--- ppp-2.4.6.orig/pppd/pppd.h	2014-01-02 05:42:08.000000000 +0100
+++ ppp-2.4.6/pppd/pppd.h	2014-06-06 08:12:44.000000000 +0200
@@ -198,8 +198,8 @@ struct epdisc {
 #define EPD_MAGIC	4
 #define EPD_PHONENUM	5
-typedef void (*notify_func) __P((void *, int));
-typedef void (*printer_func) __P((void *, char *, ...));
+typedef void (*notify_func) (void *, int);
+typedef void (*printer_func) (void *, char *, ...);
 struct notifier {
     struct notifier *next;
@@ -396,34 +396,34 @@ extern int  option_priority;	/* priority
 struct protent {
     u_short protocol;		/* PPP protocol number */
     /* Initialization procedure */
-    void (*init) __P((int unit));
+    void (*init) (int unit);
     /* Process a received packet */
-    void (*input) __P((int unit, u_char *pkt, int len));
+    void (*input) (int unit, u_char *pkt, int len);
     /* Process a received protocol-reject */
-    void (*protrej) __P((int unit));
+    void (*protrej) (int unit);
     /* Lower layer has come up */
-    void (*lowerup) __P((int unit));
+    void (*lowerup) (int unit);
     /* Lower layer has gone down */
-    void (*lowerdown) __P((int unit));
+    void (*lowerdown) (int unit);
     /* Open the protocol */
-    void (*open) __P((int unit));
+    void (*open) (int unit);
     /* Close the protocol */
-    void (*close) __P((int unit, char *reason));
+    void (*close) (int unit, char *reason);
     /* Print a packet in readable form */
-    int  (*printpkt) __P((u_char *pkt, int len, printer_func printer,
-			  void *arg));
+    int  (*printpkt) (u_char *pkt, int len, printer_func printer,
+			  void *arg);
     /* Process a received data packet */
-    void (*datainput) __P((int unit, u_char *pkt, int len));
+    void (*datainput) (int unit, u_char *pkt, int len);
     bool enabled_flag;		/* 0 iff protocol is disabled */
     char *name;			/* Text name of protocol */
     char *data_name;		/* Text name of corresponding data protocol */
     option_t *options;		/* List of command-line options */
     /* Check requested options, assign defaults */
-    void (*check_options) __P((void));
+    void (*check_options) (void);
     /* Configure interface for demand-dial */
-    int  (*demand_conf) __P((int unit));
+    int  (*demand_conf) (int unit);
     /* Say whether to bring up link for this pkt */
-    int  (*active_pkt) __P((u_char *pkt, int len));
+    int  (*active_pkt) (u_char *pkt, int len);
 /* Table of pointers to supported protocols */
@@ -440,25 +440,25 @@ struct channel {
 	/* set of options for this channel */
 	option_t *options;
 	/* find and process a per-channel options file */
-	void (*process_extra_options) __P((void));
+	void (*process_extra_options) (void);
 	/* check all the options that have been given */
-	void (*check_options) __P((void));
+	void (*check_options) (void);
 	/* get the channel ready to do PPP, return a file descriptor */
-	int  (*connect) __P((void));
+	int  (*connect) (void);
 	/* we're finished with the channel */
-	void (*disconnect) __P((void));
+	void (*disconnect) (void);
 	/* put the channel into PPP `mode' */
-	int  (*establish_ppp) __P((int));
+	int  (*establish_ppp) (int);
 	/* take the channel out of PPP `mode', restore loopback if demand */
-	void (*disestablish_ppp) __P((int));
+	void (*disestablish_ppp) (int);
 	/* set the transmit-side PPP parameters of the channel */
-	void (*send_config) __P((int, u_int32_t, int, int));
+	void (*send_config) (int, u_int32_t, int, int);
 	/* set the receive-side PPP parameters of the channel */
-	void (*recv_config) __P((int, u_int32_t, int, int));
+	void (*recv_config) (int, u_int32_t, int, int);
 	/* cleanup on error or normal exit */
-	void (*cleanup) __P((void));
+	void (*cleanup) (void);
 	/* close the device, called in children after fork */
-	void (*close) __P((void));
+	void (*close) (void);
 extern struct channel *the_channel;
