--- procps-3.2.7.orig/Makefile	Sat Jun 24 09:02:02 2006
+++ procps-3.2.7/Makefile	Tue May 22 14:43:11 2007
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ TARVERSION   := $(VERSION).$(SUBVERSION)
 ldconfig := ldconfig
 ln_f     := ln -f
 ln_sf    := ln -sf
-install  := install -D --owner 0 --group 0
+install  := install
 # Lame x86-64 /lib64 and /usr/lib64 abomination:
 lib64    := lib$(shell [ -d /lib64 ] && echo 64)
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ CURSES := -lncurses
 # Preprocessor flags.
-CPPFLAGS     := -I/usr/include/ncurses
+CPPFLAGS     ?= -I/usr/include/ncurses
 # Left out -Wconversion due to noise in glibc headers.
@@ -102,11 +102,11 @@ PKG_CFLAGS   := -fno-common -ffast-math 
   -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes
 # Note that some stuff below is conditional on CFLAGS containing
 # an option that starts with "-g". (-g, -g2, -g3, -ggdb, etc.)
-CFLAGS       := -O2 -s
+CFLAGS       ?= -O2 -s
 PKG_LDFLAGS  := -Wl,-warn-common
-LDFLAGS      :=
+LDFLAGS      ?=
 ############ Add some extra flags if gcc allows
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ check_gcc = $(shell if $(CC) $(ALL_CPPFL
 # i386 and x86-64, mips and mips64, sparc and sparc64, and so on.
 # Failure to do so will cause data corruption.
 m64 := $(call check_gcc,-m64,$(call check_gcc,-mabi=64,))
-ALL_CFLAGS += $(m64)
+#ALL_CFLAGS += $(m64)
 ALL_CFLAGS += $(call check_gcc,-Wdeclaration-after-statement,)
 ALL_CFLAGS += $(call check_gcc,-Wpadded,)
@@ -222,10 +222,16 @@ clean:
 ###### install
 $(BINFILES) : all
-	$(install) --mode a=rx $(notdir $@) $@
+	mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+	for f in $@; do \
+		install -c -m 555 $$(basename $$f) $$f; \
+	done
 $(MANFILES) : all
-	$(install) --mode a=r $(notdir $@) $@
+	mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+	for f in $@; do \
+		install -c -m 444 $$(basename $$f) $$f; \
+	done
 install: $(filter-out $(SKIP) $(addprefix $(DESTDIR),$(SKIP)),$(INSTALL))
 	cd $(usr/bin) && $(ln_f) skill snice