an
** abstract type for a mutex object.  The SQLite core never looks
** at the internal representation of an [sqlite3_mutex].  It only
** deals with pointers to the [sqlite3_mutex] object.
** Mutexes are created using [sqlite3_mutex_alloc()].
typedef struct sqlite3_mutex sqlite3_mutex;

** CAPI3REF: OS Interface Object {H11140} <S20100>
** An instance of the sqlite3_vfs object defines the interface between
** the SQLite core and the underlying operating system.  The "vfs"
** in the name of the object stands for "virtual file system".
** The value of the iVersion field is initially 1 but may be larger in
** future versions of SQLite.  Additional fields may be appended to this
** object when the iVersion value is increased.  Note that the structure
** of the sqlite3_vfs object changes in the transaction between
** SQLite version 3.5.9 and 3.6.0 and yet the iVersion field was not
** modified.
** The szOsFile field is the size of the subclassed [sqlite3_file]
** structure used by this VFS.  mxPathname is the maximum length of
** a pathname in this VFS.
** Registered sqlite3_vfs objects are kept on a linked list formed by
** the pNext pointer.  The [sqlite3_vfs_register()]
** and [sqlite3_vfs_unregister()] interfaces manage this list
** in a thread-safe way.  The [sqlite3_vfs_find()] interface
** searches the list.  Neither the application code nor the VFS
** implementation should use the pNext pointer.
** The pNext field is the only field in the sqlite3_vfs
** structure that SQLite will ever modify.  SQLite will only access
** or modify this field while holding a particular static mutex.
** The application should never modify anything within the sqlite3_vfs
** object once the object has been registered.
** The zName field holds the name of the VFS module.  The name must
** be unique across all VFS modules.
** SQLite will guarantee that the zFilename parameter to xOpen
** is either a NULL pointer or string obtained
** from xFullPathname().  SQLite further guarantees that
** the string will be valid and unchanged until xClose() is
** called. Because of the previous sentence,
** the [sqlite3_file] can safely store a pointer to the
** filename if it needs to remember the filename for some reason.
** If the zFilename parameter is xOpen is a NULL pointer then xOpen
** must invent its own temporary name for the file.  Whenever the 
** xFilename parameter is NULL it will also be the case that the
** flags parameter will include [SQLITE_OPEN_DELETEONCLOSE].
** The flags argument to xOpen() includes all bits set in
** the flags argument to [sqlite3_open_v2()].  Or if [sqlite3_open()]
** or [sqlite3_open16()] is used, then flags includes at least
** If xOpen() opens a file read-only then it sets *pOutFlags to
** include [SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY].  Other bits in *pOutFlags may be set.
** SQLite will also add one of the following flags to the xOpen()
** call, depending on the object being opened:
** <ul>
** </ul>
** The file I/O implementation can use the object type flags to
** change the way it deals with files.  For example, an application
** that does not care about crash recovery or rollback might make
** the open of a journal file a no-op.  Writes to this journal would
** also be no-ops, and any attempt to read the journal would return
** SQLITE_IOERR.  Or the implementation might recognize that a database
** file will be doing page-aligned sector reads and writes in a random
** order and set up its I/O subsystem accordingly.
** SQLite might also add one of the following flags to the xOpen method:
** <ul>
** </ul>
** The [SQLITE_OPEN_DELETEONCLOSE] flag means the file should be
** deleted when it is closed.  The [SQLITE_OPEN_DELETEONCLOSE]
** will be set for TEMP  databases, journals and for subjournals.
** The [SQLITE_OPEN_EXCLUSIVE] flag is always used in conjunction
** with the [SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE] flag, which are both directly
** analogous to the O_EXCL and O_CREAT flags of the POSIX open()
** API.  