diff -Nur nss-3.14.1.orig//mozilla/security/nss/config/Makefile nss-3.14.1/mozilla/security/nss/config/Makefile
--- nss-3.14.1.orig//mozilla/security/nss/config/Makefile	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ nss-3.14.1/mozilla/security/nss/config/Makefile	2013-02-01 18:15:55.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+CORE_DEPTH = ../..
+DEPTH      = ../..
+include $(CORE_DEPTH)/coreconf/config.mk
+NSS_MAJOR_VERSION = `grep "NSS_VMAJOR" ../lib/nss/nss.h | awk '{print $$3}'`
+NSS_MINOR_VERSION = `grep "NSS_VMINOR" ../lib/nss/nss.h | awk '{print $$3}'`
+NSS_PATCH_VERSION = `grep "NSS_VPATCH" ../lib/nss/nss.h | awk '{print $$3}'`
+PREFIX = /usr
+all: install libs
+	# Create the nss.pc file
+	mkdir -p $(DIST)/lib/pkgconfig
+	sed -e "s,@prefix@,$(PREFIX)," \
+	    -e "s,@exec_prefix@,\$${prefix}," \
+	    -e "s,@libdir@,\$${prefix}/lib," \
+	    -e "s,@includedir@,\$${prefix}/include/nss," \
+	    nss.pc.in > nss.pc
+	chmod 0644 nss.pc
+	cp nss.pc $(DIST)/lib/pkgconfig
+	# Create the nss-config script
+	mkdir -p $(DIST)/bin
+	sed -e "s,@prefix@,$(PREFIX)," \
+	    nss-config.in > nss-config
+	chmod 0755 nss-config
+	cp nss-config $(DIST)/bin
+dummy: all export install libs
diff -Nur nss-3.14.1.orig//mozilla/security/nss/config/nss-config.in nss-3.14.1/mozilla/security/nss/config/nss-config.in
--- nss-3.14.1.orig//mozilla/security/nss/config/nss-config.in	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ nss-3.14.1/mozilla/security/nss/config/nss-config.in	2013-02-01 18:15:55.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+	cat <<EOF
+Usage: nss-config [OPTIONS] [LIBRARIES]
+	[--prefix[=DIR]]
+	[--exec-prefix[=DIR]]
+	[--includedir[=DIR]]
+	[--libdir[=DIR]]
+	[--version]
+	[--libs]
+	[--cflags]
+Dynamic Libraries:
+	nss
+	nssutil
+	smime
+	ssl
+	softokn
+	exit $1
+if test $# -eq 0; then
+	usage 1 1>&2
+while test $# -gt 0; do
+  case "$1" in
+  -*=*) optarg=`echo "$1" | sed 's/[-_a-zA-Z0-9]*=//'` ;;
+  *) optarg= ;;
+  esac
+  case $1 in
+    --prefix=*)
+      prefix=$optarg
+      ;;
+    --prefix)
+      echo_prefix=yes
+      ;;
+    --exec-prefix=*)
+      exec_prefix=$optarg
+      ;;
+    --exec-prefix)
+      echo_exec_prefix=yes
+      ;;
+    --includedir=*)
+      includedir=$optarg
+      ;;
+    --includedir)
+      echo_includedir=yes
+      ;;
+    --libdir=*)
+      libdir=$optarg
+      ;;
+    --libdir)
+      echo_libdir=yes
+      ;;
+    --version)
+      echo ${major_version}.${minor_version}.${patch_version}
+      ;;
+    --cflags)
+      echo_cflags=yes
+      ;;
+    --libs)
+      echo_libs=yes
+      ;;
+    nss)
+      lib_nss=yes
+      ;;
+    nssutil)
+      lib_nssutil=yes
+      ;;
+    smime)
+      lib_smime=yes
+      ;;
+    ssl)
+      lib_ssl=yes
+      ;;
+    softokn)
+      lib_softokn=yes
+      ;;
+    *)
+      usage 1 1>&2
+      ;;
+  esac
+  shift
+# Set variables that may be dependent upon other variables
+if test -z "$exec_prefix"; then
+    exec_prefix=`pkg-config --variable=exec_prefix nss`
+if test -z "$includedir"; then
+    includedir=`pkg-config --variable=includedir nss`
+if test -z "$libdir"; then
+    libdir=`pkg-config --variable=libdir nss`
+if test "$echo_prefix" = "yes"; then
+    echo $prefix
+if test "$echo_exec_prefix" = "yes"; then
+    echo $exec_prefix
+if test "$echo_includedir" = "yes"; then
+    echo $includedir
+if test "$echo_libdir" = "yes"; then
+    echo $libdir
+if test "$echo_cflags" = "yes"; then
+    echo -I$includedir
+if test "$echo_libs" = "yes"; then
+      libdirs="-L$libdir"
+      if test -n "$lib_nss"; then
+	libdirs="$libdirs -lnss${major_version}"
+      fi
+      if test -n "$lib_nssutil"; then
+        libdirs="$libdirs -lnssutil${major_version}"
+      fi
+      if test -n "$lib_smime"; then
+	libdirs="$libdirs -lsmime${major_version}"
+      fi
+      if test -n "$lib_ssl"; then
+	libdirs="$libdirs -lssl${major_version}"
+      fi
+      if test -n "$lib_softokn"; then
+        libdirs="$libdirs -lsoftokn${major_version}"
+      fi
+      echo $libdirs
diff -Nur nss-3.14.1.orig//mozilla/security/nss/config/nss.pc.in nss-3.14.1/mozilla/security/nss/config/nss.pc.in
--- nss-3.14.1.orig//mozilla/security/nss/config/nss.pc.in	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ nss-3.14.1/mozilla/security/nss/config/nss.pc.in	2013-02-01 18:15:55.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Name: NSS
+Description: Network Security Services
+Requires: nspr >= 4.8
+Cflags: -I${includedir}
diff -Nur nss-3.14.1.orig//mozilla/security/nss/Makefile nss-3.14.1/mozilla/security/nss/Makefile
--- nss-3.14.1.orig//mozilla/security/nss/Makefile	2012-11-14 02:14:07.000000000 +0100
+++ nss-3.14.1/mozilla/security/nss/Makefile	2013-02-01 18:15:52.000000000 +0100
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
 # (7) Execute "local" rules. (OPTIONAL).                              #
-nss_build_all: build_coreconf build_nspr build_dbm all
+nss_build_all: build_coreconf build_dbm all
 nss_clean_all: clobber_coreconf clobber_nspr clobber_dbm clobber
diff -Nur nss-3.14.1.orig//mozilla/security/nss/manifest.mn nss-3.14.1/mozilla/security/nss/manifest.mn
--- nss-3.14.1.orig//mozilla/security/nss/manifest.mn	2012-03-20 15:46:49.000000000 +0100
+++ nss-3.14.1/mozilla/security/nss/manifest.mn	2013-02-01 18:15:55.000000000 +0100
@@ -10,6 +10,6 @@
 RELEASE = nss
-DIRS = lib cmd
+DIRS = lib cmd config