// -*- mode:doc; -*- // vim: set syntax=asciidoc: [[libc-custom]] Customizing the libc configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just like xref:busybox-custom[BusyBox], http://www.uclibc.org/[uClibc] and http://www.uclibc-ng.org/[uClibc-ng] offering a lot of configuration options. They allow you to select various functionalities depending on your needs and limitations. OpenADK chooses automatically the best configuration regarding resulting code size, standard conformance, portability and GNU libc compatibility. If you still have the requirements to change the default, regenerate a new uClibc/uClibc-ng config from the existing one: ---------------- $ tar xvf dl/uClibc-x.y.z.tar.bz2 $ cd uClibc-x.y.z && patch -p1 <../toolchain/uClibc/patches-x.y.z/*.patch $ cp ../target/<arch>/uclibc.config .config $ make menuconfig ---------------- Make all required changes. Then copy the newly created uClibc configuration back and rebuild your targetsystem, including the toolchain components: ---------------- $ cp .config ../target/<arch>/uclibc.config $ cd .. && make cleandir && make ---------------- The config is shared by uClibc and uClibc-ng. There are no customization options for GNU libc or musl available.