The SQLITE_OPEN_EXCLUSIVE flag, when paired with the 
** SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE, is used to indicate that file should always
** be created, and that it is an error if it already exists.
** It is <i>not</i> used to indicate the file should be opened 
** for exclusive access.
** At least szOsFile bytes of memory are allocated by SQLite
** to hold the  [sqlite3_file] structure passed as the third
** argument to xOpen.  The xOpen method does not have to
** allocate the structure; it should just fill it in.  Note that
** the xOpen method must set the sqlite3_file.pMethods to either
** a valid [sqlite3_io_methods] object or to NULL.  xOpen must do
** this even if the open fails.  SQLite expects that the sqlite3_file.pMethods
** element will be valid after xOpen returns regardless of the success
** or failure of the xOpen call.
** The flags argument to xAccess() may be [SQLITE_ACCESS_EXISTS]
** to test for the existence of a file, or [SQLITE_ACCESS_READWRITE] to
** test whether a file is readable and writable, or [SQLITE_ACCESS_READ]
** to test whether a file is at least readable.   The file can be a
** directory.
** SQLite will always allocate at least mxPathname+1 bytes for the
** output buffer xFullPathname.  The exact size of the output buffer
** is also passed as a parameter to both  methods. If the output buffer
** is not large enough, [SQLITE_CANTOPEN] should be returned. Since this is
** handled as a fatal error by SQLite, vfs implementations should endeavor
** to prevent this by setting mxPathname to a sufficiently large value.
** The xRandomness(), xSleep(), and xCurrentTime() interfaces
** are not strictly a part of the filesystem, but they are
** included in the VFS structure for completeness.
** The xRandomness() function attempts to return nBytes bytes
** of good-quality randomness into zOut.  The return value is
** the actual number of bytes of randomness obtained.
** The xSleep() method causes the calling thread to sleep for at
** least the number of microseconds given.  The xCurrentTime()
** method returns a Julian Day Number for the current date and time.
typedef struct sqlite3_vfs sqlite3_vfs;
struct sqlite3_vfs {
  int iVersion;            /* Structure version number */
  int szOsFile;            /* Size of subclassed sqlite3_file */
  int mxPathname;          /* Maximum file pathname length */
  sqlite3_vfs *pNext;      /* Next registered VFS */
  const char *zName;       /* Name of this virtual file system */
  void *pAppData;          /* Pointer to application-specific data */
  int (*xOpen)(sqlite3_vfs*, const char *zName, sqlite3_file*,
               int flags, int *pOutFlags);
  int (*xDelete)(sqlite3_vfs*, const char *zName, int syncDir);
  int (*xAccess)(sqlite3_vfs*, const char *zName, int flags, int *pResOut);
  int (*xFullPathname)(sqlite3_vfs*, const char *zName, int nOut, char *zOut);
  void *(*xDlOpen)(sqlite3_vfs*, const char *zFilename);
  void (*xDlError)(sqlite3_vfs*, int nByte, char *zErrMsg);
  void (*(*xDlSym)(sqlite3_vfs*,void*, const char *zSymbol))(void);
  void (*xDlClose)(sqlite3_vfs*, void*);
  int (*xRandomness)(sqlite3_vfs*, int nByte, char *zOut);
  int (*xSleep)(sqlite3_vfs*, int microseconds);
  int (*xCurrentTime)(sqlite3_vfs*, double*);
  int (*xGetLastError)(sqlite3_vfs*, int, char *);
  /* New fields may be appended in figure versions.  The iVersion
  ** value will increment whenever this happens. */

** CAPI3REF: Flags for the xAccess VFS method {H11190} <H11140>
** These integer constants can be used as the third parameter to
** the xAccess method of an [sqlite3_vfs] object. {END}  They determine
** what kind of permissions the xAccess method is looking for.
** With SQLITE_ACCESS_EXISTS, the xAccess method
** simply checks whether the file exists.
** With SQLITE_ACCESS_READWRITE, the xAccess method
** checks whether the file is both readable and writable.
** With SQLITE_ACCESS_READ, the xAccess method
** checks whether the file is readable.
#define SQLITE_ACCESS_READ      2

