/* * RTSP extension for TCP NAT alteration * (C) 2003 by Tom Marshall <tmarshall at real.com> * based on ip_nat_irc.c * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Module load syntax: * insmod nf_nat_rtsp.o ports=port1,port2,...port<MAX_PORTS> * stunaddr=<address> * destaction=[auto|strip|none] * * If no ports are specified, the default will be port 554 only. * * stunaddr specifies the address used to detect that a client is using STUN. * If this address is seen in the destination parameter, it is assumed that * the client has already punched a UDP hole in the firewall, so we don't * mangle the client_port. If none is specified, it is autodetected. It * only needs to be set if you have multiple levels of NAT. It should be * set to the external address that the STUN clients detect. Note that in * this case, it will not be possible for clients to use UDP with servers * between the NATs. * * If no destaction is specified, auto is used. * destaction=auto: strip destination parameter if it is not stunaddr. * destaction=strip: always strip destination parameter (not recommended). * destaction=none: do not touch destination parameter (not recommended). */ #include <linux/module.h> #include <net/tcp.h> #include <net/netfilter/nf_nat_helper.h> #include <net/netfilter/nf_nat_rule.h> #include "nf_conntrack_rtsp.h" #include <net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_expect.h> #include <linux/inet.h> #include <linux/ctype.h> #define NF_NEED_STRNCASECMP #define NF_NEED_STRTOU16 #include "netfilter_helpers.h" #define NF_NEED_MIME_NEXTLINE #include "netfilter_mime.h" #define MAX_PORTS 8 #define DSTACT_AUTO 0 #define DSTACT_STRIP 1 #define DSTACT_NONE 2 static char* stunaddr = NULL; static char* destaction = NULL; static u_int32_t extip = 0; static int dstact = 0; MODULE_AUTHOR("Tom Marshall <tmarshall at real.com>"); MODULE_DESCRIPTION("RTSP network address translation module"); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); module_param(stunaddr, charp, 0644); MODULE_PARM_DESC(stunaddr, "Address for detecting STUN"); module_param(destaction, charp, 0644); MODULE_PARM_DESC(destaction, "Action for destination parameter (auto/strip/none)"); #define SKIP_WSPACE(ptr,len,off) while(off < len && isspace(*(ptr+off))) { off++; } /*** helper functions ***/ static void get_skb_tcpdata(struct sk_buff* skb, char** pptcpdata, uint* ptcpdatalen) { struct iphdr* iph = ip_hdr(skb); struct tcphdr* tcph = (void *)iph + ip_hdrlen(skb); *pptcpdata = (char*)tcph + tcph->doff*4; *ptcpdatalen = ((char*)skb_transport_header(skb) + skb->len) - *pptcpdata; } /*** nat functions ***/ /* * Mangle the "Transport:" header: * - Replace all occurences of "client_port=<spec>" * - Handle destination parameter * * In: * ct, ctinfo = conntrack context * skb = packet * tranoff = Transport header offset from TCP data * tranlen = Transport header length (incl. CRLF) * rport_lo = replacement low port (host endian) * rport_hi = replacement high port (host endian) * * Returns packet size difference. * * Assumes that a complete transport header is present, ending with CR or LF */ static int rtsp_mangle_tran(enum ip_conntrack_info