@@ -483,117 +483,117 @@ extern struct userenv *userenv_list;
 /* Procedures exported from main.c. */
-void set_ifunit __P((int));	/* set stuff that depends on ifunit */
-void detach __P((void));	/* Detach from controlling tty */
-void die __P((int));		/* Cleanup and exit */
-void quit __P((void));		/* like die(1) */
-void novm __P((char *));	/* Say we ran out of memory, and die */
-void timeout __P((void (*func)(void *), void *arg, int s, int us));
+void set_ifunit (int);	/* set stuff that depends on ifunit */
+void detach (void);	/* Detach from controlling tty */
+void die (int);		/* Cleanup and exit */
+void quit (void);		/* like die(1) */
+void novm (char *);	/* Say we ran out of memory, and die */
+void timeout (void (*func)(void *), void *arg, int s, int us);
 				/* Call func(arg) after s.us seconds */
-void untimeout __P((void (*func)(void *), void *arg));
+void untimeout (void (*func)(void *), void *arg);
 				/* Cancel call to func(arg) */
-void record_child __P((int, char *, void (*) (void *), void *, int));
-pid_t safe_fork __P((int, int, int));	/* Fork & close stuff in child */
-int  device_script __P((char *cmd, int in, int out, int dont_wait));
+void record_child (int, char *, void (*) (void *), void *, int);
+pid_t safe_fork (int, int, int);	/* Fork & close stuff in child */
+int  device_script (char *cmd, int in, int out, int dont_wait);
 				/* Run `cmd' with given stdin and stdout */
-pid_t run_program __P((char *prog, char **args, int must_exist,
-		       void (*done)(void *), void *arg, int wait));
+pid_t run_program (char *prog, char **args, int must_exist,
+		       void (*done)(void *), void *arg, int wait);
 				/* Run program prog with args in child */
-void reopen_log __P((void));	/* (re)open the connection to syslog */
-void print_link_stats __P((void)); /* Print stats, if available */
-void reset_link_stats __P((int)); /* Reset (init) stats when link goes up */
-void update_link_stats __P((int)); /* Get stats at link termination */
-void script_setenv __P((char *, char *, int));	/* set script env var */
-void script_unsetenv __P((char *));		/* unset script env var */
-void new_phase __P((int));	/* signal start of new phase */
-void add_notifier __P((struct notifier **, notify_func, void *));
-void remove_notifier __P((struct notifier **, notify_func, void *));
-void notify __P((struct notifier *, int));
-int  ppp_send_config __P((int, int, u_int32_t, int, int));
-int  ppp_recv_config __P((int, int, u_int32_t, int, int));
-const char *protocol_name __P((int));
-void remove_pidfiles __P((void));
-void lock_db __P((void));
-void unlock_db __P((void));
+void reopen_log (void);	/* (re)open the connection to syslog */
+void print_link_stats (void); /* Print stats, if available */
+void reset_link_stats (int); /* Reset (init) stats when link goes up */
+void update_link_stats (int); /* Get stats at link termination */
+void script_setenv (char *, char *, int);	/* set script env var */
+void script_unsetenv (char *);		/* unset script env var */
+void new_phase (int);	/* signal start of new phase */
+void add_notifier (struct notifier **, notify_func, void *);
+void remove_notifier (struct notifier **, notify_func, void *);
+void notify (struct notifier *, int);
+int  ppp_send_config (int, int, u_int32_t, int, int);
+int  ppp_recv_config (int, int, u_int32_t, int, int);
+const char *protocol_name (int);
+void remove_pidfiles (void);
+void lock_db (void);
+void unlock_db (void);
 /* Procedures exported from tty.c. */
-void tty_init __P((void));
+void tty_init (void);
 /* Procedures exported from utils.c. */
-void log_packet __P((u_char *, int, char *, int));
+void log_packet (u_char *, int, char *, int);
 				/* Format a packet and log it with syslog */
-void print_string __P((char *, int,  printer_func, void *));
+void print_string (char *, int,  printer_func, void *);
 				/* Format a string for output */