** CAPI3REF: Initialize The SQLite Library {H10130} <S20000><S30100>
** The sqlite3_initialize() routine initializes the
** SQLite library.  The sqlite3_shutdown() routine
** deallocates any resources that were allocated by sqlite3_initialize().
** This routines are designed to aid in process initialization and
** shutdown on embedded systems.  Workstation applications using
** SQLite normally do not need to invoke either of these routines.
** A call to sqlite3_initialize() is an "effective" call if it is
** the first time sqlite3_initialize() is invoked during the lifetime of
** the process, or if it is the first time sqlite3_initialize() is invoked
** following a call to sqlite3_shutdown().  Only an effective call
** of sqlite3_initialize() does any initialization.  All other calls
** are harmless no-ops.
** A call to sqlite3_shutdown() is an "effective" call if it is the first
** call to sqlite3_shutdown() since the last sqlite3_initialize().  Only
** an effective call to sqlite3_shutdown() does any deinitialization.
** All other valid calls to sqlite3_shutdown() are harmless no-ops.
** The sqlite3_initialize() interface is threadsafe, but sqlite3_shutdown()
** is not.  The sqlite3_shutdown() interface must only be called from a
** single thread.  All open [database connections] must be closed and all
** other SQLite resources must be deallocated prior to invoking
** sqlite3_shutdown().
** Among other things, sqlite3_initialize() will invoke
** sqlite3_os_init().  Similarly, sqlite3_shutdown()
** will invoke sqlite3_os_end().
** The sqlite3_initialize() routine returns [SQLITE_OK] on success.
** If for some reason, sqlite3_initialize() is unable to initialize
** the library (perhaps it is unable to allocate a needed resource such
** as a mutex) it returns an [error code] other than [SQLITE_OK].
** The sqlite3_initialize() routine is called internally by many other
** SQLite interfaces so that an application usually does not need to
** invoke sqlite3_initialize() directly.  For example, [sqlite3_open()]
** calls sqlite3_initialize() so the SQLite library will be automatically
** initialized when [sqlite3_open()] is called if it has not be initialized
** already.  However, if SQLite is compiled with the [SQLITE_OMIT_AUTOINIT]
** compile-time option, then the automatic calls to sqlite3_initialize()
** are omitted and the application must call sqlite3_initialize() directly
** prior to using any other SQLite interface.  For maximum portability,
** it is recommended that applications always invoke sqlite3_initialize()
** directly prior to using any other SQLite interface.  Future releases
** of SQLite may require this.  In other words, the behavior exhibited
** when SQLite is compiled with [SQLITE_OMIT_AUTOINIT] might become the
** default behavior in some future release of SQLite.
** The sqlite3_os_init() routine does operating-system specific
** initialization of the SQLite library.  The sqlite3_os_end()
** routine undoes the effect of sqlite3_os_init().  Typical tasks
** performed by these routines include allocation or deallocation
** of static resources, initialization of global variables,
** setting up a default [sqlite3_vfs] module, or setting up
** a default configuration using [sqlite3_config()].
** The application should never invoke either sqlite3_os_init()
** or sqlite3_os_end() directly.  The application should only invoke
** sqlite3_initialize() and sqlite3_shutdown().  The sqlite3_os_init()
** interface is called automatically by sqlite3_initialize() and
** sqlite3_os_end() is called by sqlite3_shutdown().  Appropriate
** implementations for sqlite3_os_init() and sqlite3_os_end()
** are built into SQLite when it is compiled for Unix, Windows, or OS/2.
** When [custom builds | built for other platforms]
** (using the [SQLITE_OS_OTHER=1] compile-time
** option) the application must supply a suitable implementation for
** sqlite3_os_init() and sqlite3_os_end().  An application-supplied
** implementation of sqlite3_os_init() or sqlite3_os_end()
** must return [SQLITE_OK] on success and some other [error code] upon
** failure.
SQLITE_API int sqlite3_initialize(void);
SQLITE_API int sqlite3_shutdown(void);
SQLITE_API int sqlite3_os_init(void);
SQLITE_API int sqlite3_os_end(void);