ctinfo, struct nf_conntrack_expect* exp, struct ip_ct_rtsp_expect* prtspexp, struct sk_buff* skb, uint tranoff, uint tranlen) { char* ptcp; uint tcplen; char* ptran; char rbuf1[16]; /* Replacement buffer (one port) */ uint rbuf1len; /* Replacement len (one port) */ char rbufa[16]; /* Replacement buffer (all ports) */ uint rbufalen; /* Replacement len (all ports) */ u_int32_t newip; u_int16_t loport, hiport; uint off = 0; uint diff; /* Number of bytes we removed */ struct nf_conn *ct = exp->master; struct nf_conntrack_tuple *t; char szextaddr[15+1]; uint extaddrlen; int is_stun; get_skb_tcpdata(skb, &ptcp, &tcplen); ptran = ptcp+tranoff; if (tranoff+tranlen > tcplen || tcplen-tranoff < tranlen || tranlen < 10 || !iseol(ptran[tranlen-1]) || nf_strncasecmp(ptran, "Transport:", 10) != 0) { pr_debug("sanity check failed\n"); return 0; } off += 10; SKIP_WSPACE(ptcp+tranoff, tranlen, off); newip = ct->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_REPLY].tuple.dst.u3.ip; t = &exp->tuple; t->dst.u3.ip = newip; extaddrlen = extip ? sprintf(szextaddr, "%pI4", extip) : sprintf(szextaddr, "%pI4", newip); pr_debug("stunaddr=%s (%s)\n", szextaddr, (extip?"forced":"auto")); rbuf1len = rbufalen = 0; switch (prtspexp->pbtype) { case pb_single: for (loport = prtspexp->loport; loport != 0; loport++) /* XXX: improper wrap? */ { t->dst.u.udp.port = htons(loport); if (nf_ct_expect_related(exp) == 0) { pr_debug("using port %hu\n", loport); break; } } if (loport != 0) { rbuf1len = sprintf(rbuf1, "%hu", loport); rbufalen = sprintf(rbufa, "%hu", loport); } break; case pb_range: for (loport = prtspexp->loport; loport != 0; loport += 2) /* XXX: improper wrap? */ { t->dst.u.udp.port = htons(loport); if (nf_ct_expect_related(exp) == 0) { hiport = loport + 1; //~exp->mask.dst.u.udp.port; pr_debug("using ports %hu-%hu\n", loport, hiport); break; } } if (loport != 0) { rbuf1len = sprintf(rbuf1, "%hu", loport); rbufalen = sprintf(rbufa, "%hu-%hu", loport, loport+1); } break; case pb_discon: for (loport = prtspexp->loport; loport != 0; loport++) /* XXX: improper wrap? */ { t->dst.u.udp.port = htons(loport); if (nf_ct_expect_related(exp) == 0) { pr_debug("using port %hu (1 of 2)\n", loport); break; } } for (hiport = prtspexp->hiport; hiport != 0; hiport++) /* XXX: improper wrap? */ { t->dst.u.udp.port = htons(hiport); if (nf_ct_expect_related(exp) == 0) { pr_debug("using port %hu (2 of 2)\n", hiport); break; } } if (loport != 0 && hiport != 0) { rbuf1len = sprintf(rbuf1, "%hu", loport); if (hiport == loport+1) { rbufalen = sprintf(rbufa, "%hu-%hu", loport, hiport); } else { rbufalen = sprintf(rbufa, "%hu/%hu", loport, hiport); } } break; } if (rbuf1len == 0) { return 0; /* cannot get replacement port(s) */ } /* Transport: tran;field;field=val,tran;field;field=val,... */ while (off < tranlen) { uint saveoff; const char* pparamend; uint nextparamoff; pparamend = memchr(ptran+off, ',', tranlen-off); pparamend = (pparamend == NULL) ? ptran+tranlen : pparamend+1; nextparamoff = pparamend-ptcp; /* * We pass over each param twice. On the first pass, we look for a * destination= field. It is handled by the security policy. If it * is