-int slprintf __P((char *, int, char *, ...));		/* sprintf++ */
-int vslprintf __P((char *, int, char *, va_list));	/* vsprintf++ */
-size_t strlcpy __P((char *, const char *, size_t));	/* safe strcpy */
-size_t strlcat __P((char *, const char *, size_t));	/* safe strncpy */
-void dbglog __P((char *, ...));	/* log a debug message */
-void info __P((char *, ...));	/* log an informational message */
-void notice __P((char *, ...));	/* log a notice-level message */
-void warn __P((char *, ...));	/* log a warning message */
-void error __P((char *, ...));	/* log an error message */
-void fatal __P((char *, ...));	/* log an error message and die(1) */
-void init_pr_log __P((const char *, int)); /* initialize for using pr_log */
-void pr_log __P((void *, char *, ...));	/* printer fn, output to syslog */
-void end_pr_log __P((void));	/* finish up after using pr_log */
-void dump_packet __P((const char *, u_char *, int));
+int slprintf (char *, int, char *, ...);		/* sprintf++ */
+int vslprintf (char *, int, char *, va_list);	/* vsprintf++ */
+size_t strlcpy (char *, const char *, size_t);	/* safe strcpy */
+size_t strlcat (char *, const char *, size_t);	/* safe strncpy */
+void dbglog (char *, ...);	/* log a debug message */
+void info (char *, ...);	/* log an informational message */
+void notice (char *, ...);	/* log a notice-level message */
+void warn (char *, ...);	/* log a warning message */
+void error (char *, ...);	/* log an error message */
+void fatal (char *, ...);	/* log an error message and die(1) */
+void init_pr_log (const char *, int); /* initialize for using pr_log */
+void pr_log (void *, char *, ...);	/* printer fn, output to syslog */
+void end_pr_log (void);	/* finish up after using pr_log */
+void dump_packet (const char *, u_char *, int);
 				/* dump packet to debug log if interesting */
-ssize_t complete_read __P((int, void *, size_t));
+ssize_t complete_read (int, void *, size_t);
 				/* read a complete buffer */
 /* Procedures exported from auth.c */
-void link_required __P((int));	  /* we are starting to use the link */
-void start_link __P((int));	  /* bring the link up now */
-void link_terminated __P((int));  /* we are finished with the link */
-void link_down __P((int));	  /* the LCP layer has left the Opened state */
-void upper_layers_down __P((int));/* take all NCPs down */
-void link_established __P((int)); /* the link is up; authenticate now */
-void start_networks __P((int));   /* start all the network control protos */
-void continue_networks __P((int)); /* start network [ip, etc] control protos */
-void np_up __P((int, int));	  /* a network protocol has come up */
-void np_down __P((int, int));	  /* a network protocol has gone down */
-void np_finished __P((int, int)); /* a network protocol no longer needs link */
-void auth_peer_fail __P((int, int));
+void link_required (int);	  /* we are starting to use the link */
+void start_link (int);	  /* bring the link up now */
+void link_terminated (int);  /* we are finished with the link */
+void link_down (int);	  /* the LCP layer has left the Opened state */
+void upper_layers_down (int);/* take all NCPs down */
+void link_established (int); /* the link is up; authenticate now */
+void start_networks (int);   /* start all the network control protos */
+void continue_networks (int); /* start network [ip, etc] control protos */
+void np_up (int, int);	  /* a network protocol has come up */
+void np_down (int, int);	  /* a network protocol has gone down */
+void np_finished (int, int); /* a network protocol no longer needs link */
+void auth_peer_fail (int, int);
 				/* peer failed to authenticate itself */
-void auth_peer_success __P((int, int, int, char *, int));
+void auth_peer_success (int, int, int, char *, int);
 				/* peer successfully authenticated itself */
-void auth_withpeer_fail __P((int, int));
+void auth_withpeer_fail (int, int);
 				/* we failed to authenticate ourselves */