** CAPI3REF: Configuring The SQLite Library {H14100} <S20000><S30200>
** The sqlite3_config() interface is used to make global configuration
** changes to SQLite in order to tune SQLite to the specific needs of
** the application.  The default configuration is recommended for most
** applications and so this routine is usually not necessary.  It is
** provided to support rare applications with unusual needs.
** The sqlite3_config() interface is not threadsafe.  The application
** must insure that no other SQLite interfaces are invoked by other
** threads while sqlite3_config() is running.  Furthermore, sqlite3_config()
** may only be invoked prior to library initialization using
** [sqlite3_initialize()] or after shutdown by [sqlite3_shutdown()].
** Note, however, that sqlite3_config() can be called as part of the
** implementation of an application-defined [sqlite3_os_init()].
** The first argument to sqlite3_config() is an integer
** [SQLITE_CONFIG_SINGLETHREAD | configuration option] that determines
** what property of SQLite is to be configured.  Subsequent arguments
** vary depending on the [SQLITE_CONFIG_SINGLETHREAD | configuration option]
** in the first argument.
** When a configuration option is set, sqlite3_config() returns [SQLITE_OK].
** If the option is unknown or SQLite is unable to set the option
** then this routine returns a non-zero [error code].
** Requirements:
** [H14103] [H14106] [H14120] [H14123] [H14126] [H14129] [H14132] [H14135]
** [H14138] [H14141] [H14144] [H14147] [H14150] [H14153] [H14156] [H14159]
** [H14162] [H14165] [H14168]
SQLITE_API SQLITE_EXPERIMENTAL int sqlite3_config(int, ...);

** CAPI3REF: Configure database connections  {H14200} <S20000>
** The sqlite3_db_config() interface is used to make configuration
** changes to a [database connection].  The interface is similar to
** [sqlite3_config()] except that the changes apply to a single
** [database connection] (specified in the first argument).  The
** sqlite3_db_config() interface can only be used immediately after
** the database connection is created using [sqlite3_open()],
** [sqlite3_open16()], or [sqlite3_open_v2()].  
** The second argument to sqlite3_db_config(D,V,...)  is the
** configuration verb - an integer code that indicates what
** aspect of the [database connection] is being configured.
** The only choice for this value is [SQLITE_DBCONFIG_LOOKASIDE].
** New verbs are likely to be added in future releases of SQLite.
** Additional arguments depend on the verb.
** Requirements:
** [H14203] [H14206] [H14209] [H14212] [H14215]
SQLITE_API SQLITE_EXPERIMENTAL int sqlite3_db_config(sqlite3*, int op, ...);

