// -*- mode:doc; -*-
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Infrastructure for packages with specific build systems

By 'packages with specific build systems' we mean all the packages whose build
system is not the standard one, speak 'autotools'. This typically includes
packages whose build system is based on hand-written Makefiles or shell


01: # This file is part of the OpenADK project. OpenADK is copyrighted
02: # material, please see the LICENCE file in the top-level directory.
04: include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
06: PKG_NAME:=		libfoo
07: PKG_VERSION:=	1.0
09: PKG_MD5SUM:=	eade38998313c25fd7934719cdf8a2ea
10: PKG_DESCR:=		foo library
11: PKG_SECTION:=	libs
12: PKG_BUILDDEP:=	openssl
13: PKG_DEPENDS:=	libopenssl
14: PKG_URL:=		http://www.libfoo.org/
15: PKG_SITES:=		http://download.libfoo.org/
17: include $(TOPDIR)/mk/package.mk
19: $(eval $(call PKG_template,LIBFOO,libfoo,${PKG_VERSION}-${PKG_RELEASE},${PKG_DEPENDS},${PKG_DESCR},${PKG_SECTION}))
21: CONFIG_STYLE:=		manual
22: BUILD_STYLE:=		manual
23: INSTALL_STYLE:=		manual
25: do-configure:
26:	${CP} ./files/config ${WRKBUILD}/.config
28: do-build:
29:	${MAKE} -C ${WRKBUILD} all
31: do-install:
32:	${INSTALL_DIR} ${IDIR_LIBFOO}/usr/lib
33:	${CP} ${WRKBUILD}/libfoo.so* ${IDIR_LIBFOO}/usr/lib
35: include ${TOPDIR}/mk/pkg-bottom.mk

The Makefile begins with line 4 with the inclusion of the top level rules.mk
file.  After that the Makefile starts on line 6 to 15 with metadata
information: the name of the package (+PKG_NAME+), the version of the package
(+PKG_VERSION+), the release number of the package (+PKG_RELEASE+), which is
used in OpenADK to mark any package updates, the md5 hash of the source archive
(+PKG_MD5SUM+), the short one line description for the package (+PKG_DESCR+),
the package section for the menu configuration system (+PKG_SECTION+), the
package buildtime dependencies (+PKG_BUILDDEP+), the package runtime
dependencies (+PKG_DEPENDS+), the package homepage (+PKG_URL+) and finally the
internet locations at which the tarball can be downloaded from (+PKG_SITES+).
Normally ${PKG_NAME}-${PKG_VERSION}.tar.gz will be downloaded. You can
overwrite the default via the +DISTFILES+ variable. You can add more then one
archive name in +DISTFILES+ via space separated. If you have no source archive
at all, just use the boolean variable +NO_DISTFILES+ and set it to 1.

On line 17 the +mk/package.mk+ file is included, which contains the PKG_template
function, which is used in line 19.

On line 21 to 23 we define that the configuration step, the building and install
steps are manually provided.

On line 25-26 we implement a manual configuration step of the libfoo package
by copying a manually created config file into the build directory.

On line 28-29 we start the compilation process via make.

On line 31-33 we install the shared library into the package installation
directory, which is used to create the resulting binary package or tar archive
for the target.

On line 35 we include +mk/pkg-bottom.mk+, which includes common functions used
by the package fetching and building process.