-void auth_withpeer_success __P((int, int, int));
+void auth_withpeer_success (int, int, int);
 				/* we successfully authenticated ourselves */
-void auth_check_options __P((void));
+void auth_check_options (void);
 				/* check authentication options supplied */
-void auth_reset __P((int));	/* check what secrets we have */
-int  check_passwd __P((int, char *, int, char *, int, char **));
+void auth_reset (int);	/* check what secrets we have */
+int  check_passwd (int, char *, int, char *, int, char **);
 				/* Check peer-supplied username/password */
-int  get_secret __P((int, char *, char *, char *, int *, int));
+int  get_secret (int, char *, char *, char *, int *, int);
 				/* get "secret" for chap */
-int  get_srp_secret __P((int unit, char *client, char *server, char *secret,
-    int am_server));
-int  auth_ip_addr __P((int, u_int32_t));
+int  get_srp_secret (int unit, char *client, char *server, char *secret,
+    int am_server);
+int  auth_ip_addr (int, u_int32_t);
 				/* check if IP address is authorized */
-int  auth_number __P((void));	/* check if remote number is authorized */
-int  bad_ip_adrs __P((u_int32_t));
+int  auth_number (void);	/* check if remote number is authorized */
+int  bad_ip_adrs (u_int32_t);
 				/* check if IP address is unreasonable */
 /* Procedures exported from demand.c */
-void demand_conf __P((void));	/* config interface(s) for demand-dial */
-void demand_block __P((void));	/* set all NPs to queue up packets */
-void demand_unblock __P((void)); /* set all NPs to pass packets */
-void demand_discard __P((void)); /* set all NPs to discard packets */
-void demand_rexmit __P((int));	/* retransmit saved frames for an NP */
-int  loop_chars __P((unsigned char *, int)); /* process chars from loopback */
-int  loop_frame __P((unsigned char *, int)); /* should we bring link up? */
+void demand_conf (void);	/* config interface(s) for demand-dial */
+void demand_block (void);	/* set all NPs to queue up packets */
+void demand_unblock (void); /* set all NPs to pass packets */
+void demand_discard (void); /* set all NPs to discard packets */
+void demand_rexmit (int);	/* retransmit saved frames for an NP */
+int  loop_chars (unsigned char *, int); /* process chars from loopback */
+int  loop_frame (unsigned char *, int); /* should we bring link up? */
 /* Procedures exported from multilink.c */
-void mp_check_options __P((void)); /* Check multilink-related options */
-int  mp_join_bundle __P((void));  /* join our link to an appropriate bundle */
-void mp_exit_bundle __P((void));  /* have disconnected our link from bundle */
-void mp_bundle_terminated __P((void));
-char *epdisc_to_str __P((struct epdisc *)); /* string from endpoint discrim. */
-int  str_to_epdisc __P((struct epdisc *, char *)); /* endpt disc. from str */
+void mp_check_options (void); /* Check multilink-related options */
+int  mp_join_bundle (void);  /* join our link to an appropriate bundle */
+void mp_exit_bundle (void);  /* have disconnected our link from bundle */
+void mp_bundle_terminated (void);
+char *epdisc_to_str (struct epdisc *); /* string from endpoint discrim. */
+int  str_to_epdisc (struct epdisc *, char *); /* endpt disc. from str */
 #define mp_bundle_terminated()	/* nothing */
 #define mp_exit_bundle()	/* nothing */
@@ -602,145 +602,145 @@ int  str_to_epdisc __P((struct epdisc *,
 /* Procedures exported from sys-*.c */
-void sys_init __P((void));	/* Do system-dependent initialization */
-void sys_cleanup __P((void));	/* Restore system state before exiting */
-int  sys_check_options __P((void)); /* Check options specified */
-void sys_close __P((void));	/* Clean up in a child before execing */
-int  ppp_available __P((void));	/* Test whether ppp kernel support exists */
-int  get_pty __P((int *, int *, char *, int));	/* Get pty master/slave */
-int  open_ppp_loopback __P((void)); /* Open loopback for demand-dialling */