** CAPI3REF: Memory Allocation Routines {H10155} <S20120>
** An instance of this object defines the interface between SQLite
** and low-level memory allocation routines.
** This object is used in only one place in the SQLite interface.
** A pointer to an instance of this object is the argument to
** [sqlite3_config()] when the configuration option is
** By creating an instance of this object
** and passing it to [sqlite3_config]([SQLITE_CONFIG_MALLOC])
** during configuration, an application can specify an alternative
** memory allocation subsystem for SQLite to use for all of its
** dynamic memory needs.
** Note that SQLite comes with several [built-in memory allocators]
** that are perfectly adequate for the overwhelming majority of applications
** and that this object is only useful to a tiny minority of applications
** with specialized memory allocation requirements.  This object is
** also used during testing of SQLite in order to specify an alternative
** memory allocator that simulates memory out-of-memory conditions in
** order to verify that SQLite recovers gracefully from such
** conditions.
** The xMalloc and xFree methods must work like the
** malloc() and free() functions from the standard C library.
** The xRealloc method must work like realloc() from the standard C library
** with the exception that if the second argument to xRealloc is zero,
** xRealloc must be a no-op - it must not perform any allocation or
** deallocation.  SQLite guaranteeds that the second argument to
** xRealloc is always a value returned by a prior call to xRoundup.
** And so in cases where xRoundup always returns a positive number,
** xRealloc can perform exactly as the standard library realloc() and
** still be in compliance with this specification.
** xSize should return the allocated size of a memory allocation
** previously obtained from xMalloc or xRealloc.  The allocated size
** is always at least as big as the requested size but may be larger.
** The xRoundup method returns what would be the allocated size of
** a memory allocation given a particular requested size.  Most memory
** allocators round up memory allocations at least to the next multiple
** of 8.  Some allocators round up to a larger multiple or to a power of 2.
** Every memory allocation request coming in through [sqlite3_malloc()]
** or [sqlite3_realloc()] first calls xRoundup.  If xRoundup returns 0, 
** that causes the corresponding memory allocation to fail.
** The xInit method initializes the memory allocator.  (For example,
** it might allocate any require mutexes or initialize internal data
** structures.  The xShutdown method is invoked (indirectly) by
** [sqlite3_shutdown()] and should deallocate any resources acquired
** by xInit.  The pAppData pointer is used as the only parameter to
** xInit and xShutdown.
** SQLite holds the [SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_MASTER] mutex when it invokes
** the xInit method, so the xInit method need not be threadsafe.  The
** xShutdown method is only called from [sqlite3_shutdown()] so it does
** not need to be threadsafe either.  For all other methods, SQLite
** holds the [SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_MEM] mutex as long as the
** [SQLITE_CONFIG_MEMSTATUS] configuration option is turned on (which
** it is by default) and so the methods are automatically serialized.
** However, if [SQLITE_CONFIG_MEMSTATUS] is disabled, then the other
** methods must be threadsafe or else make their own arrangements for
** serialization.
** SQLite will never invoke xInit() more than once without an intervening
** call to xShutdown().
typedef struct sqlite3_mem_methods sqlite3_mem_methods;
struct sqlite3_mem_methods {
  void *(*xMalloc)(int);         /* Memory allocation function */
  void (*xFree)(void*);          /* Free a prior allocation */
  void *(*xRealloc)(void*,int);  /* Resize an allocation */
  int (*xSize)(void*);           /* Return the size of an allocation */
  int (*xRoundup)(int);          /* Round up request size to allocation size */
  int (*xInit)(void*);           /* Initialize the memory allocator */
  void (*xShutdown)(void*);      /* Deinitialize the memory allocator */
  void *pAppData;                /* Argument to xInit() and xShutdown() */

