/* * Copyright (c) 2009, Sun Microsystems, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * - Neither the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #if 0 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)rpc_hout.c 1.12 89/02/22 (C) 1987 SMI"; #endif /* * rpc_hout.c, Header file outputter for the RPC protocol compiler */ #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include "rpc_parse.h" #include "rpc_util.h" #include "rpc_output.h" static int undefined2(char *type, char *stop); static void pxdrfuncdecl(char *name, int pointerp); static void pconstdef(definition *def); static void pargdef(definition *def); static void pstructdef(definition *def); static void puniondef(definition *def); static void pdefine(char *name, char *num); static void puldefine(char *name, char *num); static int define_printed(proc_list *stop, version_list *start); static void pprogramdef(definition *def); static void pprocdef(proc_list *proc, version_list *vp, char *addargtype, int server_p, int mode); static void parglist(proc_list *proc, char *addargtype); static void penumdef(definition *def); static void ptypedef(definition *def); /* * Print the C-version of an xdr definition */ void print_datadef(definition *def) { if (def->def_kind == DEF_PROGRAM ) /* handle data only */ return; if (def->def_kind != DEF_CONST) { f_print(fout, "\n"); } switch (def->def_kind) { case DEF_STRUCT: pstructdef(def); break; case DEF_UNION: puniondef(def); break; case DEF_ENUM: penumdef(def); break; case DEF_TYPEDEF: ptypedef(def); break; case DEF_PROGRAM: pprogramdef(def); break; case DEF_CONST: pconstdef(def); break; } if (def->def_kind != DEF_PROGRAM && def->def_kind != DEF_CONST) { pxdrfuncdecl( def->def_name, def->def_kind != DEF_TYPEDEF || !isvectordef(def->def.ty.old_type, def->def.ty.rel)); } } void print_funcdef(definition *def) { switch (def->def_kind) { case DEF_PROGRAM: f_print(fout, "\n"); pprogramdef(def); break; default: break; } } static void pxdrfuncdecl(char *name, int pointerp) { f_print(fout, "#ifdef __cplusplus \n" "extern \"C\" bool_t xdr_%s(XDR *, %s%s);\n" "#elif __STDC__ \n" "extern bool_t xdr_%s(XDR *, %s%s);\n" "#else /* Old Style C */ \n" "bool_t xdr_%s();\n" "#endif /* Old Style C */ \n\n", name, name, pointerp ? "*" : "", name, name, pointerp ? "*" : "", name); } static void pconstdef(definition *def) { pdefine(def->def_name, def->def.co); } /* print out the definitions for the arguments of functions in the header file */ static void pargdef(definition *def) { decl_list *l; version_list *vers; char *name; proc_list *plist; for (vers = def->def.pr.versions; vers != NULL; vers = vers->next) { for(plist = vers->procs; plist != NULL; plist = plist->next) { if (!newstyle || plist->arg_num < 2) { continue; /* old style or single args */ } name = plist->args.argname; f_print(fout, "struct %s {\n", name); for (l = plist->args.decls; l != NULL; l = l->next) { pdeclaration(name, &l->decl, 1, ";\n" ); } f_print(fout, "};\n"); f_print(fout, "typedef struct %s %s;\n", name, name); pxdrfuncdecl(name, 0); f_print( fout, "\n" ); } } } static void pstructdef(definition *def) { decl_list *l; char *name = def->def_name; f_print(fout, "struct %s {\n", name); for (l = def->def.st.decls; l != NULL; l = l->next) { pdeclaration(name, &l->decl, 1, ";\n"); } f_print(fout, "};\n"); f_print(fout, "typedef struct %s %s;\n", name, name); } static void puniondef(definition *def) { case_list *l; char *name = def->def_name; declaration *decl; f_print(fout, "struct %s {\n", name); decl = &def->def.un.enum_decl; if (streq(decl->type, "bool")) { f_print(fout, "\tbool_t %s;\n", decl->name); } else { f_print(fout, "\t%s %s;\n", decl->type, decl->name); } f_print(fout, "\tunion {\n"); for (l = def->def.un.cases; l != NULL; l = l->next) { if (l->contflag == 0) pdeclaration(name, &l->case_decl, 2, ";\n"); } decl = def->def.un.default_decl; if (decl && !streq(decl->type, "void")) { pdeclaration(name, decl, 2, ";\n"); } f_print(fout, "\t} %s_u;\n", name); f_print(fout, "};\n"); f_print(fout, "typedef struct %s %s;\n", name, name); } static void pdefine(char *name, char *num) { f_print(fout, "#define %s %s\n", name, num); } static void puldefine(char *name, char *num) { f_print(fout, "#define %s ((u_int32_t)%s)\n", name, num); } static int define_printed(proc_list *stop, version_list *start) { version_list *vers; proc_list *proc; for (vers = start; vers != NULL; vers = vers->next) { for (proc = vers->procs; proc != NULL; proc = proc->next) { if (proc == stop) { return (0); } else if (streq(proc->proc_name, stop->proc_name)) { return (1); } } } abort(); /* NOTREACHED */ } static void pprogramdef(definition *def) { version_list *vers; proc_list *proc; int i; char *ext; pargdef(def); puldefine(def->def_name, def->def.pr.prog_num); for (vers = def->def.pr.versions; vers != NULL; vers = vers->next) { if (tblflag) { f_print(fout, "extern