-int  tty_establish_ppp __P((int));  /* Turn serial port into a ppp interface */
-void tty_disestablish_ppp __P((int)); /* Restore port to normal operation */
-void generic_disestablish_ppp __P((int dev_fd)); /* Restore device setting */
-int  generic_establish_ppp __P((int dev_fd)); /* Make a ppp interface */
-void make_new_bundle __P((int, int, int, int)); /* Create new bundle */
-int  bundle_attach __P((int));	/* Attach link to existing bundle */
-void cfg_bundle __P((int, int, int, int)); /* Configure existing bundle */
-void destroy_bundle __P((void)); /* Tell driver to destroy bundle */
-void clean_check __P((void));	/* Check if line was 8-bit clean */
-void set_up_tty __P((int, int)); /* Set up port's speed, parameters, etc. */
-void restore_tty __P((int));	/* Restore port's original parameters */
-void setdtr __P((int, int));	/* Raise or lower port's DTR line */
-void output __P((int, u_char *, int)); /* Output a PPP packet */
-void wait_input __P((struct timeval *));
+void sys_init (void);	/* Do system-dependent initialization */
+void sys_cleanup (void);	/* Restore system state before exiting */
+int  sys_check_options (void); /* Check options specified */
+void sys_close (void);	/* Clean up in a child before execing */
+int  ppp_available (void);	/* Test whether ppp kernel support exists */
+int  get_pty (int *, int *, char *, int);	/* Get pty master/slave */
+int  open_ppp_loopback (void); /* Open loopback for demand-dialling */
+int  tty_establish_ppp (int);  /* Turn serial port into a ppp interface */
+void tty_disestablish_ppp (int); /* Restore port to normal operation */
+void generic_disestablish_ppp (int dev_fd); /* Restore device setting */
+int  generic_establish_ppp (int dev_fd); /* Make a ppp interface */
+void make_new_bundle (int, int, int, int); /* Create new bundle */
+int  bundle_attach (int);	/* Attach link to existing bundle */
+void cfg_bundle (int, int, int, int); /* Configure existing bundle */
+void destroy_bundle (void); /* Tell driver to destroy bundle */
+void clean_check (void);	/* Check if line was 8-bit clean */
+void set_up_tty (int, int); /* Set up port's speed, parameters, etc. */
+void restore_tty (int);	/* Restore port's original parameters */
+void setdtr (int, int);	/* Raise or lower port's DTR line */
+void output (int, u_char *, int); /* Output a PPP packet */
+void wait_input (struct timeval *);
 				/* Wait for input, with timeout */
-void add_fd __P((int));		/* Add fd to set to wait for */
-void remove_fd __P((int));	/* Remove fd from set to wait for */
-int  read_packet __P((u_char *)); /* Read PPP packet */
-int  get_loop_output __P((void)); /* Read pkts from loopback */
-void tty_send_config __P((int, u_int32_t, int, int));
+void add_fd (int);		/* Add fd to set to wait for */
+void remove_fd (int);	/* Remove fd from set to wait for */
+int  read_packet (u_char *); /* Read PPP packet */
+int  get_loop_output (void); /* Read pkts from loopback */
+void tty_send_config (int, u_int32_t, int, int);
 				/* Configure i/f transmit parameters */
-void tty_set_xaccm __P((ext_accm));
+void tty_set_xaccm (ext_accm);
 				/* Set extended transmit ACCM */
-void tty_recv_config __P((int, u_int32_t, int, int));
+void tty_recv_config (int, u_int32_t, int, int);
 				/* Configure i/f receive parameters */
-int  ccp_test __P((int, u_char *, int, int));
+int  ccp_test (int, u_char *, int, int);
 				/* Test support for compression scheme */
-void ccp_flags_set __P((int, int, int));
+void ccp_flags_set (int, int, int);
 				/* Set kernel CCP state */
-int  ccp_fatal_error __P((int)); /* Test for fatal decomp error in kernel */
-int  get_idle_time __P((int, struct ppp_idle *));
+int  ccp_fatal_error (int); /* Test for fatal decomp error in kernel */
+int  get_idle_time (int, struct ppp_idle *);
 				/* Find out how long link has been idle */
-int  get_ppp_stats __P((int, struct pppd_stats *));