** CAPI3REF: Configuration Options {H10160} <S20000>
** These constants are the available integer configuration options that
** can be passed as the first argument to the [sqlite3_config()] interface.
** New configuration options may be added in future releases of SQLite.
** Existing configuration options might be discontinued.  Applications
** should check the return code from [sqlite3_config()] to make sure that
** the call worked.  The [sqlite3_config()] interface will return a
** non-zero [error code] if a discontinued or unsupported configuration option
** is invoked.
** <dl>
** <dd>There are no arguments to this option.  This option disables
** all mutexing and puts SQLite into a mode where it can only be used
** by a single thread.</dd>
** <dd>There are no arguments to this option.  This option disables
** mutexing on [database connection] and [prepared statement] objects.
** The application is responsible for serializing access to
** [database connections] and [prepared statements].  But other mutexes
** are enabled so that SQLite will be safe to use in a multi-threaded
** environment as long as no two threads attempt to use the same
** [database connection] at the same time.  See the [threading mode]
** documentation for additional information.</dd>
** <dd>There are no arguments to this option.  This option enables
** all mutexes including the recursive
** mutexes on [database connection] and [prepared statement] objects.
** In this mode (which is the default when SQLite is compiled with
** [SQLITE_THREADSAFE=1]) the SQLite library will itself serialize access
** to [database connections] and [prepared statements] so that the
** application is free to use the same [database connection] or the
** same [prepared statement] in different threads at the same time.
** See the [threading mode] documentation for additional information.</dd>
** <dd>This option takes a single argument which is a pointer to an
** instance of the [sqlite3_mem_methods] structure.  The argument specifies
** alternative low-level memory allocation routines to be used in place of
** the memory allocation routines built into SQLite.</dd>
** <dd>This option takes a single argument which is a pointer to an
** instance of the [sqlite3_mem_methods] structure.  The [sqlite3_mem_methods]
** structure is filled with the currently defined memory allocation routines.
** This option can be used to overload the default memory allocation
** routines with a wrapper that simulations memory allocation failure or
** tracks memory usage, for example.</dd>
** <dd>This option takes single argument of type int, interpreted as a 
** boolean, which enables or disables the collection of memory allocation 
** statistics. When disabled, the following SQLite interfaces become 
** non-operational:
**   <ul>
**   <li> [sqlite3_memory_used()]
**   <li> [sqlite3_memory_highwater()]
**   <li> [sqlite3_soft_heap_limit()]
**   <li> [sqlite3_status()]
**   </ul>
** </dd>
** <dd>This option specifies a static memory buffer that SQLite can use for
** scratch memory.  There are three arguments:  A pointer an 8-byte
** aligned memory buffer from which the scrach allocations will be
** drawn, the size of each scratch allocation (sz),
** and the maximum number of scratch allocations (N).  The sz
** argument must be a multiple of 16. The sz parameter should be a few bytes
** larger than the actual scratch space required due to internal overhead.
** The first argument should pointer to an 8-byte aligned buffer
** of at least sz*N bytes of memory.
** SQLite will use no more than one scratch buffer at once per thread, so
** N should be set to the expected maximum number of threads.  The sz
** parameter should be 6 times the size of the largest database page size.
** Scratch buffers are used as part of the btree balance operation.  If
** The btree balancer needs additional memory beyond what is provided by
** scratch buffers or if no scratch buffer space is specified, then SQLite
** goes to [sqlite3_malloc()] to obtain the memory it needs.</dd>
** <dd>This option specifies a static memory buffer that SQLite can use for
** the database page cache with the default page cache implemenation.  
** This configuration should not be used if an application-define page
** cache implementation is loaded using the SQLITE_CONFIG_PCACHE option.
** There are three arguments to this option: A pointer to 8-byte aligned
** memory, the size of each page buffer (sz), and the number of pages (N).
** The sz argument should be the size of the largest database page
** (a power of two between 512 and 32768) plus a little extra for each
** page header.  The page header size is 20 to 40 bytes depending on
** the host architecture.  It is harmless, apart from the wasted memory,
** to make sz a little too large.  The first
** argument should point to an allocation of at least sz*N bytes of memory.
** SQLite will use the memory provided by the first argument to satisfy its
** memory needs for the first N pages that it adds to cache.  If additional
** page cache memory is needed beyond what is provided by this option, then
** SQLite goes to [sqlite3_malloc()] for the additional storage space.
** The implementation might use one or more of the N buffers to hold 
** memory accounting information. The pointer in the first argument must
** be aligned to an 8-byte boundary or subsequent behavior of SQLite
** will be undefined.