# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# /etc/pam.conf								     #
#									     #
# Last modified by Andrew G. Morgan <morgan@kernel.org>		             #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# $Id$
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# serv.	module	   ctrl	      module [path]	...[args..]		     #
# name	type	   flag							     #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# The PAM configuration file for the `chfn' service
chfn	auth       required   pam_unix.so
chfn	account    required   pam_unix.so
#chfn	password   required   pam_cracklib.so retry=3
chfn	password   required   pam_unix.so shadow md5 use_authtok
# The PAM configuration file for the `chsh' service
chsh	auth       required   pam_unix.so
chsh	account    required   pam_unix.so
#chsh	password   required   pam_cracklib.so retry=3
chsh	password   required   pam_unix.so shadow md5 use_authtok
# The PAM configuration file for the `ftp' service
ftp	auth       requisite  pam_listfile.so \
		item=user sense=deny file=/etc/ftpusers onerr=succeed
ftp	auth       requisite  pam_shells.so
ftp	auth       required   pam_unix.so
ftp	account    required   pam_unix.so
# The PAM configuration file for the `imap' service
imap	auth       required   pam_unix.so
imap	account    required   pam_unix.so
# The PAM configuration file for the `login' service
#login	auth       requisite  pam_securetty.so
login	auth       required   pam_unix.so
login	auth       optional   pam_group.so
login	account    requisite  pam_time.so
login	account    required   pam_unix.so
#login	password   required   pam_cracklib.so retry=3
login	password   required   pam_unix.so shadow md5 use_authtok
login	session    required   pam_unix.so
# The PAM configuration file for the `netatalk' service
netatalk	auth       required   pam_unix.so
netatalk	account    required   pam_unix.so
# The PAM configuration file for the `other' service
other	auth       required   pam_deny.so
other	auth       required   pam_warn.so
other	account    required   pam_deny.so
other	password   required   pam_deny.so
other	password   required   pam_warn.so
other	session    required   pam_deny.so
# The PAM configuration file for the `passwd' service
#passwd	password   requisite  pam_cracklib.so retry=3
passwd	password   required   pam_unix.so shadow md5 use_authtok
# The PAM configuration file for the `rexec' service
rexec	auth       requisite  pam_securetty.so
rexec	auth       requisite  pam_nologin.so
rexec	auth       sufficient pam_rhosts_auth.so
rexec	auth       required   pam_unix.so
rexec	account    required   pam_unix.so
rexec	session    required   pam_unix.so
rexec	session    required   pam_limits.so
# The PAM configuration file for the `rlogin' service
# this application passes control to `login' if it fails
rlogin	auth       requisite  pam_securetty.so
rlogin	auth       requisite  pam_nologin.so
rlogin	auth       required   pam_rhosts_auth.so
rlogin	account    required   pam_unix.so
#rlogin	password   required   pam_cracklib.so retry=3
rlogin	password   required   pam_unix.so shadow md5 use_authtok
rlogin	session    required   pam_unix.so
rlogin	session    required   pam_limits.so
# The PAM configuration file for the `rsh' service
rsh	auth       requisite  pam_securetty.so
rsh	auth       requisite  pam_nologin.so
rsh	auth       sufficient pam_rhosts_auth.so
rsh	auth       required   pam_unix.so
rsh	account    required   pam_unix.so
rsh	session    required   pam_unix.so
rsh	session    required   pam_limits.so
# The PAM configuration file for the `samba' service
samba	auth       required   pam_unix.so
samba	account    required   pam_unix.so
# The PAM configuration file for the `su' service
su	auth       required   pam_wheel.so
su	auth       sufficient pam_rootok.so
su	auth       required   pam_unix.so
su	account    required   pam_unix.so
su	session    required   pam_unix.so
# The PAM configuration file for the `vlock' service
vlock	auth       required   pam_unix.so
# The PAM configuration file for the `xdm' service
xdm	auth       required   pam_unix.so
xdm	account    required   pam_unix.so
# The PAM configuration file for the `xlock' service
xlock	auth       required   pam_unix.so