+int  get_ppp_stats (int, struct pppd_stats *);
 				/* Return link statistics */
-void netif_set_mtu __P((int, int)); /* Set PPP interface MTU */
-int  netif_get_mtu __P((int));      /* Get PPP interface MTU */
-int  sifvjcomp __P((int, int, int, int));
+void netif_set_mtu (int, int); /* Set PPP interface MTU */
+int  netif_get_mtu (int);      /* Get PPP interface MTU */
+int  sifvjcomp (int, int, int, int);
 				/* Configure VJ TCP header compression */
-int  sifup __P((int));		/* Configure i/f up for one protocol */
-int  sifnpmode __P((int u, int proto, enum NPmode mode));
+int  sifup (int);		/* Configure i/f up for one protocol */
+int  sifnpmode (int u, int proto, enum NPmode mode);
 				/* Set mode for handling packets for proto */
-int  sifdown __P((int));	/* Configure i/f down for one protocol */
-int  sifaddr __P((int, u_int32_t, u_int32_t, u_int32_t));
+int  sifdown (int);	/* Configure i/f down for one protocol */
+int  sifaddr (int, u_int32_t, u_int32_t, u_int32_t);
 				/* Configure IPv4 addresses for i/f */
-int  cifaddr __P((int, u_int32_t, u_int32_t));
+int  cifaddr (int, u_int32_t, u_int32_t);
 				/* Reset i/f IP addresses */
 #ifdef INET6
 int  ether_to_eui64(eui64_t *p_eui64);	/* convert eth0 hw address to EUI64 */
-int  sif6addr __P((int, eui64_t, eui64_t));
+int  sif6addr (int, eui64_t, eui64_t);
 				/* Configure IPv6 addresses for i/f */
-int  cif6addr __P((int, eui64_t, eui64_t));
+int  cif6addr (int, eui64_t, eui64_t);
 				/* Remove an IPv6 address from i/f */
-int  sifdefaultroute __P((int, u_int32_t, u_int32_t));
+int  sifdefaultroute (int, u_int32_t, u_int32_t);
 				/* Create default route through i/f */
-int  cifdefaultroute __P((int, u_int32_t, u_int32_t));
+int  cifdefaultroute (int, u_int32_t, u_int32_t);
 				/* Delete default route through i/f */
-int  sifproxyarp __P((int, u_int32_t));
+int  sifproxyarp (int, u_int32_t);
 				/* Add proxy ARP entry for peer */
-int  cifproxyarp __P((int, u_int32_t));
+int  cifproxyarp (int, u_int32_t);
 				/* Delete proxy ARP entry for peer */
-u_int32_t GetMask __P((u_int32_t)); /* Get appropriate netmask for address */
-int  lock __P((char *));	/* Create lock file for device */
-int  relock __P((int));		/* Rewrite lock file with new pid */
-void unlock __P((void));	/* Delete previously-created lock file */
-void logwtmp __P((const char *, const char *, const char *));
+u_int32_t GetMask (u_int32_t); /* Get appropriate netmask for address */
+int  lock (char *);	/* Create lock file for device */
+int  relock (int);		/* Rewrite lock file with new pid */
+void unlock (void);	/* Delete previously-created lock file */
+void logwtmp (const char *, const char *, const char *);
 				/* Write entry to wtmp file */
-int  get_host_seed __P((void));	/* Get host-dependent random number seed */
-int  have_route_to __P((u_int32_t)); /* Check if route to addr exists */
+int  get_host_seed (void);	/* Get host-dependent random number seed */
+int  have_route_to (u_int32_t); /* Check if route to addr exists */
 #ifdef PPP_FILTER
-int  set_filters __P((struct bpf_program *pass, struct bpf_program *active));
+int  set_filters (struct bpf_program *pass, struct bpf_program *active);
 				/* Set filter programs in kernel */
 #ifdef IPX_CHANGE
-int  sipxfaddr __P((int, unsigned long, unsigned char *));
-int  cipxfaddr __P((int));
+int  sipxfaddr (int, unsigned long, unsigned char *);
+int  cipxfaddr (int);
-int  get_if_hwaddr __P((u_char *addr, char *name));
-char *get_first_ethernet __P((void));
+int  get_if_hwaddr (u_char *addr, char *name);
+char *get_first_ethernet (void);
 /* Procedures exported from options.c */
-int setipaddr __P((char *, char **, int)); /* Set local/remote ip addresses */
-int  parse_args __P((int argc, char **argv));
+int setipaddr (char *, char **, int); /* Set local/remote ip addresses */
+int  parse_args (int argc, char **argv);