</dd>
** <dd>This option specifies a static memory buffer that SQLite will use
** for all of its dynamic memory allocation needs beyond those provided
** There are three arguments: An 8-byte aligned pointer to the memory,
** the number of bytes in the memory buffer, and the minimum allocation size.
** If the first pointer (the memory pointer) is NULL, then SQLite reverts
** to using its default memory allocator (the system malloc() implementation),
** undoing any prior invocation of [SQLITE_CONFIG_MALLOC].  If the
** memory pointer is not NULL and either [SQLITE_ENABLE_MEMSYS3] or
** [SQLITE_ENABLE_MEMSYS5] are defined, then the alternative memory
** allocator is engaged to handle all of SQLites memory allocation needs.
** The first pointer (the memory pointer) must be aligned to an 8-byte
** boundary or subsequent behavior of SQLite will be undefined.</dd>
** <dd>This option takes a single argument which is a pointer to an
** instance of the [sqlite3_mutex_methods] structure.  The argument specifies
** alternative low-level mutex routines to be used in place
** the mutex routines built into SQLite.</dd>
** <dd>This option takes a single argument which is a pointer to an
** instance of the [sqlite3_mutex_methods] structure.  The
** [sqlite3_mutex_methods]
** structure is filled with the currently defined mutex routines.
** This option can be used to overload the default mutex allocation
** routines with a wrapper used to track mutex usage for performance
** profiling or testing, for example.</dd>
** <dd>This option takes two arguments that determine the default
** memory allocation lookaside optimization.  The first argument is the
** size of each lookaside buffer slot and the second is the number of
** slots allocated to each database connection.  This option sets the
** <i>default</i> lookaside size.  The [SQLITE_DBCONFIG_LOOKASIDE]
** verb to [sqlite3_db_config()] can be used to change the lookaside
** configuration on individual connections.</dd>
** <dd>This option takes a single argument which is a pointer to
** an [sqlite3_pcache_methods] object.  This object specifies the interface
** to a custom page cache implementation.  SQLite makes a copy of the
** object and uses it for page cache memory allocations.</dd>
** <dd>This option takes a single argument which is a pointer to an
** [sqlite3_pcache_methods] object.  SQLite copies of the current
** page cache implementation into that object.</dd>
** </dl>
#define SQLITE_CONFIG_SINGLETHREAD  1  /* nil */
#define SQLITE_CONFIG_MULTITHREAD   2  /* nil */
#define SQLITE_CONFIG_SERIALIZED    3  /* nil */
#define SQLITE_CONFIG_MALLOC        4  /* sqlite3_mem_methods* */
#define SQLITE_CONFIG_GETMALLOC     5  /* sqlite3_mem_methods* */
#define SQLITE_CONFIG_SCRATCH       6  /* void*, int sz, int N */
#define SQLITE_CONFIG_PAGECACHE     7  /* void*, int sz, int N */
#define SQLITE_CONFIG_HEAP          8  /* void*, int nByte, int min */
#define SQLITE_CONFIG_MEMSTATUS     9  /* boolean */
#define SQLITE_CONFIG_MUTEX        10  /* sqlite3_mutex_methods* */
#define SQLITE_CONFIG_GETMUTEX     11  /* sqlite3_mutex_methods* */
/* previously SQLITE_CONFIG_CHUNKALLOC 12 which is now unused. */ 
#define SQLITE_CONFIG_LOOKASIDE    13  /* int int */
#define SQLITE_CONFIG_PCACHE       14  /* sqlite3_pcache_methods* */
#define SQLITE_CONFIG_GETPCACHE    15  /* sqlite3_pcache_methods* */

** CAPI3REF: Configuration Options {H10170} <S20000>
** These constants are the available integer configuration options that
** can be passed as the second argument to the [sqlite3_db_config()] interface.
** New configuration options may be added in future releases of SQLite.
** Existing configuration options might be discontinued.  Applications
** should check the return code from [sqlite3_db_config()] to make sure that
** the call worked.  The [sqlite3_db_config()] interface will return a
** non-zero [error code] if a discontinued or unsupported configuration option
** is invoked.
** <dl>
** <dd>This option takes three additional arguments that determine the 
** [lookaside memory allocator] configuration for the [database connection].
** The first argument (the third parameter to [sqlite3_db_config()] is a
** pointer to an memory buffer to use for lookaside memory.
** The first argument may be NULL in which case SQLite will allocate the
** lookaside buffer itself using [sqlite3_malloc()].  The second argument is the
** size of each lookaside buffer slot and the third argument is the number of
** slots.  The size of the buffer in the first argument must be greater than
** or equal to the product of the second and third arguments.  The buffer
** must be aligned to an 8-byte boundary.  If the second argument is not
** a multiple of 8, it is internally rounded down to the next smaller
** multiple of 8.  See also: [SQLITE_CONFIG_LOOKASIDE]</dd>
** </dl>
#define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_LOOKASIDE    1001  /* void* int int */

** CAPI3REF: Enable Or Disable Extended Result Codes {H12200} <S10700>
** The sqlite3_extended_result_codes() routine enables or disables the
** [extended result codes] feature of SQLite. The extended result
** codes are disabled by default for historical compatibility considerations.
** Requirements:
** [H12201] [H12202]
SQLITE_API int sqlite3_extended_result_codes(sqlite3*, int onoff);

