// -*- mode:doc; -*- // vim: set syntax=asciidoc: Using OpenADK ------------- OpenADK has a nice configuration tool similar to the one you can find in the http://www.kernel.org/[Linux kernel] or in http://www.busybox.net/[Busybox]. Note that you can *and should build everything as a normal user*. There is no need to be root to configure and use OpenADK. The first step is to run the configuration assistant: -------------------- $ make menuconfig -------------------- For each menu entry in the configuration tool, you can find associated help that describes the purpose of the entry. image::openadk-appliance.png[] First of all you need to choose a new or predefined appliance. This is a collection of different packages and configuration options for a specific appliance. image::openadk-target.png[] After that you can choose your target architecture, your target system and other general stuff. Then you can select individual packages and kernel settings. When you are ready exit and save. You can always redefine the configuration using +make menuconfig+. Once everything is configured, the configuration tool generates a +.config+ file that contains the description of your configuration. It will be used by the Makefiles to do what's needed. Let's go: -------------------- $ make -------------------- You *should never* use +make -jN+ with OpenADK: it does not support 'top-level parallel make'. Instead, use the +ADK_MAKE_JOBS+ option in +Global settings+ to tell OpenADK to run each package compilation with +make -jN+. The `make` command will generally perform the following steps: * download source files * configure, build and install required host tools * configure, build and install the cross-compiling toolchain * build a kernel image, if selected * build/install selected target packages * build a bootloader, if selected * create a root filesystem in selected format OpenADK output is stored in several subdirectories: * +firmware/+ where all the images and packages are stored. * +build_<system>_<libc>_<arch>_<abi>/+ where all the components except for the cross-compilation toolchain are built. The directory contains one subdirectory for each of these components. * +target_<system>_<libc>_<arch>_<abi>/+ which contains a hierarchy similar to a root filesystem hierarchy. This directory contains the installation of the cross-compilation toolchain and all the userspace packages selected for the target. However, this directory is 'not' intended to be the root filesystem for the target: it contains a lot of development files, unstripped binaries and libraries that make it far too big for an embedded system. These development files are used to compile libraries and applications for the target that depend on other libraries. * +root_<system>_<libc>_<arch>_<abi>/+ which contains the complete root filesystem for the target. One exception, it doesn't have the correct permissions (e.g. setuid for the busybox binary) for some files. Therefore, this directory *should not be used on your target*. Instead, you should use one of the images or archives built in the +firmware/+ directory. If you need an extracted image of the root filesystem for booting over NFS, then use the tarball image generated in +firmware/+ and extract it as root. Compared to +build_*/+, +target_*/+ contains only the files and libraries needed to run the selected target applications: the development files are (exception: if any dev packages are selected) not present, the binaries are stripped. * +host_<gnu_host_name>/+ contains the installation of tools compiled for the host that are needed for the proper execution of OpenADK * +host_build_<gnu_host_name>/+ contains the build directories of tools compiled for the host that are needed for the proper execution of OpenADK * +toolchain_<system>_<libc>_<arch>_<abi>>/+ contains just the cross-compilation toolchain. Can be used together with +target_<system>_<libc>_<arch>_<abi>/+ for other projects. Toolchain is relocatable. * +toolchain_build_<system>_<libc>_<arch>_<abi>/+ contains the build directories for the various components of the cross-compilation toolchain. * +pkg_<system>_<libc>_<arch>_<abi>/+ contains stamp files and file lists for the various components. The command, +make menuconfig+ and +make+, are the basic ones that allow to easily and quickly generate images fitting your needs, with all the applications you enabled. More details about the "make" command usage are given in xref:make-tips[].