 				/* Parse options from arguments given */
-int  options_from_file __P((char *filename, int must_exist, int check_prot,
-			    int privileged));
+int  options_from_file (char *filename, int must_exist, int check_prot,
+			    int privileged);
 				/* Parse options from an options file */
-int  options_from_user __P((void)); /* Parse options from user's .ppprc */
-int  options_for_tty __P((void)); /* Parse options from /etc/ppp/options.tty */
-int  options_from_list __P((struct wordlist *, int privileged));
+int  options_from_user (void); /* Parse options from user's .ppprc */
+int  options_for_tty (void); /* Parse options from /etc/ppp/options.tty */
+int  options_from_list (struct wordlist *, int privileged);
 				/* Parse options from a wordlist */
-int  getword __P((FILE *f, char *word, int *newlinep, char *filename));
+int  getword (FILE *f, char *word, int *newlinep, char *filename);
 				/* Read a word from a file */
-void option_error __P((char *fmt, ...));
+void option_error (char *fmt, ...);
 				/* Print an error message about an option */
-int int_option __P((char *, int *));
+int int_option (char *, int *);
 				/* Simplified number_option for decimal ints */
-void add_options __P((option_t *)); /* Add extra options */
-void check_options __P((void));	/* check values after all options parsed */
-int  override_value __P((const char *, int, const char *));
+void add_options (option_t *); /* Add extra options */
+void check_options (void);	/* check values after all options parsed */
+int  override_value (const char *, int, const char *);
 				/* override value if permitted by priority */
-void print_options __P((printer_func, void *));
+void print_options (printer_func, void *);
 				/* print out values of all options */
-int parse_dotted_ip __P((char *, u_int32_t *));
+int parse_dotted_ip (char *, u_int32_t *);
  * Hooks to enable plugins to change various things.
-extern int (*new_phase_hook) __P((int));
-extern int (*idle_time_hook) __P((struct ppp_idle *));
-extern int (*holdoff_hook) __P((void));
-extern int (*pap_check_hook) __P((void));
-extern int (*pap_auth_hook) __P((char *user, char *passwd, char **msgp,
+extern int (*new_phase_hook) (int);
+extern int (*idle_time_hook) (struct ppp_idle *);
+extern int (*holdoff_hook) (void);
+extern int (*pap_check_hook) (void);
+extern int (*pap_auth_hook) (char *user, char *passwd, char **msgp,
 				 struct wordlist **paddrs,
-				 struct wordlist **popts));
-extern void (*pap_logout_hook) __P((void));
-extern int (*pap_passwd_hook) __P((char *user, char *passwd));
-extern int (*allowed_address_hook) __P((u_int32_t addr));
-extern void (*ip_up_hook) __P((void));
-extern void (*ip_down_hook) __P((void));
-extern void (*ip_choose_hook) __P((u_int32_t *));
-extern void (*ipv6_up_hook) __P((void));
-extern void (*ipv6_down_hook) __P((void));
+				 struct wordlist **popts);
+extern void (*pap_logout_hook) (void);
+extern int (*pap_passwd_hook) (char *user, char *passwd);
+extern int (*allowed_address_hook) (u_int32_t addr);
+extern void (*ip_up_hook) (void);
+extern void (*ip_down_hook) (void);
+extern void (*ip_choose_hook) (u_int32_t *);
+extern void (*ipv6_up_hook) (void);
+extern void (*ipv6_down_hook) (void);
-extern int (*chap_check_hook) __P((void));
-extern int (*chap_passwd_hook) __P((char *user, char *passwd));
-extern void (*multilink_join_hook) __P((void));
+extern int (*chap_check_hook) (void);
+extern int (*chap_passwd_hook) (char *user, char *passwd);
+extern void (*multilink_join_hook) (void);
 /* Let a plugin snoop sent and received packets.  Useful for L2TP */
-extern void (*snoop_recv_hook) __P((unsigned char *p, int len));
-extern void (*snoop_send_hook) __P((unsigned char *p, int len));
+extern void (*snoop_recv_hook) (unsigned char *p, int len);
+extern void (*snoop_send_hook) (unsigned char *p, int len);
  * Inline versions of get/put char/short/long.