** CAPI3REF: Last Insert Rowid {H12220} <S10700>
** Each entry in an SQLite table has a unique 64-bit signed
** integer key called the [ROWID | "rowid"]. The rowid is always available
** as an undeclared column named ROWID, OID, or _ROWID_ as long as those
** names are not also used by explicitly declared columns. If
** the table has a column of type [INTEGER PRIMARY KEY] then that column
** is another alias for the rowid.
** This routine returns the [rowid] of the most recent
** successful [INSERT] into the database from the [database connection]
** in the first argument.  If no successful [INSERT]s
** have ever occurred on that database connection, zero is returned.
** If an [INSERT] occurs within a trigger, then the [rowid] of the inserted
** row is returned by this routine as long as the trigger is running.
** But once the trigger terminates, the value returned by this routine
** reverts to the last value inserted before the trigger fired.
** An [INSERT] that fails due to a constraint violation is not a
** successful [INSERT] and does not change the value returned by this
** and INSERT OR ABORT make no changes to the return value of this
** routine when their insertion fails.  When INSERT OR REPLACE
** encounters a constraint violation, it does not fail.  The
** INSERT continues to completion after deleting rows that caused
** the constraint problem so INSERT OR REPLACE will always change
** the return value of this interface.
** For the purposes of this routine, an [INSERT] is considered to
** be successful even if it is subsequently rolled back.
** Requirements:
** [H12221] [H12223]
** If a separate thread performs a new [INSERT] on the same
** database connection while the [sqlite3_last_insert_rowid()]
** function is running and thus changes the last insert [rowid],
** then the value returned by [sqlite3_last_insert_rowid()] is
** unpredictable and might not equal either the old or the new
** last insert [rowid].
SQLITE_API sqlite3_int64 sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(sqlite3*);

** CAPI3REF: Count The Number Of Rows Modified {H12240} <S10600>
** This function returns the number of database rows that were changed
** or inserted or deleted by the most recently completed SQL statement
** on the [database connection] specified by the first parameter.
** Only changes that are directly specified by the [INSERT], [UPDATE],
** or [DELETE] statement are counted.  Auxiliary changes caused by
** triggers or [foreign key actions] are not counted. Use the
** [sqlite3_total_changes()] function to find the total number of changes
** including changes caused by triggers and foreign key actions.
** Changes to a view that are simulated by an [INSTEAD OF trigger]
** are not counted.  Only real table changes are counted.
** A "row change" is a change to a single row of a single table
** caused by an INSERT, DELETE, or UPDATE statement.  Rows that
** are changed as side effects of [REPLACE] constraint resolution,
** rollback, ABORT processing, [DROP TABLE], or by any other
** mechanisms do not count as direct row changes.
** A "trigger context" is a scope of execution that begins and
** ends with the script of a [CREATE TRIGGER | trigger]. 
** Most SQL statements are
** evaluated outside of any trigger.  This is the "top level"
** trigger context.  If a trigger fires from the top level, a
** new trigger context is entered for the duration of that one
** trigger.  Subtriggers create subcontexts for their duration.
** Calling [sqlite3_exec()] or [sqlite3_step()] recursively does
** not create a new trigger context.
** This function returns the number of direct row changes in the
** most recent INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement within the same
** trigger context.
** Thus, when called from the top level, this function returns the
** number of changes in the most recent INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE
** that also occurred at the top level.  Within the body of a trigger,
** the sqlite3_changes() interface can be called to find the number of
** changes in the most recently completed INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE
** statement within the body of the same trigger.
** However, the number returned does not include changes
** caused by subtriggers since those have their own context.
** See also the [sqlite3_total_changes()] interface and the
** [count_changes pragma].
** Requirements:
** [H12241] [H12243]
** If a separate thread makes changes on the same database connection
** while [sqlite3_changes()] is running then the value returned
** is unpredictable and not meaningful.
SQLITE_API int sqlite3_changes(sqlite3*);

** CAPI3REF: Total Number Of Rows Modified {H12260} <S10600>
** This function returns the number of row changes caused by [INSERT],
** [UPDATE] or [DELETE] statements since the [database connection] was opened.
** The count includes all changes from all [CREATE TRIGGER | trigger] 
** contexts and changes made by [foreign key actions]. However,
** the count does not include changes used to implement [REPLACE] constraints,
** do rollbacks or ABORT processing, or [DROP TABLE] processing.  The
** count does not include rows of views that fire an [INSTEAD OF trigger],
** though if the INSTEAD OF trigger makes changes of its own, those changes 
** are counted.
** The changes are counted as soon as the statement that makes them is
** completed (when the statement handle is passed to [sqlite3_reset()] or
** [sqlite3_finalize()]).
** See also the [sqlite3_changes()] interface and the
** [count_changes pragma].
** Requirements:
** [H12261] [H12263]
** If a separate thread makes changes on the same database connection
** while [sqlite3_total_changes()] is running then the value
** returned is unpredictable and not meaningful.
SQLITE_API int sqlite3_total_changes(sqlite3*);

** CAPI3REF: Interrupt A Long-Running Query {H12270} <S30500>
** This function causes any pending data