present, allowed, and equal to our external address, we assume * that STUN is being used and we leave the client_port= field alone. */ is_stun = 0; saveoff = off; while (off < nextparamoff) { const char* pfieldend; uint nextfieldoff; pfieldend = memchr(ptran+off, ';', nextparamoff-off); nextfieldoff = (pfieldend == NULL) ? nextparamoff : pfieldend-ptran+1; /* if (dstact != DSTACT_NONE && strncmp(ptran+off, "destination=", 12) == 0) { if (strncmp(ptran+off+12, szextaddr, extaddrlen) == 0) { is_stun = 1; } if (dstact == DSTACT_STRIP || (dstact == DSTACT_AUTO && !is_stun)) { diff = nextfieldoff-off; if (!nf_nat_mangle_tcp_packet(skb, ct, ctinfo, off, diff, NULL, 0)) { nf_ct_unexpect_related(exp); return 0; } get_skb_tcpdata(skb, &ptcp, &tcplen); ptran = ptcp+tranoff; tranlen -= diff; nextparamoff -= diff; nextfieldoff -= diff; } } */ off = nextfieldoff; } if (is_stun) { continue; } off = saveoff; while (off < nextparamoff) { const char* pfieldend; const char* pdestport; uint nextfieldoff; pfieldend = memchr(ptran+off, ';', nextparamoff-off); nextfieldoff = (pfieldend == NULL) ? nextparamoff : pfieldend-ptran+1; if (strncmp(ptran+off, "client_port=", 12) == 0) { u_int16_t port; uint numlen; uint origoff; uint origlen; char* rbuf = rbuf1; uint rbuflen = rbuf1len; off += 12; origoff = (ptran-ptcp)+off; origlen = 0; numlen = nf_strtou16(ptran+off, &port); off += numlen; origlen += numlen; if (port != prtspexp->loport) { pr_debug("multiple ports found, port %hu ignored\n", port); } else { if (ptran[off] == '-' || ptran[off] == '/') { off++; origlen++; numlen = nf_strtou16(ptran+off, &port); off += numlen; origlen += numlen; rbuf = rbufa; rbuflen = rbufalen; } /* * note we cannot just memcpy() if the sizes are the same. * the mangle function does skb resizing, checks for a * cloned skb, and updates the checksums. * * parameter 4 below is offset from start of tcp data. */ diff = origlen-rbuflen; if (!nf_nat_mangle_tcp_packet(skb, ct, ctinfo, origoff, origlen, rbuf, rbuflen)) { /* mangle failed, all we can do is bail */ nf_ct_unexpect_related(exp); return 0; } get_skb_tcpdata(skb, &ptcp, &tcplen); ptran = ptcp+tranoff; tranlen -= diff; nextparamoff -= diff; nextfieldoff -= diff; } } else if ((strncmp(ptran+off, "destination=", 12) == 0) && ((pdestport = memchr(ptran+off+12, ':', nextparamoff-(off + 12))) != NULL)) { u_int16_t port; uint numlen; uint origoff; uint origlen; char rbuf[32]; uint rbuflen = sprintf(rbuf, "%s:%s",szextaddr,rbuf1); pdestport++; off += 12; origoff = (ptran + off) - ptcp; origlen = pdestport - (ptran + off); off += origlen; numlen = nf_strtou16(ptran+off, &port); off += numlen; origlen += numlen; if (port != prtspexp->loport) { pr_debug("multiple ports found, port %hu ignored\n", port); } else { diff = origlen-rbuflen; if (!nf_nat_mangle_tcp_packet(skb, ct, ctinfo, origoff, origlen, rbuf, rbuflen)) { /* mangle failed, all we can do is bail */ nf_ct_unexpect_related(exp); return 0; } get_skb_tcpdata(skb, &ptcp, &tcplen); ptran = ptcp+tranoff; tranlen -= diff; nextparamoff -= diff; nextfieldoff -= diff; } } off = nextfieldoff; } off = nextparamoff; } return 1; } static uint help_out(struct sk_buff *skb, enum