struct rpcgen_table %s_%s_table[];\n", locase(def->def_name), vers->vers_num); f_print(fout, "extern %s_%s_nproc;\n", locase(def->def_name), vers->vers_num); } puldefine(vers->vers_name, vers->vers_num); /* * Print out 3 definitions, one for ANSI-C, another for C++, * a third for old style C */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (i == 0) { f_print(fout, "\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n"); ext = "extern \"C\" "; } else if (i == 1) { f_print(fout, "\n#elif __STDC__\n"); ext = "extern "; } else { f_print(fout, "\n#else /* Old Style C */ \n"); ext = "extern "; } for (proc = vers->procs; proc != NULL; proc = proc->next) { if (!define_printed(proc, def->def.pr.versions)) { puldefine(proc->proc_name, proc->proc_num); } f_print(fout, "%s", ext); pprocdef(proc, vers, "CLIENT *", 0, i); f_print(fout, "%s", ext); pprocdef(proc, vers, "struct svc_req *", 1, i); } } f_print(fout, "#endif /* Old Style C */ \n"); } } static void pprocdef(proc_list *proc, version_list *vp, char *addargtype, int server_p, int mode) { ptype(proc->res_prefix, proc->res_type, 1); f_print(fout, "* "); if (server_p) pvname_svc(proc->proc_name, vp->vers_num); else pvname(proc->proc_name, vp->vers_num); /* * mode 0 == cplusplus, mode 1 = ANSI-C, mode 2 = old style C */ if (mode == 0 || mode == 1) parglist(proc, addargtype); else f_print(fout, "();\n"); } /* print out argument list of procedure */ static void parglist(proc_list *proc, char *addargtype) { decl_list *dl; f_print(fout, "("); if (proc->arg_num < 2 && newstyle && streq(proc->args.decls->decl.type, "void")) { /* 0 argument in new style: do nothing */ } else { for (dl = proc->args.decls; dl != NULL; dl = dl->next) { ptype(dl->decl.prefix, dl->decl.type, 1); if (!newstyle) f_print(fout, "*"); /* old style passes by reference */ f_print(fout, ", "); } } f_print(fout, "%s);\n", addargtype); } static void penumdef(definition *def) { char *name = def->def_name; enumval_list *l; char *last = NULL; int count = 0; f_print(fout, "enum %s {\n", name); for (l = def->def.en.vals; l != NULL; l = l->next) { f_print(fout, "\t%s", l->name); if (l->assignment) { f_print(fout, " = %s", l->assignment); last = l->assignment; count = 1; } else { if (last == NULL) { f_print(fout, " = %d", count++); } else { f_print(fout, " = %s + %d", last, count++); } } f_print(fout, ",\n"); } f_print(fout, "};\n"); f_print(fout, "typedef enum %s %s;\n", name, name); } static void ptypedef(definition *def) { char *name = def->def_name; char *old = def->def.ty.old_type; char prefix[8]; /* enough to contain "struct ", including NUL */ relation rel = def->def.ty.rel; if (!streq(name, old)) { if (streq(old, "string")) { old = "char"; rel = REL_POINTER; } else if (streq(old, "opaque")) { old = "char"; } else if (streq(old, "bool")) { old = "bool_t"; } if (undefined2(old, name) && def->def.ty.old_prefix) { s_print(prefix, "%s ", def->def.ty.old_prefix); } else { prefix[0] = 0; } f_print(fout, "typedef "); switch (rel) { case REL_ARRAY: f_print(fout, "struct {\n"); f_print(fout, "\tu_int %s_len;\n", name); f_print(fout, "\t%s%s *%s_val;\n", prefix, old, name); f_print(fout, "} %s", name); break; case REL_POINTER: f_print(fout, "%s%s *%s", prefix, old, name); break; case REL_VECTOR: f_print(fout, "%s%s %s[%s]", prefix, old, name, def->def.ty.array_max); break; case REL_ALIAS: f_print(fout, "%s%s %s", prefix, old, name); break; } f_print(fout, ";\n"); } } void pdeclaration(char *name, declaration *dec, int tab, char *separator) { char buf[8]; /* enough to hold "struct ", include NUL */ char *prefix; char *type; if (streq(dec->type, "void")) { return; } tabify(fout, tab); if (streq(dec->type, name) && !dec->prefix) { f_print(fout, "struct "); } if (streq(dec->type, "string")) { f_print(fout, "char *%s", dec->name); } else { prefix = ""; if (streq(dec->type, "bool")) { type = "bool_t"; } else if (streq(dec->type, "opaque")) { type = "char"; } else { if (dec->prefix) { s_print(buf, "%s ", dec->prefix); prefix = buf; } type = dec->type; } switch (dec->rel) { case REL_ALIAS: f_print(fout, "%s%s %s", prefix, type, dec->name); break; case REL_VECTOR: f_print(fout, "%s%s %s[%s]", prefix, type, dec->name, dec->array_max); break; case REL_POINTER: f_print(fout, "%s%s *%s", prefix, type, dec->name); break; case REL_ARRAY: f_print(fout, "struct {\n"); tabify(fout, tab); f_print(fout, "\tu_int %s_len;\n", dec->name); tabify(fout, tab); f_print(fout, "\t%s%s *%s_val;\n", prefix, type, dec->name); tabify(fout, tab); f_print(fout, "} %s", dec->name); break; } } f_print(fout, separator ); } static int undefined2(char *type, char *stop) { list *l; definition *def; for (l = defined; l != NULL; l = l->next) { def = (definition *) l->val; if (def->def_kind != DEF_PROGRAM) { if (streq(def->def_name, stop)) { return (1); } else if (streq(def->def_name, type)) { return (0); } } } return (1); }