ip_conntrack_info ctinfo, unsigned int matchoff, unsigned int matchlen, struct ip_ct_rtsp_expect* prtspexp, struct nf_conntrack_expect* exp) { char* ptcp; uint tcplen; uint hdrsoff; uint hdrslen; uint lineoff; uint linelen; uint off; //struct iphdr* iph = (struct iphdr*)(*pskb)->nh.iph; //struct tcphdr* tcph = (struct tcphdr*)((void*)iph + iph->ihl*4); get_skb_tcpdata(skb, &ptcp, &tcplen); hdrsoff = matchoff;//exp->seq - ntohl(tcph->seq); hdrslen = matchlen; off = hdrsoff; pr_debug("NAT rtsp help_out\n"); while (nf_mime_nextline(ptcp, hdrsoff+hdrslen, &off, &lineoff, &linelen)) { if (linelen == 0) { break; } if (off > hdrsoff+hdrslen) { pr_debug("!! overrun !!"); break; } pr_debug("hdr: len=%u, %.*s", linelen, (int)linelen, ptcp+lineoff); if (nf_strncasecmp(ptcp+lineoff, "Transport:", 10) == 0) { uint oldtcplen = tcplen; pr_debug("hdr: Transport\n"); if (!rtsp_mangle_tran(ctinfo, exp, prtspexp, skb, lineoff, linelen)) { pr_debug("hdr: Transport mangle failed"); break; } get_skb_tcpdata(skb, &ptcp, &tcplen); hdrslen -= (oldtcplen-tcplen); off -= (oldtcplen-tcplen); lineoff -= (oldtcplen-tcplen); linelen -= (oldtcplen-tcplen); pr_debug("rep: len=%u, %.*s", linelen, (int)linelen, ptcp+lineoff); } } return NF_ACCEPT; } static unsigned int help(struct sk_buff *skb, enum ip_conntrack_info ctinfo, unsigned int matchoff, unsigned int matchlen, struct ip_ct_rtsp_expect* prtspexp, struct nf_conntrack_expect* exp) { int dir = CTINFO2DIR(ctinfo); int rc = NF_ACCEPT; switch (dir) { case IP_CT_DIR_ORIGINAL: rc = help_out(skb, ctinfo, matchoff, matchlen, prtspexp, exp); break; case IP_CT_DIR_REPLY: pr_debug("unmangle ! %u\n", ctinfo); /* XXX: unmangle */ rc = NF_ACCEPT; break; } //UNLOCK_BH(&ip_rtsp_lock); return rc; } static void expected(struct nf_conn* ct, struct nf_conntrack_expect *exp) { struct nf_nat_multi_range_compat mr; u_int32_t newdstip, newsrcip, newip; struct nf_conn *master = ct->master; newdstip = master->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_ORIGINAL].tuple.src.u3.ip; newsrcip = ct->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_ORIGINAL].tuple.src.u3.ip; //FIXME (how to port that ?) //code from 2.4 : newip = (HOOK2MANIP(hooknum) == IP_NAT_MANIP_SRC) ? newsrcip : newdstip; newip = newdstip; pr_debug("newsrcip=%pI4, newdstip=%pI4, newip=%pI4\n", newsrcip, newdstip, newip); mr.rangesize = 1; // We don't want to manip the per-protocol, just the IPs. mr.range[0].flags = IP_NAT_RANGE_MAP_IPS; mr.range[0].min_ip = mr.range[0].max_ip = newip; nf_nat_setup_info(ct, &mr.range[0], IP_NAT_MANIP_DST); } static void __exit fini(void) { nf_nat_rtsp_hook = NULL; nf_nat_rtsp_hook_expectfn = NULL; synchronize_net(); } static int __init init(void) { printk("nf_nat_rtsp v" IP_NF_RTSP_VERSION " loading\n"); BUG_ON(nf_nat_rtsp_hook); nf_nat_rtsp_hook = help; nf_nat_rtsp_hook_expectfn = &expected; if (stunaddr != NULL) extip = in_aton(stunaddr); if (destaction != NULL) { if (strcmp(destaction, "auto") == 0) dstact = DSTACT_AUTO; if (strcmp(destaction, "strip") == 0) dstact = DSTACT_STRIP; if (strcmp(destaction, "none") == 0) dstact = DSTACT_NONE; } return 0; } module_init(init); module_exit(fini);